Page last updated:25/03/14
Workings in yellow are confirmed, workings in white are unconfirmed.
Tuesday 01/01/2013
47579 = ---- 1100 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47579 = ---- 1400 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47580 = ---- 1200 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47580 = ---- 1500 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47790 = 1Z37 0020 Carnforth-Manchester V. Charter.
Other workings
47501 + 47790 t'n't = 5Z37 0130 Manchester V-Crewe CS/ 0Z37 0444 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
Locations on New Years Day:
47194 MBDL Carnforth Steamtown
47237 MBDL Carnforth Steamtown
47245 MBDL Carnforth Steamtown
47270 BREL Carnforth Steamtown
47292 MBDL Hotchley Heath
47355 MBDL Carnforth Steamtown
47375 NRLO Meldon Quarry
47402 MBDL Heywood
47484 TTLS Sutton Coldfield
47488 NRLS Burton Wetmore Sidings
47492 MBDL Carnforth Steamtown
47500 MBDL Southall Depot
47501 XHAC Crewe Gresty Bridge
47580 MBDL Wymondham
47596 MBDL Dereham
47640 NRLS Derby RTC
47643 RAJV Bo'ness
47701 MBDL Meldon Quarry
47703 HNRL Burton Wetmore Sidings
47712 XHSS Crewe CS
47714 HNRL Old Dalby
47715 MBDL Wensledale
47727 COLO Cardiff Canton
47739 COLO Washwood Heath
47744 NRLS Burton Wetmore Sidings
47746 MBDL Carnforth Steamtown
47747 XHHP Crewe Gresty Bridge
47749 COLO Cardiff Canton
47760 MBDL Carnforth Steamtown
47761 MBDL Butterley
47765 MBDL Hotchley Heath
47768 MBDL Carnforth Steamtown
47769 RTLO Crewe HS
47772 MBDL Carnforth Steamtown
47773 MBDL Tyseley
47776 MBDL Carnforth Steamtown
47786 MBDL Carnforth Steamtown
47787 MBDL Carnforth Steamtown
47790 XHAC Crewe Gresty Bridge
47791 XHHP OFF T.O.P.S. (Barrow Hill?)
47798 MBDL York Fuel Point
47802 XHAC Norwich CP
47804 MBDL Southall Depot
47805 XHAC Crewe Gresty Bridge
47810 XHAC Crewe Gresty Bridge
47811 DFLH Crewe Basford Hall
47812 RTLO Crewe CS
47813 XHAC Crewe Gresty Bridge
47815 RTLO Eastleigh
47816 DFLH Crewe Basford Hall
47818 XHAC Willesden Brent
47826 MBDL Carnforth Steamtown
47828 XHAC Norwich CP
47829 HNRS Cree Gresty Bridge
47830 DFLH Barrow Hill
47832 XHAC Crewe Gresty Bridge
47839 XHHP Eastleigh
47840 MBDL Minehead
47841 XHAC Crewe Gresty Bridge
47843 RTLO Crewe Fuel Depot
47847 RTLO Crewe HS
47848 RTLO Crewe HS
47851 MBDL Carnforth Steamtown
47853 XHAC Crewe Gresty Bridge
47854 MBDL Carnforth Steamtown
47150/47525/47707/47709 & 47716 have been removed from tops since last year.
47596 has reappeared on TOPS been added to the MBDL pool.
Wednesday 02/01/2013
47579 = ---- 1100 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47579 = ---- 1400 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1200 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47596 = ---- 1500 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
Other workings
47501 + 47853 = 5Z42 0930 Crewe CSFL-Derby RTC/ 0Z42 1202 Derby RTC-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47828 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings.
Thursday 03/01/2013
Other workings
47500 + steam = 5Z57 0956 Southall Depot-Carnforth Depot)500).
All WCRC's operational loco's moved into a new AWCA pool today. 47's in this pool are 47237/245/270/500/760/786/826/851 & 854.
Also 47194/355/492/746/768/772/776 & 787 move into AWCX for WCRC's non-servicable 47's
Friday 04/01/2013
Other workings
47790 + 47832 + 37218 + 37609 = 0Z47 0921 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Carlisle Kingmoor.
47818 = 0Z37 1010 Willesden Brent-Eastleigh Yard.
47818 + 57010 + 57307 = 0Z38 1430 Eastleigh Yard-Willesden Brent.
47828 = 0P90 1450 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
Saturday 05/01/2013
47402 = 2J57 1130 Heywood-Rawtenstall.
47402 = 2J62 1245 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = 2J63 1400 Heywood-Rawtenstall.
47402 = 2H69 1620 Heywood-Bury.
47802 = 1Z01 1120 Norwich-Peterborough from Ely. Additional.
47802 = 1Z02 1810 Peterborough-Norwich from Ely. Additional.
47828 = 1Z01 1120 Norwich-Peterborough to Ely. Additional.
47828 = 1Z02 1810 Peterborough-Norwich to Ely. Additional.
Other workings
47402 + 55016 = 2G51 0930 Bury-Rawtenstall(55)/ 2J56 1015 Rawtenstall-Heywood(55).
47402 + D9531 t'n't = 2J68 1515 Rawtenstall-Heywood(D9531).
47802 + 47828 t'n't = 5G01 1332 Peterborough-Ely Reception Sidings(828)/ 5G02 1717 Ely Reception Sidings-Peterborough(802).
Sunday 06/01/2013
Monday 07/01/2013
Other workings
47727 + 47749 = 0Z94 0736 Cardiff Riverside-Washwood Heath.
47802 = 0F03 0F03 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings.
Tuesday 08/01/2013
Other workings
47727 = 6E07 1340 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47818 + 57010 + 57307 = 0Z47 0934 Willesden Brent Sidings-Gresty Bridge(818).
47828 = 0Z47 1840 Norwich CP-Stowmarket DGL.
47828 + 66422 t'n't = 0Z81 1906 Stowmarket DGL-Whitemoor Yard/ 6Z81 2207 Whitemoor Yard-Manningtree East Jn(828 a loaded rail train).
47829 was still at Booths scrapyard three days ago albeit heavily stripped by now.
Wednesday 09/01/2013
Other workings
47501 + 47813 t'n't = 0Z45 0745 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe HS/ 5Z45 0900 Crewe HS-Sideway Loop to Macclesfield & terminated(813)/ 5Z46 1358 Macclesfield-Crewe HS(501)/ 0Z46 1711 Crewe HS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47727 = 6E07 1340 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47828 + 66422 t'n't = 6Z81 0445 Manningtree East Jn-Whitemoor Yard(66).
47828 = 0Z81 0800 (at 0603) Whitemoor Yard-Stowmarket Loop.
Thursday 10/01/2013
Other workings
47501 + 47818 t'n't = 0Z45 0745 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe HS/ 5Z45 0900 Crewe HS-Sideway Loop via Liverpool and Manchester V(818 to Liverpool then 501)/ 5Z46 1339 Sideway Loop-Crewe HS/ 0Z46 1711 Crewe HS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47727 = 6E07 1340 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47804 = 0Z47 0930 Southall depot-Washwood Heath.
47804 + 86259 = 0Z86 1440 Washwood Heath-Southall Depot.
Friday 11/01/2013
Other workings
47501 + 47818 t'n't = 0Z45 0745 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe HS/ 5Z45 0900 Crewe HS-Sideway Loop via Liverpool and Manchester V(501 to Liverpool then 818)/ 5Z46 1339 Sideway Loop-Crewe HS via Manchester V and Warrington BQ/ 0Z46 1711 Crewe HS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47727 = 6E07 1340 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47810 = 0Z94 1008 Gresty Bridge-Crewe DMD/ 5Z94 1126 Crewe DMD-Carlisle Kingmoor.
Saturday 12/01/2013
Other workings
47802 = 0P86 2050 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
Sunday 13/01/2013
Monday 14/01/2013
Other workings
47237 + 47786 (t'n't?)= 5Z47 0950 Carnforth-Tyseley (then see 47786 alone below).
47501 + 47818 t'n't = 0Z45 0745 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe HS/ 5Z45 0900 Crewe HS-Sideway Loop via Liverpool and Manchester V(501 to Liverpool then 818)/ 5Z46 1339 Sideway Loop-Crewe HS via Manchester V and Warrington BQ/ 0Z46 1711 Crewe HS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47727 = 6E07 1356 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47786 = 0Z47 1547 Tyseley TMD-Southall depot.
47810 = set off on 5Z47 0610 Carlisle Kingmoor-Carlisle Kingmoor alone but only went to Carlisle station before returning to Kingmoor. Then see 47790 + 47810 below...
47790 + 47810 t'n't = delayed 5Z47 0610 Carlisle Kingmoor-Carlisle Kingmoor via Tebay Preston***(reverse) Tebay***(790 to Preston then 810 north **not** via Workington)/ 5Z48 1405 Carlisle Kingmoor-Carlisle Kingmoor via Workington Barrow Carnforth Goods Loop(reverse) Tebay(790 to Carnforth then 810).
47828 = 0P47 1902 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
Tuesday 15/01/2013
Other workings
47501 + 47818 = 0Z45 0745 Gresty Bridge-Crewe DMD/ 5Z45 0900 Crewe DMD-Liverpool(reverse)-Manchester V-Stoke Sideway Loop(501 to Liverpool then 818)/ 5Z46 1327 Stoke Sideway Loop-Crewe DMD via Manchester V and Warrington BQ/ 0Z46 1711 Crewe DMD-Gresty Bridge.
47727 = 6E07 1356 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47786 + 47804 = 8Y99 0035 Tonbridge-Faversham via Ashford Dover Canterbury East/ 8Y99 0251 Faversham-Tonbridge via Dover and Ashford/ 8Y99 1922 Tonbridge-Tonebridge via Ashford Int-Dover Priory-Gillingham Kent-Dover Priory-Ashford Int.
47790 + 47810 t'n't = 5Z47 0610 Carlisle Kingmoor-Carlisle Kingmoor via Tebay Carnforth Goods Loop(reverse) Barrow Workington(810 to Carnforth - heavily delayed then 790)/ 5Z48 1405 Carlisle Kingmoor-Carlisle Kingmoor via Workington Barrow Carnforth Goods Loop(reverse) Tebay(810 to Carnforth then 790).
47828 = 0F05 0735 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings.
47786 and 47804 were hauling vehicles 7095940125 and 7095940018 which are part of a 'snow train' which first entered service at the start of 2012 and normally hauled by Network Rail 57s (47s vice 57s?...).
47804 had been the only WCR loco not at Carnforth though 237 and 786 worked an ECS to Tyseley yesterday after which 786 continued then light to Southall. 786 + 804 worked a currently unknown move from there to Tonbridge depot.
Wednesday 16/01/2013
Other workings
47501 + 47853 t'n't = 0Z45 0745 Gresty Bridge-Crewe DMD/ 5Z45 0900 Crewe DMD-Liverpool(reverse)-Manchester V-Stoke-Sideway Loop(853 to Liverpool then 501)/ 5Z46 1327 Stoke Sideway Loop-Crewe DMD via Manchester V and Warrington BQ/ 0Z46 1711 Crewe DMD-Gresty Bridge.
47727 = 6E07 1401 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47786 + 47804 = 8Y99 0100 Tonbridge-Ashford via Swanley(reverse) and Maidstone East/ 8Y99 0239 Ashford-Tonbridge via Maidstone East Swanley(reverse) Gillingham(reverse) and Swanley(reverse)/ 0Z47 1303 Tonbridge-St Leonards/ 0Z47 1635 St Leonards-Tonbridge/ 8Y99 1922 Tonbridge-Tonbridge via Dover Priory(786 to Gillingham then 804).
47790 + 47810 t'n't = 5Z47 0610 Carlisle Kingmoor-Carlisle Kingmoor via Tebay Carnforth Goods Loop(reverse) Barrow Workington/ 5Z48 1405 Carlisle Kingmoor-Carlisle Kingmoor via Workington Barrow Carnforth Goods Loop(reverse) Tebay(810 to Carnforth then 790).
Thursday 17/01/2013
Other workings
47245 = 0Z47 1850 Carnforth-Crewe.
47501 + 47853 t'n't = 0Z45 0745 Gresty Bridge-Crewe DMD/ 5Z45 0900 Crewe DMD-Liverpool(reverse)-Manchester V-Stoke Sideway Loop/ 5Z46 1327 Stoke Sideway Loop-Crewe DMD via Manchester V and Warrington BQ/ 0Z46 1711 Crewe DMD-Gresty Bridge.
47727 = 6E07 1436 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47739 = 0Z39 1418 Washwood Heath-Tyseley.
47786 + 47804 = 8Y99 1922 Tonbridge-Tonbridge via Dover Priory-Canterbury East-Gillingham(reverse)-Canterbury East-Dover Priory.
47810 = 5Z50 0610 Carlisle Kingmoor-CreweHS.
47828 = 0P86 2130 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
Friday 18/01/2013
Other workings
47245 = 0Z47 0947 Crewe-Stockport/ 0Z99 1840 Stockport-Sheffield/ 0Z99 1932 Sheffield-Stockport.
47501 + 47853 t'n't = 0Z45 0745 Gresty Bridge-Crewe DMD/ 5Z45 0900 Crewe DMD-Liverpool(reverse)-Manchester V-Stoke Sideway Loop(853 to Liverpool then 501)/ 5Z46 1339 Stoke Sideway Loop-Crewe DMD via Manchester V and Warrington BQ/ 0Z46 1711 Crewe DMD-Gresty Bridge.
47727 = 6E07 1356 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47786 + 47804 = 8Y99 0030 Tonbridge Yard-Tonbridge Yard via Hastings-Tonbridge-Grove Park(reverse)-Otford-Tonbridge/ 8Y99 0630 Tonbridge Yard-Tonbridge Yard via Redhill(reverse) Hastings(reverse) back to Tonbridge(may have then carried on to Dover and back)/ 8Y99 2000 Tonbridge Yard-Tonbridge Yard via Hastings-Tonbridge-Rochester-Victoria-Swanley-Ashford International-Swanley
47828 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings/ 0P90 1448 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
47245 was at Stockport in snowploughing standby at 1335 today.
8Y99 notes changed the 0030 trip did not visit Rochester Victoria or Ashford International and finished at 0338 rather than 0849. Additional trip at 0630 added.
Saturday 19/01/2013
Other workings
47245 = 0Z99 0200 Stockport-Sheffield/ 0Z99 0300 Sheffield-Stockport/ 0Z99 '0330' Stockport-Crewe.
47500 + 57601 t'n't = 5Z47 1000 Carnforth Steamtown-Ardwick TMD.
47727 = 6E07 1136 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 1720 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47786 + 47804 = 8Y99 0030 Tonbridge Yard-Tonbridge Yard via Tunbridge Wells-Hastings(reverse)-Tunbridge Wells-Orpington-Bromley South-Victoria & Swanley/ 8Y99 0700 Tonbridge Yard-Tonbridge Yard via Hastings-Grove Park-Rochester & Bromley South(don't think it went to Victoria and Ashford after this as originally booked to).
8Y99 missed a few bits from its booked schedule during the night and day the notes above take this in to account.
Sunday 20/01/2013
Monday 21/01/2013
Other workings
47237 + 57601 t'n't = 5Z57 1705 Tyseley depot-Carnforth Steamtown(57).
47727 + 47739 = 6E07 1355 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks(727 leading 739 either in tow or in multiple)/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47828 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings/ 0P90 1448 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
Tuesday 22/01/2013
Other workings
47739 = 6E07 1355 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47786 + 47804 = a trip from Tonbridge Yard approx lunchtime. Details unknown but possibly to St Leonards for fuel???.
47828 = 0F03 0715 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings/ 0P90 2023 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
Wednesday 23/01/2013
Other workings
47500 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z47 1328 Ardwick depot-Carnforth Steamtown(854 to Ordsall Jn see notes below).
47579 = hauled by 47580 from Dereham to Mid Norfolk Railway's Network Rail boundary and then 579 returned to Dereham alone.
47580 = 0Z47 1425 Dereham-Doncaster TMD with 47579 in tow to Mid Norfolk Railway's Network Rail boundary.
47739 = 6E07 1355 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks via Leicester.
47828 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings.
47854 + 57006 = 5Z57 0950 Carnforth Steamtown-Ardwick depot(57).
47500 on the rear of 5Z47 derailed at Ordsall Jn Manchester shortly after 1430 and caught fire at the number 2 end of the loco. The fire itself had been put out by 1500 with fire brigade present on the scene. 47854 had been hauling the train
47739's 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath return train was cancelled.
Thursday 24/01/2013
Other workings
47245 = '0T47 0800 Stockport-Carlisle'.
47245 + 33029 t'n't = 0Z86 0501 Carlisle-Willesden sandwiched by 86101 + 87002 which had pantographs raised for ice breaking(245)/ 0Z87 1705 Willesden-Carlisle to Carnforth UDGL(245 hauling to Carnforth where the WCR locos were removed).
47727 = 0E07 1500 Washwood Heath-Boston.
47739 = 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47786 + 47804 = 8Y99 2105 Tonbridge Yard-Swanley via Rochester-Ramsgate-Rochester (arr Swanley 0207 25/01).
47828 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings.
47854 = 5Z47 (continuation of) from Ordsall Jn-Carnforth Steamtown during the night.
47580 is now at Doncaster works where it will be until next Weds and is being used to test the electric train supply on mk4 carriages. On Weds 30th it is expected to run to Weardale and from there back to Dereham with some coaching stock.
Friday 25/01/2013
Other workings
47245 = 0Z47 1500 Carnforth Steamtown-Crewe/ 0Z47 2355 Manchester P-Carnforth Steamtown.
47727 = 0M08 1352 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47739 = 6E07 1355 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47786 + 47804 t'n't = 1Y91 1530 Tonbridge West Yard-Tonbridge West Yard to Redhill low on power and back. Charter???
47828 = 0P90 1448 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
47500 had been re-railed during Thurs evening and then relocated to the siding which used to lead in to the Museum of Science and Industry which is no longer connected to the National Rail network but is right by Ordsall Lane Jn where Weds derailment occurred. It was possibly only relocated this morning rather than last night Network Rail having posted to Twitter at midday that the loco had been moved.
Saturday 26/01/2013
Other workings
47786 + 47804 = 0Z47 1115 Tonbridge West Yard-Southall depot.
47854 + 2xSteam t'n't = 5Z70 0320 Carnforth Steamtown-Manchester V(854 to Thorpes Bridge Jn via Manchester V then steam back to Manchester V)/ 1Z70 0743 Manchester V-Carlisle(steam)/ 1Z71 1439 Carlisle-Manchester V(steam).
47854 + 57601 t'n't = 5Z71 2xxx Manchester V-Carnforth Steamtown(57601?).
47500 was still at Ordsall Jn in the Museum siding at 1500 this afternoon. It would appear that the museum is now connected to the mainline again as 500 is further inside now.
Sunday 27/01/2013
Monday 28/01/2013
Other workings
47727 = 6E07 1356 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47828 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings/ 0P90 1448 Colchester SIdings-Norwich CP.
Tuesday 29/01/2013
Other workings
47245 + 47854 t'n't = 0Z47 0800 Carnforth-Tyseley(854)/ 5Z47 1607 Tyseley-Carnforth.
47727 = 6E07 1439 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47828 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings/ 0P90 1448 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
Wednesday 30/01/2013
Other workings
47237 + 47245 t'n't = 5Zxx xxxx Carnforth Steamtown-Ardwick TMD(245).
47237 + 57006 t'n't = 5Zxx xxxx Ardwick TMD-Carnforth Steamtown(237).
47739 = 6E07 1402 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47802 = 0V93 0843 Norwich CP-Ilford EMD/ 0Z00 1600 Ilford EMD-Stowmarket Loop.
47828 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings/ 0P86 2020 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
Thursday 31/01/2013
Other workings
47237 + 33029 = 5Z42 1123 Carnforth Depot-Southall Depot(237).
47727 = 0Z47 1340 Washwood Heath-Nuneaton/ 0Z47 1451 Nuneaton-Washwood Heath/ 6E07 1356 (at 1549) Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47749 = 0Z56 1600 Washwood Heath-Tyseley TMD/ 0Z47 1736 Tyseley TMD-Washwood Heath.
47802 = 0Z21 0920 Stowmarket Loop-Cliffe Hill Stud Farm Quarry/ 0Z22 1424 Cliffe Hill Stud Farm Quarry-Stowmarket Loop.
47828 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings/ 0P86 2020 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
Credits: 31466, 47114, AN, Steve B, Bamber, Mark Barber, Supersonic Boogie, Bob C, Dave C, Shaun C, Philip Cribbin, Crumb, Driff47844, Mr Grumpy, M.Hayman, Mick Hirst, JN, Steve Kibble, Richard Levett, Colin Makcrow, Kevin Melia, Terry O, Rob46010, Runcorn, Tim Hall Smith.
Page last updated:25/03/14
Workings in yellow are confirmed, workings in white are unconfirmed.
Friday 01/02/2013
Other workings
47245 + 37516 = 0Z37 0925 Carnforth Steamtown-Ardwick TMD/ 5Z37 1330 Ardwick TMD-Carnforth Steamtown.
47727 = 6E07 1402 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47749 = 0Z47 1600 Washwood Heath-Tyseley TMD.
47749 + 56105 = 0Z56 1736 Tyseley TMD-Washwood Heath.
47802 = 0Z47 1237 Stowmarket DGL-Norwich CP.
47828 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings/ 0P90 1500 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
Saturday 02/02/2013
Other workings
47804 = 5Z86 0500 Southall Depot-Euston/ 5Z89 2246 Euston-Southall Depot.
47818 = 0Z47 1404 Crewe Gresty Crewe-Washwood Heath.
Sunday 03/02/2013
Monday 04/02/2013
Other workings
47580 = 0Z35 1246 Doncaster West Yard-Wolsingham Coal Handling Point.
47727 = 0Z47 0542 Washwood Heath-Llanwern Exchange Sidings/ 6Z36 0910 Llanwern Exhange Sidings-Long Marston/ 6Z37 1620 Long Marston-Llanwren Exchange Sidings.
47802 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings.
47818 = 6E07 1402 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47828 + 90003 = 0Z47 0907 Norwich CP-Crewe IEMD via Camden(828)/ '0Z00 1700' Crewe IEMD-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47853 + 20308 + 20312 = 0Z20 1152 Crewe Gresty Bridge-York PSD(853)/ 0Z20 1915 York-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard(20s)/ 6Z20 2230 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-Armley Jn(853).
Tuesday 05/02/2013
Other workings
47237 + 47786 + 33029 = 0Z47 1204 Southall Depot-Carnforth Steamtown.
47580 = 5Z47 0850 Wolsingham Coal Handling Point-Dereham.
47727 = 6Z36 0910 Llanwren Exchange Sidings-Long Marston/ 0Z36 1500 Long Marston-Washwood Heath.
47804 = 0Z86 0950 Southall Depot-Wembley Carriage Sidings/ 0Z87 1435 Wembley Carriage Sidings-Southall Depot.
47818 = 6E07 1402 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47853 + 20308 + 20312 = 6Z20 0553 Armley Jn-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard(20s)/ 6Z20 2230 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-Armley Jn(853).
Wednesday 06/02/2013
Other workings
47245 = 5Z47 1055 Carnforth Steamtown-Southall depot.
47727 = 6E07 1356 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47760 + steam t'n't = 5Z50 1000 Carnforth Steamtown-Carnforth Steamtown via Bentham and Blackburn(steam).
47818 = 0Z96 1313 Washwood Heath-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47853+ 20308 + 20312 t'n't = 6Z20 0553 Armley Jn-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard(20s)/ 0Z20 0730 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-York Parcels Sidings(853).
Thursday 07/02/2013
Other workings
47237 + 47760 = 0Z47 1500 Carnforth Steamtown-Carnforth Steamtown via Settle Hellifield(reverse) and Settle(760 to Hellifield 237 to Carnforth).
47245 + 47804 = 0Z47 0931 Southall Depot-Tyseley TMD.
47727 = 6E07 1402 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47802 = 0P86 2020 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
47818 = 0Z47 xxxx Crewe Gresty Bridge-Chirk.
Friday 08/02/2013
Other workings
47237 + 47760 t'n't = 5Z54 1120 Carnforth Steamtown-Barnetby via Skipton.
47245 = 0Z47 1400 Tyseley TMD-Southall depot.
47501 + 37261 = 0Z30 0817 Gresty Bridge-Derby RTC/ 5Z30 1150 Derby RTC-Crewe CSFL(37).
47727 = 6E07 1402 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47802 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings/ 0P90 1520 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
47828 + 66430 = 0L70 0015 Gresty Bridge-Stowmarket DGL.
47853 = 0Z25 0604 York Parcels Sidings-Derby RTC.
47853 = 6Z25 xxxx Derby RTC-Derby RTC via Sheffield/ 0Z26 1410 Derby RTC-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
Saturday 09/02/2013
47237 = 1Z54 0647 Cleethorpes-Preston to Preston. Charter.
47237 = 1Z55 1752 Preston-Cleethorpes from Preston. Charter.
47579 = 1W07 1245 Dereham-Wymondham + 47580.
47579 = 1D08 1345 Wymondham-Dereham + 47580.
47579 = 1W09 1445 Dereham-Wymondham.
47579 = 1D12 1600 Wymondham-Dereham.
47580 = 1W07 1245 Dereham-Wymondham + 47579.
47580 = 1D08 1345 Wymondham-Dereham + 47579.
47580 = 1W15 1700 Dereham-Wymondham.
47580 = 1D16 1800 Wymondham-Dereham.
47596 = 1W03 1030 Dereham-Wymondham.
47596 = 1D04 1130 Wymondham-Dereham.
Other workings
47237 + 47760 t'n't = 5Z25 0600 Barnetby-Cleethorpes(760)/ 5Z55 2219 Cleethorpes-Doncaster CSH.
47501 + 37601 = 6C53 0630 Crewe CLS-Sellafield.
47580 + 31235 + 37003 t'n't = 1W01 0930 Dereham-Wymondham(37s).
47596 + 31235 t'n't = 1W09 1345 Dereham-Wymondham(31).
Sunday 10/02/2013
47579 = 1W01 1000 Dereham-Wymondham to Thuxton + 47596.
47579 = 1W05 1200 Dereham-Wymondham.
47579 = 1D06 1300 Wymondham-Dereham.
47579 = 1W09 1400 Dereham-Wymondham + 47580.
47579 = 1D10 1500 Wymondham-Dereham + 47580.
47580 = 1W09 1400 Dereham-Wymondham + 47579.
47580 = 1D10 1500 Wymondham-Dereham + 47579.
47580 = 1W13 1600 Dereham-Wymondham.
47580 = 1D14 1700 Wymondham-Dereham.
47596 = 1W01 1000 Dereham-Wymondham + 47579 to Thuxton.
47596 = 1D02 1100 Wymondham-Dereham.
Other workings
47237 + 47760 = 5Z20 xxxx Doncaster CHS-Carnforth Steamtown.
47579 = 0D00 1022 Thuxton-Dereham.
47580 + 31235 t'n't = 1W03 1100 Dereham-Wymondham(31).
47596 + 37003 t'n't = 1W07 1300 Dereham-Wymondham(37).
Monday 11/02/2013
Other workings
47245 + 47804 = 0Z47 0515 Southall Depot-Tonbridge.
47501 + 37601 = 6K73 1718 BNFL Sellafield to Crewe Nukes(37).
47802 = 5Z43 xxxx Norwich CP-Wolverton + 57308 from Brent.
47828 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings.
47727 was allocated early on to 6E07 but this was later worked by a 56.
47791 departed Barrow Hill on a low loader today heading to Booths of Rotherham for scrap.
Tuesday 12/02/2013
Other workings
47245 + 47804 t'n't = 8Y98 0220 Tonbridge-Tonbridge via ?
47828 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings.
Wednesday 13/02/2013
Other workings
47245 + 47804 = 0Z47 1024 Tonbridge West Yard-Southall Depot.
47245 = 5Z47 xxxx Southall Depot-Carnforth Steamtown.
47727 = 6E07 xxxx Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 xxxx Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47828 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings.
Thursday 14/02/2013
47818 = 1Z18 1810 Manchester V-Stafford. Charter.
47818 = 1Z19 2145 Stafford-Chester from Manchester P. Charter.
47832 = 1Z53 1132 Leeds-Leeds via York-Hartlepool-Durham-York. Charter.
47832 = 1Z54 1633 Leeds-Manchester V. Charter.
47832 = 1Z19 2145 Stafford-Chester to Manchester P. Charter.
Other workings
47501 = 0Z53 0732 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z53 5Z53 0932 Crewe CS-Leeds.
47727 = 6E07 1402 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47818 + 47832 t'n't = 0Z53 0732 Gresty Bridge-Crewe LNWR/ 5Z53 0932 Crewe LNWR-Leeds/
47828 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester SD.
47853 + 20308 + 20312 t'n't = 0Z67 0230 York PSD-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard/ 6Z67 0450 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-Tursdale Jn(853)/ 6Z68 1858 Tursdale Jn-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard/ 0Z68 2335 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-York PSD.
Friday 15/02/2013
47818 = 1Z49 1154 Coventry-Coventry via Bescot-Crewe-Chester-Shrewsbury-Wolverhampton-Bescot. Charter.
Other workings
47237 + 47760 t'n't = 5Z54 0725 Carnforth Steamtown-Hitchin via Skipton(760).
47727 = 6E07 1402 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47818 + 47832 = 5Z19 0023 Chester-Crewe LNWR/ 0Z19 0130 Crewe LNWR-Gresty Bridge/ 0Z49 0747 Gresty Bridge-Crewe LNWR/ 5Z49 0930 Crewe LNWR-Coventry/ 5Z50 1806 Coventry-Crewe LNWR/ 0Z50 2035 Crewe LNWR-Gresty Bridge.
47828 = 0P90 1443 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
47853 + 20308 + 20312 = 0Z67 1104 York PSD-Carlisle Kingmoor(853).
Saturday 16/02/2013
47237 = 1Z54 0600 St Neots-Preston. Charter.
47367 = ---- 0945 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = ---- 1033 Holt-Sheringham.
47367 = ---- 1140 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = ---- 1225 Holt-Sheringham.
47367 = ---- 1415 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = ---- 1503 Holt-Sheringham.
47367 = ---- 1655 Holt-Sheringham.
47760 = 1Z55 1752 Preston-Stevenage. Charter.
Other workings
47237 + 47760 t'n't = 5Z54 0510 Hitching Yard-St Neots(760 to Stevenage then 237)/ 5Z55 2316 Stevenage-Hitchin Yard.
47804 = 5Z86 0500 Southall Depot-Euston/ 5Z89 2246 Euston-Southall Depot.
Sunday 17/02/2013
Other workings
47237 + 47760 t'n't = 5Z55 1332 Hitchin Yard-Carnforth Steamtown(760 to Welwyn Reverse Sidings then 237).
Monday 18/02/2013
Other workings
47501 = '0Z00 0800' York Parcels Sidings-Crewe Gresty Bridge/ 0Z47 1249 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Chirk/ 6Z52 1615 Chirk-Gloucester Sidings/ 0Z47 2139 Gloucester Sidings-Worscester Shrub Hill.
47727 = 6E07 1402 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47828 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings/ 0P90 1448 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
47853 + 20308 + 37425 + 37688 = 0Z76 1348 Carlisle Kingmoor-York Parcels Sidings(853).
Tuesday 19/02/2013
Other workings
47501 = 0Z47 1400 Worcester Shrub Hill-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47727 = 6E07 1402 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47804 = 5Z47 0940 Southall Depot-Carnforth Steamtown.
47828 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings/ 0P90 1448 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
47853 + 37688 t'n't = 6Z67 0450 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-Tursdale Jn(37)/ 6Z67 1858 Tursdale Jn-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard(853?).
Wednesday 20/02/2013
Other workings
47727 + 47749 = 6E07 1402 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks(727 leading in multi?)/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath(749 leading in multi?).
47786 + 33029 + 37516 = 5Z47 0805 Carnforth Steamtown-Southall Depot(786).
47802 = 0Z35 1020 Crewe IEMD-Norwich CP.
47828 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings.
Thursday 21/02/2013
Other workings
47749 = 6E07 1402 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47853 + 37608 t'n't = 0K60 0020 York Parcels Sidings-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard/ 6Z68 0955 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-Tursdale Jn/ 6Z68 1858 Tursdale Jn-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard/ 0Z69 2330 Doncaster Up Yard-York PSD.
Friday 22/02/2013
Other workings
47749 = 6E07 1402 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 1720 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47828 = 0P90 1448 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
Saturday 23/02/2013
Other workings
47786 = 5Z86 0500 Southall Depot-Euston/ 5Z89 2246 Euston-Southall Depot.
Sunday 24/02/2013
Monday 25/02/2013
Other workings
47727 = 6E07 1402 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47749 = 0Z47 0519 Washwood Heath-Long Marston/ 6Z14 1015 Long Marston-Llanwren Exchange Sidings/ 0Z27 1500 Llanwren Exchange Sidings-Washwood Heath.
47802 = 1Z99 0845 Norwich CP-Diss.
47802 + 47828 = 0P00 0934 Diss-Norwich CP(802).
47826 + 57601 t'n't = 0Z47 0657 Carnforth Steamtown-Burton Wetmore Sidings/ 5Z47 1315 Burton Wetmore-Carnforth Steamtown.
47828 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings to Diss & failed.
Tuesday 26/02/2013
Other workings
47727 = 6E07 1402 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks.
47749 = 0Z47 0702 Washwood Heath-Toton Meadow Sidings/ 6Z47 0945 Toton Meadow Sidings-Burton Wetmore Sidings/ 0Z27 1230 Burton Wetmore Sidings-Washwood Heath.
47802 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings.
Wednesday 27/02/2013
Other workings
47727 = 6M08 1150 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47739 = 0Z47 1443 Washwood Heath-Burton Wetmore Sidings/ 6Z47 1700 Burton Wetmore Sidings-Toton Meadow Sidings/ 0Z27 1853 Toton Meadow Sidings-Washwood Heath.
47760 + 47804 + 57006 = 5Z47 0815 Carnforth Steamtown-Tyseley Depot(760).
47853 + 20308 = 0Z25 0625 York Parcels Sidings-Derby RTC.
47853 = 6Z25 1015 Derby RTC-Derby RTC via Chesterfield-Beighton-Sheffield-Dore-Chesterfield/ 6Z26 1300 Derby RTC-Derby RTC via same route/ 0Z26 1600 Derby RTC-York Parcels Sidings.
Thursday 28/02/2013
Other workings
47727 = 6E07 1402 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47826 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z56 0803 Carnforth Steamtown-Gloucester.
47828 = 0P84 1524 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
Credits: 31466, 43123, 55002, Steve B, Andy C, Shaun C, Crumb, Driff47844, Dave Earwaker, Sidcup Ginge, Geoff H, Mick Hirst, Jamie, Andy M, Phil Precious, Rob Reedman, Rob46010, Runcorn, Nick Scott, Brian Sherrington, Christopher Taylor, Simon Travers, Andy Wills.
MARCH 2013
Page last updated:25/03/14
Workings in yellow are confirmed, workings in white are unconfirmed.
Friday 01/03/2013
47501 = 1Z57 1840 Cardiff-Fishguard. Charter.
47854 = 1Z57 0549 Droitwich Spa-Fort William. Charter.
Other workings
47501 + 47832 t'n't = 0Z57 1404 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z57 1531 Crewe CS-Cardiff(501)/ 1Z58 2157 Fishguard-Cardiff.
47727 = 6E07 1402 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47826 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z57 0456 Gloucester-Droitwich Spa/ 5Z57 2147 Fort William-Fort William Yard.
47828 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings/ OP90 1448 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
Saturday 02/03/2013
47117 = 2D06 1036 Rothley Brook-Loughborough.
47117 = 2D10 1136 Rothley Brook-Loughborough.
47117 = 2D17 1236 Rothley Brook-Loughborough.
47117 = 2D22 1346 Rothley Brook-Loughborough.
47117 = 2D28 1451 Rothley Brook-Loughborough.
47117 = 2B34 1553 Leicester-Loughborough.
47402 = 2E67 1044 Bury-Ramsbottom.
47402 = 2E68 1134 Ramsbottom-Bury.
47402 = 2E73 1224 Bury-Ramsbottom.
47402 = 2E74 1324 Ramsbottom-Bury.
47402 = 2E79 1414 Bury-Ramsbottom.
47402 = 2E80 1504 Ramsbottom-Bury.
47402 = 2E85 1604 Bury-Ramsbottom.
47402 = 2E86 1654 Ramsbottom-Bury.
47402 = 2E91 1744 Bury-Ramsbottom.
47402 = 2E92 1834 Ramsbottom-Bury.
47501 = 1Z83 0847 Cardiff-Fishguard from Swansea. Charter.
47501 = 1Z84 1745 Fishguard-Cardiff from Swansea. Charter.
47773 = 1Z45 0632 Tyseley-Carlisle to Hellifield Goods Loop. Charter.
47773 = 1Z46 1615 Carlisle-Tyseley from Carnforth Loop.
47826 = 1Z58 0847 Fort William-Worcester SH. Charter.
47832 = 1Z83 0847 Cardiff-Fishguard to Swansea. Charter.
47832 = 1Z84 1745 Fishguard-Cardiff to Swansea. Charter.
Other workings
47501 + 47832 t'n't = 5Z58 0058 Cardiff-Cardiff Canton/ 5Z83 0836 Cardiff Canton-Cardiff/ 5Z84 1213 Fishguard-Fishguard via Clarbeston Road/ 5Z85 2115 Cardiff-Cardiff Canton.
47773 = 0Z46 1020 Hellifield Goods Loop-Carnforth Loop.
47786 = 5Z86 0500 Southall Depot-Euston.
47826 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z58 0755 Fort Willaim Yard-Fort William/ 5Z59 2213 Worcester SH-Gloucester.
Sunday 03/03/2013
47501 = 1Z31 1410 Gloucester-Hereford. Charter.
47832 = 1Z32 1554 Hereford-Worcester SH. Charter.
Other workings
47501 + 47832 t'n't = 5Z31 1227 Cardiff Canton-Gloucester(501)/ 5Z32 1900 Worcester SH-Crewe CS/ 0Z32 2155 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47786 = 5Z89 1206 Euston-Acton Lane Sidings.
47826 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z60 1225 Gloucester-Carnforth Steamtown(854).
Monday 04/03/2013
Other workings
47727 = 6E07 1402 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47760 + 47804 + 57006 = 5Z47 1300 Tyseley-Carnforth(804).
47786 = 5Z91 0935 Acton Lane-Southall Depot.
47802 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings.
47828 = 0Z47 0905 Norwich CP-Stowmarket Goods Loop/ 0M46 1046 Stowmarket Goods Loop-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
Tuesday 05/03/2013
Other workings
47727 = 6E07 1402 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47853 = 0Z20 0850 York Parcels Sidings-York Parcels Sidings via Doncaster-St Catherine Jn-Doncaster-Ferry Bridge Jn-Doncaster.
Wednesday 06/03/2013
Other workings
47749 = 0Z47 0900 Washwood Heath-Hinksey Yard/ 6Z47 1251 Hinksey Yard-Eastleigh Yard/ 0Z47 1622 Eastleigh Yard-Oxford WMS.
47813 = 0Z22 1357 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Carlisle Kingmoor.
47853 + 37606 = 0Z88 1550 York PSD-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard(853)/ 6T88 1915 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-Darlington North Jn(37).
Thursday 07/03/2013
Other workings
47245 + steam t'n't = 5Z44 09xx Carnforth Steamtown-Southall depot(steam leading).
47749 = 0Z47 1047 Hinksey Yard-Washwood Heath/ 6E07 1402 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47760 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z56 1110 Carnforth Steamtown-Cleethorpes(854).
47853 + 37606 = 6T88 0630 (at 0327) Darlington North Jn-Doncaster Up Decoy/ 0Z88 1044 Doncaster Up Decoy-York Parcels Sidings.
Friday 08/03/2013
47501 = 1Z88 0911 Carmarthen-Motherwell + 47818 in multi. Charter.
47818 = 1Z88 0911 Carmarthen-Motherwell + 47501 in multi. Charter.
47760 = 1Z57 0633 Cleethorpes-Fort William. Charter.
Other workings
47237 + 57601 t'n't = 5Z42 1123 Carnforth Steamtown-Southall Depot(237).
47501 + 47818 = 0Z87 0155 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe HS/ 5Z87 0320 Crewe HS-Carnmarthen(818)/ 5Z88 2122 Motherwell-Motherwell TMD.
47727 = 6E07 1402 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47749 = 0Z47 0015 Washwood Heath-Crewe Basford Hall/ 6Z47 0326 Crewe Basford Hall-West Ealing.
47760 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z57 2135 Fort William-Fort William Yard.
47802 = 0P90 1448 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
47853 = 0Z88 (evening) Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-York PSD.
Saturday 09/03/2013
47402 = ---- 0930 Bury-Rawtenstall.
47402 = ---- 1015 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = ---- 1130 Heywood-Rawtenstall.
47402 = ---- 1245 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = ---- 1410 Heywood-Rawtenstall.
47402 = ---- 1515 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = ---- 1620 Heywood-Rawtenstall.
47828 = 1Z34 1132 Manchester V-Crewe via Stoke-Walsall-Stafford + 47832 in multi. Charter.
47828 = 1Z35 1520 Crewe-Stoke via Warrington BQ-Manchester V-Stockport + 47832 in multi. Charter.
47832 = 1Z34 1132 Manchester V-Crewe via Stoke-Walsall-Stafford + 47828 in multi. Charter.
47832 = 1Z35 1520 Crewe-Stoke via Warrington BQ-Manchester V-Stockport + 47828 in multi. Charter.
47854 = 1Z58 0847 Fort William-Cleethorpes. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5Z71 0631 Southall Depot-Euston/ 0Z71 0952 Euston-Southall Depot/ 0Z73 1934 Southall Depot-Paddington/ 5Z74 2110 Paddington-Southall Depot.
47760 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z58 0755 Fort William Yard-Fort William.
47786 = 5Z86 0500 Southall Depot-Euston.
47818 = 0Z48 1126 Motherwell TMD-Carlisle Kingmoor for attention to an oil leak.
47828 + 47832 t'n't = 0Z34 0758 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z34 0939 Crewe CS-Manchester V(multi 828 leading)/ 5Z35 1841 Stoke-Crewe CS/ 0Z35 2030 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
Sunday 10/03/2013
47828 = 1Z36 1144 Runcorn-Stafford to Liverpool. Charter.
47828 = 1Z37 1542 Stafford-Chester from Liverpool. Charter.
47832 = 1Z36 1144 Runcorn-Stafford from Liverpool via Chester & Shrewsbury. Charter.
47832 = 1Z37 1542 Stafford-Chester to Liverpool. Charter.
Other workings
47760 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z60 0930 Cleethorpes-Carnforth Steamtown.
47786 = 5Z89 1206 Euston-Acton Lane.
47818 = 0Z47 1922 Carlisle Kingmooor-Motherwell.
47828 + 47832 t'n't = 0Z36 0910 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z36 1045 Crewe CS-Runcorn/ 5Z37 1843 Chester-Crewe CS/ 0Z37 1953 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
Monday 11/03/2013
47501 = 1Z89 0832 Motherwell-Carmarthen to Carlisle via Carstairs-Edinburgh-Carstairs. Charter.
47805 = 1Z89 0832 Motherwell-Carmarthen from Crewe-Carmarthen + 47828 in multi. Charter.
47828 = 1Z89 0832 Motherwell-Carmarthen from Crewe-Carmarthen + 47805 in multi. Charter.
Other workings
47245 = 0Z47 0900 Southall Depot-Tonbridge Yard.
47727 = Derailed leaving Washwood Heath on 6E07 1402 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks.
47786 = 5Z91 0935 Acton Lane-Southall Depot.
47805 + 47828 multi = 5Z90 2112 (at 2356) Carmarthen-Crewe DMD(828 leading multi).
47818 in tow + 57007 + 57010 = 1Z89 0832 Motherwell-Carmarthen from Carlisle-Crewe.
Tuesday 12/03/2013
Other workings
47237 + 47786 hauling 57601 = 5Z43 1029 Southall Depot-Carnforth Steamtown(786 237 on rear).
47245 + 37516 t'n't = 8Y98 1010 Tonbridge Yard-Tonbridge Yard via Rochester.
47501 + 37229 = 0Z47 0822 Carlisle Kingmoor-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47802 = 0F07 1645 Norwich CP-Colchester Yard/ 0P86 2023 Colchester Yard-Norwich CP.
47805 + 47828 multi = 0Z90 0217 Crewe HS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
Wednesday 13/03/2013
Other workings
47245 + 37516 t'n't = 8Y98 1010 Tonbridge Yard-Tonbridge Yard via Rochester.
47727 = 6E07 1358 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47802 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings/ 0P86 2023 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
47853 + 37606 = 0Z67 1222 York Parcels Sidings-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard/ 6Z67 1520 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-Hepscott Jn.
Thursday 14/03/2013
47802 = 1P56 1830 Liverpool Street-Norwich from Colchester.
Other workings
47237 + 47786 t'n't = 5Z72 0958 Carnforth Steamtown-Crewe Down Refuge Sidings.
47727 = 6E07 1358 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47802 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings.
47826 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z42 1123 Carnforth Steamtown-Stafford(826).
47853 + 37606 = 6Z67 0600 Benton North Jn-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard/ 0Z67 0703 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-York Parcels Sidings.
Friday 15/03/2013
47237 = 1Z73 0700 Hereford-Newcastle via Appleby to Carlisle. Charter.
47237 = 1Z74 1718 Newcastle-Hereford via Wakefield. Charter.
47786 = 1Z73 0700 Hereford-Newcastle via Appleby from Carlisle. Charter.
47854 = 1Z57 0600 Milton Keynes-Fort William. Charter.
Other workings
47237 + 47786 t'n't = 5Z73 0358 Crewe Down Refuge Sidings-Hereford/ 5Z74 1436 Newcastle-Heaton CS(786)/ 5Z75 1610 Heaton CS-Newcastle(237).
47245 = 0Z47 1013 Tonbridge Yard-Southall Depot.
47501 = 0Z30 0527 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Barrow Hill/ 0Z31 1020 Barrow Hill-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47727 = 6E07 1358 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47802 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings/ 0P90 1448 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
47810 + 47818 + 37229 = 0Zxx xxxx Crewe Gresty Bridge-Barrow Hill(818 leading?)
47826 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z57 0310 Stafford-Milton Keynes/ 5Z57 5Z57 1930 Fort William-Fort William Yard.
47853 = 0Z97 1217 York Parcels Sidings-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard/ 6Z97 1330 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-Carlisle Yard.
Saturday 16/03/2013
47760 = 1Z88 1552 Oxford-Carnforth to ? Charter.
47805 = 1Z39 1951 Cardiff-Paddington. Ruggex.
47826 = 1Z58 0847 Fort William-Milton Keynes. Charter.
47828 = 1Z38 1313 Paddington-Cardiff. Ruggex.
Other workings
47237 + 47786 t'n't = 5Z76 0004 Hereford-Carnforth Steamtown.
47760 + 57601 t'n't = 5Z86 0500 Carnforth Steamtown-Carnforth/ 1Z86 1319 Carnforth-Oxford(Ron)/ 5Z87 1326 Oxford-Oxford Carriage Sidings/ 5Z88 1544 Oxford Carriage Sidings-Oxford/ 5Z89 2008 Carnforth-Carnforth Steamtown.
47786 = 5Z70 1805 Carnforth Steamtown-Preston.
47805 + 47828 t'n't = 0Z37 0645 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z37 0829 Crewe CS-Paddington(805)/ 5Z38 1606 Cardiff-Cardiff Canton/ 5Z39 1936 Cardiff Canton-Cardiff/ 5Z40 2329 Paddington-Euston.
47826 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z58 0755 Fort William Yard-Fort William/ 5Z59 2243 Milton Keynes-Acton Lane.
Sunday 17/03/2013
47786 = 1Z70 0923 Preston-Sheffield to Manchester V. Charter.
47786 = 1Z71 1329 Sheffield-Preston from Manchester V. Charter.
47805 = 1Z47 1144 Coventry-Coventry via Bescot-Crewe-Chester-Shrewsbury-Wolverhampton-Bescot. Charter.
Other workings
47786 = 0Z71 1029 Manchester V-Manchester V Reverse Sidings/ 0Z72 1828 Manchester V Reverse Sidings-Manchester V/ 5Z72 1958 Preston-Carnforth Steamtown.
47805 + 47828 t'n't = 5Z46 0901 Euston-Coventry/ 5Z48 1715 Coventry-Crewe CS.
47826 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z60 1305 Acton Lane-Carnforth Steamtown.
Monday 18/03/2013
Other workings
47727 = 6E07 1358 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47802 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings.
Tuesday 19/03/2013
Other workings
47237 + 47760 t'n't = 5Z56 1045 Carnforth Steamtown-York Holgate Sidings(760).
47245 + 33029 = 0Z47 2104 Southall Pepot-Tonbridge Yard.
47727 = 6E07 1358 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47786 = 0Z48 1400 Carnforth Steamtown-Slateford Depot.
47805 + 47828 in multi = 5Z30 0720 Crewe HS-Eastleigh.
47853 + 20312 = 0Z47 1600 Carlisle Kingmoor-York Parcels Sidings(853 leading to York Holgate Sdgs then 20 in to PSD).
Wednesday 20/03/2013
47237 = 1Z56 0545 Saltburn-Carlisle to Hellifield Goods Loop. Charter.
47237 = 1Z57 1632 Carlisle-Saltburn. Charter.
Other workings
47237 + 47760 t'n't = 5Z56 0335 York Holgate Sidings-Saltburn(760)/ light Hellifield-Carlisle(760 leading)/ 5Z57 2335 Saltburn-Carnforth Steamtown.
47245 + 33029 = 1Y69 0040 Tonbridge Yard-Tonbridge Yard via Gatwick-Hove-Chichester-Havant-Worthing-Gatwick
47727 + 56105 = 6E07 1358 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks(56)/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47805 = 5Z31 1123 Eastleigh Yard-Carlisle Kingmoor.
Thursday 21/03/2013
Other workings
47727 + 47739 = 0Z39 1700 Washwood Heath-Gloucester.
47749 = 6E07 1358 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47760 = 0Z47 2205 Carnforth Steamtown-Stockport.
47802 = 0P90 1355 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
47826 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z56 0944 Carnforth Steamtown-Derby(826).
47853 = 6Z37 1500 York Works-Scunthorpe Trent Yard/ 6Z37 1832 Scunthorpe Trent Yard-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard/ 0Z37 2130 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-York Parcels Sidings.
Friday 22/03/2013
47826 = 1Z57 0510 Nottingham-Fort William to milepost 52.5 near Rannock. Charter.
47826 = 1Z57 0510 Nottingham-Fort William from Bridge of Orchy. Charter.
47854 = 1Z57 0510 Nottingham-Fort William from milepost 52.5 near Rannock-Bridge of Orchy. Charter.
Other workings
47237 + 57601 = 0Z42 1255 Carnforth Steamtown-Southall Depot.
47727 + 47739 = 0Z47 0730 Glocuester-Westbury/ 0Z47 1230 Westbury-Gloucester.
47802 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings/ 0P86 2048 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
47826 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z57 0417 Derby-Nottingham/ 5Z57 2147 Fort William-Fort Willaim Yard.
Saturday 23/03/2013
47854 = 1Z58 0847 Fort William-Nottingham. Charter.
Other workings
47760 = 1Z99 0655 Manchester P-Buxton/ 1Z99 1150 Buxton-Manchester P/ 1Z99 1410 Manchester P-Hazel Grove/ 1Z99 1540 Hazel Grove-Buxton/ 1Z99 1625 Buxton-Hazel Grove/ 1Z99 1710 Hazel Grove-Buxton/ 1Z99 1730 Buxton-Manchester P.
47826 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z58 0755 Fort William Yard-Fort William/ 5Z59 2301 Nottingham-Derby.
47853 + 20308 + 20312 = 0Z68 1850 York Parcels Sidings-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard/ 6Z68 2100 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-Walton Street Jn.
Sunday 24/03/2013
Other workings
47760 = 1Z99 2049 Manchester P-Wrexham General/ 1Z99 2230 Wrexham General-Wrexham General via Dee Marsh.
47826 + 47854 = 5Z60 1347 Derby-Carnforth Steamtown(826 leading).
47853 + 20308 + 20312 = 6Z68 0800 Hessle Road Jn-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard/ 0Z68 1005 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-York Parcels Sidings.
47237 = moved to Tonbridge today.
Monday 25/03/2013
Other workings
47237 + 47245 = 1Y69 0130 Tonbridge Yard-Tonbridge Yard via Redhill Littlehampton Bognor Littlehampton Redhill/ 1Y91 2045 Tonbridge Yard-Tonbridge Yard via Brighton(237 to Redhill 245 to Littlehampton 237 to Bognor 245 to Three Bridges 237 to Brighton 245 Epsom Downs 237 to Streatham 245 to Streatham via Wimbledon 237 to Hearne Hill then 245).
47727 + 47739 = 0Z47 1405 Gloucester New Yard-Washwood Heath.
47749 = 6E07 1442 Washwood Docks-Washwood Heath/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47760 = 1Z99 0001 Wrexham General-Shrewsbury/ 1Z99 0100 Shrewsbury-Crewe via Wrexham & Chester/ 1Z99 1628 Crewe-Stockport/ 1Z99 1746 Stockport-Buxton/ Buxton-Hindlow branch and return twice/ 0Z99 2051 Buxton-Manchester P (snowplough duty).
47826 + 57316 t'n't = 5Z14 0324 Carnforth Steamtown-Craigentinny(57 leading 826 in tow)/ 5Z15 1505 Craigentinny-Bo'ness(57 leading 826 in tow).
Tuesday 26/03/2013
Other workings
47760 = 1Z99 0800 Manchester P-Walsall/ 0Z99 1130 Walsall-Crewe/ 0Z99 1205 Crewe-Carnforth Steamtown.
Wednesday 27/03/2013
Other workings
47727 + 47749 = 0Z56 1000 Washwood Heath-Toton/ 6Z56 1300 Toton-Eastleigh(727 leading multi).
47760 with 37516 = 0Z99 0500 Carnforth Steamtown-Carlisle Yard/ 1Z99 0730 Carlisle Yard-Buxton URS/ 1Z99 1645 Buxton URS-Dowlow/ 1Z99 1830 Dowlow-Buxton URS.
47786 + 37676 = 0Z47 1119 Slateford Depot-Carnforth.
47790 = 0Z48 1510 Carlisle Kingmoor-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
Thursday 28/03/2013
Other workings
47760 with 37516 = 7Z99 1333 Buxton URS-Carnforth Steamtown.
47790 = 5Z29 0539 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Eastleigh.
47802 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings.
47853 = 0Z30 0752 York Parcels Sidings-York Parcels Sidings via Huddersfield-Stockport-Huddersfield.
Friday 29/03/2013
47579 = ---- 1030 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47579 = ---- 1300 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47579 = ---- 1530 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1130 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47596 = ---- 1400 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47596 = ---- 1630 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
Other workings
47245 with 33029 + 33207 t'n't = 0Z33 1825 Tonbridge Yard-Southall depot.
47760 + 37516 t'n't 47854 = 5Z60 1259 Carnforth Steamtown-York Holgate sidings(854 leading).
47802 = 0Z99 1520 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
47804 + 57315 t'n't = 0Z47 0805 Carnforth Steamtown-Southall Depot(804 leading).
47804 = 0Z33 1500 Southall Depot-Tonbridge Yard.
47826 + 57316 t'n't = 5Z75 1020 Carnforth Steamtown-Derby(826).
47853 t'n't 37409 + 37607 t'n't = 1Z30 0515 Exeter-Hexham from York(37s)/ 5Z31 1522 Hexham-Hexham to near Haltwhistle(37s)/ 0Z47 1626 Hexham-York PSD.
47854 = 5Z60 1259 Carnforth Steamtown-Holgate Sidings/ 0Z60 1735 Holgate Sidings-York NRM.
Saturday 30/03/2013
47402 = ---- 0930 Bury-Rawtenstall.
47402 = ---- 1015 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = ---- 1130 Heywood-Rawtenstall.
47402 = ---- 1245 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = ---- 1410 Heywood-Rawtenstall.
47402 = ---- 1515 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = ---- 1620 Heywood-Bury.
47580 = ---- 1530 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47580 = ---- 1630 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47596 = ---- 1030 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1130 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47596 = ---- 1300 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1400 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47786 = 1Z68 0550 Leicester-Carlisle to Hellifield Goods Loop. Charter.
47786 = 1Z69 1601 Carlisle-Leicester from Holgate Sidings. Charter.
47826 = 1Z77 1442 Carlisle-Leicester. Charter.
Other workings
47237 + 47804 = 0Z47 1000 Tonbridge Yard-St Leonards Engineering Ltd via Hastings/ 0Z47 1315 St Leonards Engineering Ltd-Tonbridge Yard.
47760 + steam t'n't = 5Z62 0414 Holgate Sidings-Newcastle/ 5Z68 2135 Newcastle-Holgate Sidings(760).
47786 + 57315 t'n't = 5Z68 0310 Southall Depot-Leicester/ 0Z68 1312 Hellifield Goods Loop-Holgate Sidings/ 0Z68 1900 Holgate Sidings-York/ 5Z69 23345 Leicester-Derby.
47826 + 57316 t'n't = 5Z75 0452 Derby-Leicester/ 1Z76 0629 Leicester-Carlisle(57)/ 5Z76 1240 Carlisle-Carlisle Shunt Neck(826)/ 5Z77 1421 Carlisle Shunt Neck-Carlisle(57)/ 5Z78 2328 Leicester-Derby.
Sunday 31/03/2013
47402 = ---- 0930 Bury-Rawtenstall.
47402 = ---- 1015 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = ---- 1130 Heywood-Rawtenstall.
47402 = ---- 1245 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = ---- 1410 Heywood-Rawtenstall.
47402 = ---- 1515 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = ---- 1620 Heywood-Bury.
47580 = ---- 1130 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47580 = ---- 1400 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47580 = ---- 1630 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47596 = ---- 1030 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1300 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1530 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
Other workings
47760 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z49 1545 Holgate Sidings-Bridlington.
47786 + 57315 t'n't = 5Z69 1925 Derby-Southall Depot.
47826 + 57316 t'n't = 5Z78 1230 Derby-Carnforth Steamtown.
47854 = 0Z49 1000 York NRM-York/ 5Z49 1030 York-Holgate Sidings.
Credits: 31466, 40023, 40024, 47114, AK, Dave Baker, BigBird, Gaz Brannan, Andrew Bretherick, Bob C, Dave C, Neil C, Shaun C, Andy Cleaver, Crumb, CT, Driff47844, Dave Earwaker, Geoff H, Stephen Hill, Sidcup Ginge, JR, James Line, Martin Measures, Andy Parkinson, Pogo, Rob46010, Runcorn, Brian Sherrington, Slugmaster, Runcorn, Mike Stone, Christopher Taylor, Simon Travers, TW, Tim Ward, Martin Weeks, Widnes.
APRIL 2013
Page last updated:25/03/14
Workings in yellow are confirmed, workings in white are unconfirmed.
Monday 01/04/2013
47402 = ---- 0930 Bury-Rawtenstall.
47402 = ---- 1015 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = ---- 1130 Heywood-Rawtenstall.
47402 = ---- 1245 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = ---- 1410 Heywood-Rawtenstall.
47402 = ---- 1515 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = ---- 1620 Heywood-Bury.
47579 = ---- 1300 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47579 = ---- 1530 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1030 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1130 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47596 = ---- 1400 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47596 = ---- 1630 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47760 = 1Z51 1710 Shrewsbury-Bridlington from Crewe. Charter.
47854 = 1Z49 0625 Bridlington-Shrewsbury to Crewe. Charter.
Other workings
47818 = 0Z47 1330 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Norwich CP.
Tuesday 02/04/2013
Other workings
47760 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z51 0630 Bridlington-Carnforth Steamtown(854).
47818 = 0F05 0750 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings.
47828 hauling 20301 20302 20303 20304 37409 37607 = 0X38 1514 Eastleigh depot-Gresty Bridge.
47853 = 0Z47 0915 York PSD-Guide Bridge/ 6Z47 1350 Guide Bridge-Doncaster West Yard/ 0Z47 1830 Doncaster West Yard-York PSD.
Wednesday 03/04/2013
47760 = 1Z94 0606 Crewe-Scarborough to Carnforth Loop. Charter.
Other workings
47760 + 37516 t'n't = 5Z93 0155 Carnforth Steamtown-Crewe(37)/ 1Z95 1555 Scarborough-Crewe from Carnforth Loop(37).
47802 = 0Z47 1005 Norwich RFD-Crewe Gresty Bridge via Oakham.
47818 = 0Z99 0815 Colchester Sidings-Temple Mills Orient Way Carriage Sidings/ 5P78 1050 Temple Mills Orient Way Carriage Sidings-Norwich CP/ 0F05 1640 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings.
Thursday 04/04/2013
Other workings
47727 = 0V87 1310 Eastleigh Yard-Taunton.
47749 = 0V48 1309 Eastleigh Yard-Washwood Heath.
47802 + 37194 + 90004 = 0Z35 1017 Crewe IEMD-Norwich CP.
47818 = 0Z47 1600 Colchester Sidings-Stowmarket Goods Loop.
47826 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z57 2230 Carnforth Steamtown-Ayr.
Friday 05/04/2013
47580 = ---- 1000 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey + 47596.
47580 = ---- 1100 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham + 47596.
47580 = ---- 1325 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47596 = ---- 1000 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey + 47580.
47596 = ---- 1105 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham + 47580.
47596 = ---- 1200 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1620 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1725 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47826 = 1Z57 0453 Ayr-Kyle of Lochalsh. Charter.
47854 = 1Z58 1606 Kyle of Lochalsh-Ayr. Charter.
Other workings
47727 = 6Z47 1010 Fairwater Yard-Cardiff Canton/ 6Z48 1430 Cardiff Canton-Fairwater Yard.
47802 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings/ 0P86 2023 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
Saturday 06/04/2013
47245 = 1Z50 1720 Marylebone-Birmingham Moor Street to Tyeseley piloting steam 5043. Charter.
47579 = ---- 0930 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey + 47580.
47579 = ---- 1000 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham + 47596.
47579 = ---- 1620 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey + 47596.
47579 = ---- 1725 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham + 47580.
47580 = ---- 0930 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey + 47579.
47580 = ---- 1725 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham + 47579.
47596 = ---- 1000 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham + 47579.
47596 = ---- 1620 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey + 47579.
Other workings
47245 piloting steam 5043 = 5Z50 1519 Southall Depot-Marylebone(245).
47501 + 47828 = 0Z80 1610 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe HS/ 5Z79 1725 Crewe HS-Crewe Down Refuge Sidings.
47773 = 5Z44 0930 Tyeseley-Birmingham Moor Street/ 5Z51 2024 Birmingham Moor Street-Tyseley.
47826 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z58 0119 Ayr-Carnforth Steamtown.
47853 + 20308 + 20312 = 0Z47 1800 York Parcels Sidings-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard.
Sunday 07/04/2013
47501 = 1Z82 1720 Wembley-Crewe. Footex.
47580 = ---- 1100 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47580 = ---- 1205 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47580 = ---- 1415 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47580 = ---- 1710 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 0900 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey + 73210 to Thuxton.
47596 = ---- 1000 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47596 = ---- 1300 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1815 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47828 = 1Z81 0846 Crewe-Wembley. Footex.
Other workings
47501 + 47828 t'n't = 5Z80 0830 Crewe Down Refuge Sidings-Crewe(501)/ 5Z81 1140 Wembley-Wembley TC(828)/ 5Z82 1633 Wembley TC-Wembley(828 to Kilburn loop then 501)/ 5Z83 2015 Crewe-Crewe HS(828 to Gresty Lane then 501)/ 0Z83 2119 Crewe HS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47853 + 20308 + 20312 = 6Z67 1250 Doncaster Up Decoy-Hessle Road Jn.
Monday 08/04/2013
Other workings
47501 = 0Z47 1615 Crewe Coal Sidings-Willesden Brent/ 0Z47 2050 Willesden Brent-Norwich CP.
47727 = 0Z47 1850 Eastleigh-Washwood Heath.
47739 + 47749 = 6E07 1443 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks(739 leading multi)/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47802 = 0F07 1740 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings/ 0P86 2023 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
47853 + 20308 + 20312 = 6Z67 0445 Hessle Road Jn-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard.
Tuesday 09/04/2013
Other workings
47237 + 47804 = 0Z47 1010 Tonbridge Yard-Southall Depot.
47245 = 0Z47 0701 Tyseley-Carlisle/ then took 86101 to Carlisle Yard but both returned later to the station.
47805 = 0Z44 0741 Carlisle Kingmoor-Norwich CP via Hexham.
47802 and 47805 are likely to work a top'n'tail diagram on Norwich to Lowestoft/Yarmouth (similar to early 2011) as from tomorrow for a short period of time because of a DMU shortage.
Wednesday 10/04/2013
47802 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47805 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47805 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47805 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47739 = 0Z47 0900 Washwood Heath-Cardiff Canton/ 6Z47 1350 Cardiff Canton-Crewe Basford Hall/0Z49 1817 Crewe Basford Hall-Washwood Heath.
47828 + 57311 = 0Z30 0715 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Eastleigh.
Thursday 11/04/2013
47802 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47805 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47805 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47805 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47805 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47805 = 2P33 1817 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47245 = hauled 86101 from Carlisle-Carlisle Brunthill Yard/ light back to Carlisle.
47245 hauling 87002 = 0Z47 1013 Carlisle-Willesden.
47739 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47832* in tow behind 57311 = 0Z30 0715 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Eastleigh T&RSMD.
Subject to availability 47402 is to visit the Mid Hants diesel gala on 26th-28th April.
It is planned to work 1105 Alresford-Alton/ 1210 Alton-Alresford/ 1505 Alresford-Alton all 3 days and also the following on Saturday evening 1825 Alresford-Alton/ 1930 Alton-Alresford/ 2025 Alresford-Alton/ 2130 Alton-Alresford.
Friday 12/04/2013
47375 = 1Z01 1030 Okehampton-Coleford Jn.
47375 = 1Z01 1110 Coleford Jn-Meldon Quarry.
47375 = 1Z01 1245 Meldon Quarry-Okehampton.
47802 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47805 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47805 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47805 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47805 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47805 = 2P33 1817 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47245 = 0Z00 1205 Willesden-Southall Depot.
47790 = 0Z30 1123 Eastleigh-Gresty Bridge.
47826 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z69 0825 Carnforth-Norwich Sidings(826 to Ely then 854).
47375's workings were chartered by the Dartmoor Society.
Saturday 13/04/2013
47501 = 1Z95 2113 Carnforth-Manchester V via Hellifield and Leyland. Charter.
47790 = 1Z94 1806 Manchester V-Carnforth via Leyland and Hellifield. Charter.
47826 = 1Z70 0534 Norwich-Cardiff to Bristol TM. Charter.
47826 = 1Z71 1607 Cardiff-Norwich to Bristol TM. Charter.
47854 = 1Z70 0534 Norwich-Cardiff from Bristol TM. Charter.
47854 = 1Z71 1607 Cardiff-Norwich from Bristol TM. Charter.
Other workings
47501 + 47790 t'n't = 0Z94 1422 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z94 1629 Crewe CS-Manchester V(790).
47826 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z70 1242 Cardiff-Cardiff Canton/ 5Z71 1550 Cardiff Canton-Cardiff.
Sunday 14/04/2013
47367 = 2C09 0945 Holt-Sheringham.
47367 = ---- 1030 Holt-Sheringham.
47367 = ---- 1115 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = ---- 1200 Holt-Sheringham.
47367 = ---- 1245 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = ---- 1330 Holt-Sheringham.
47367 = ---- 1415 Sheringham-Holt.
47580 = ---- 1030 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1130 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
Other workings
47501 + 47790 t'n't = 5Z95 0007 Manchester V-Sandbach DRS/ 5Z96 1201 Sandbach DRS-Crewe CS.
47580 = 0Z72 1235 Wymondham-Norwich JS.
Monday 15/04/2013
Other workings
47237 + 47245 + 47804 = 5Z75 1450 Southall Depot-Carnforth Steamtown(804 leading others in tow).
47501 + 47790 = 0Z00 0730 Crewe HS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47580 + 47826 t'n't 47854 = 5Z72 0726 Norwich JS-Carnforth Steamtown(854 from Norwich? 854 later ran round and all three arrived on the front of train with 854 leading).
47739 = 6E07 1400 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
On Sunday 21/04/13 at the GCR 47117 is expected to work 1100 Loughborough-Leicester/ 1145 Rtn/ 1300 Loughborough-Leicester/ 1345 Rtn.
Tuesday 16/04/2013
47802 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47805 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47805 = 2P33 1817 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47739 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47s weren't intended to be used in Anglia today but a 170 failed on another working leading to the 156 on the temporary loco diagram being required for this leaving only a 153 spare which is not really suitable for the number of passengers on the Lowestoft train (although that was the case on Monday).
Wednesday 17/04/2013
47802 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47805 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47805 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47805 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47805 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47739 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47749 = 0Z47 1400 Washwood Heath-Crewe Basford Hall.
47853 = 0T41 0710 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-York Parcels Sidings.
Thursday 18/04/2013
47802 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47805 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47805 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47237 + 47786 + 47804 = 5Z47 1700 Carnforth-Bo'ness.
47727 = 6E07 1542 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47810 + 47828 = 0Z47 1030 Crewe-Norwich CP.
47813 = 0Z48 1400 Carlisle Kingmoor-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47818 = 0Z48 1605 Stowmarket Loop-Norwich CP.
47826 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z78 2245 Carnforth Steamtown-Balloch.
47853 = 0Z77 0710 York Parcels Sidings-Tees Yard/ 6Z77 0915 Tees Yard-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard/ 0Z77 1238 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-York Parcels Sidings.
Not previously reported as it hadn't been reported to us so we didn't know - is the preservation of 47712 on 6th April 2013. It has surprisingly made it to Crewe Heritage Centre without being reported (to us at least).
It was last recorded in the XHSS pool on 20th March 2013 and has since been de-registered from TOPS. Please don't assume that we know everything that is going on as this is usually far from being true!
Also DRS's 47747 has apparently been sold for scrap.
Could anyone confirm please whether 47367 worked at the North Norfolk Railway on Sunday (14th) just gone?
47375 worked a round trip at the Dartmoor Railway six days ago information added to the 12th April's entry.
Friday 19/04/2013
47810 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft(810). Vice DMU.
47826 = 1Z79 1606 Kyle of Lochalsh-Balloch. Charter.
47828 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich(828). Vice DMU.
47854 = 1Z78 0520 Balloch-Kyle of Lochalsh. Charter.
Other workings
47245 + 47760 t'n't = 5Z47 0805 Carnforth Steamtown-Southall Depot(245).
47727 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47749 = 6Z47 0339 Crewe Basford Hall-West Ealing/ 6Z27 1137 West Ealing-Crewe Basford Hall/ 0Z27 2015 Crewe Basford Hall-Washwood Heath.
Saturday 20/04/2013
47501 = 1Z13 1739 Cardiff-Liverpool. Charter.
47790 = 1Z12 0707 Liverpool-Cardiff. Charter.
Other workings
47245 = 5Z82 0542 Southall Depot-Victoria/ 0Z82 0745 Victoria-Salisbury/ rear of 1Z82 0745 Victoria-Exeter from Salisbury(steam)/ 5Z83 1439 Exeter-Exeter to Exeter Riverside/ 0Z83 1533 Exeter Riverside-St Blazey.
47501 + 47790 t'n't = 0Z11 0345 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z11 0520 Crewe CS-Liverpool/ 5Z12 1242 Cardiff-Cardiff Canton/ 5Z13 1724 Cardiff Canton-Cardiff/ 5Z14 2310 Liverpool-Edge Hill.
47826 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z79 0122 Balloch-Carnforth Steamstown.
Sunday 21/04/2013
47117 = ---- 1100 Loughborough-Leicester. (then failed with a DSD fault)
47804 = 1H79 1402 Edinburgh-Keith. Charter.
Other workings
47245 = 5Z85 0829 St Blazey-Newquay/ rear of 1Z85 0940 Newquay-Cardiff to Plymouth(steam)/ 0Z85 1349 Plymouth-Cardiff/ 5Z86 2045 Cardiff-Pengam Sidings.
47501 + 47790 t'n't = 5Z15 1252 Edge Hill-Crewe CS/ 0Z15 1440 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47804 = 5H79 1205 Bo'ness-Edinburgh.
Monday 22/04/2013
47804 = 1H80 1000 Keith-Kyle of Lochalsh. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5Z47 1110 Bo'ness-Carnforth Steamtown.
47245 = 0Z72 0900 Pengam Sidings-Carnforth Steamtown.
47727 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47739 = 0Z47 1050 Washwood Heath-Wembley CFSL/ 0Z86 1420 Wembley CFSL-Willesden/ 0Z48 1558 Willesden-Washwood Heath.
47749 = 0Z47 1050 Washwood Heath-Wembley CSFL/ 0Z86 1420 Wembley CSFL-Willesden TNC/ 0Z48 1558 Willesden TNC-Washwood Heath (no visual reports of any of these three workings).
47760 = 0Z77 1029 Southall Depot-Carnforth Steamtown.
47802 + 47810 + 47818 = 0Z46 1208 Norwich CP-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
Tuesday 23/04/2013
47804 = 1H81 0845 Kyle of Lochalsh-Carrbridge. Charter.
Other workings
47760 = 5Z60 0620 Carnforth Steamtown-Preston/ 0Z60 0927 Preston-Craigentinny.
47786 hauling 20020 + 26038 = 0Z47 0910 Bo'ness Jn Exchange Siding-Grosmont.
47804 = 5H81 1556 Carrbridge-Boat of Garten to Aviemore.
47818 = 0Z47 1030 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Stowmarket Down Goods Loop.
Wednesday 24/04/2013
47804 = 1H82 1315 Kingussie-Dundee via Perth. Charter.
Other workings
47402 (in tow) with 20087 33109 37901 55009 = 0Z39 0842 Bury-Alton(55).
47786 hauling 20020 25278 26038 37264 = 0Z47 0745 Grosmont-Keighley & Worth.
47786 = 0Z57 1439 Keighley & Worth-Carnforth Steamtown.
47802 + 47841 t'n't 47813 = 5Z24 0811 Crewe–Eastleigh(802 leading with 841 at front 813 at rear).
47804 = 5H82 1110 Boat of Garten-Kingussie from Aviemore.
Thursday 25/04/2013
47804 = 1H84 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh. Charter.
47804 = 1H79 1342 Edinburgh-Keith. Charter.
Other workings
47749 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath/ 5H79 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh/ 1H79 1342 Edinburgh-Keith.
47760 = 5Z25 5Z25 0836 Craigentinny-Edinburgh/ on rear of 1Z25 0909 Edinburgh-Thornton Yard(steam)/ 0Z26 1220 Thornton Yard-Inverness TMD.
47804 = 5H84 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny.
A sad addition to the nameplate of 47739 is an extra plate beneath the 'Robin of Templecombe' name itself now on a red background instead of a black one which states '1938 - 2013'. The loco's paint job appears to have been heavily cleaned and the handrails have had a new coat of white paint. A search of Flickr shows this has been the case for just over one month.
Friday 26/04/2013
47402 = 2A08 1105 Alresford-Alton.
47402 = 2L09 1210 Alton-Alresford.
47402 = 2A20 1505 Alresford-Alton.
47804 = 1H80 1000 Keith-Brora. Charter.
47804 = 1H81 1837 Brora-Kyle of Lochalsh. Charter.
47805 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47805 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47805 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47805 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47854 + 57313 t'n't = 5Z25 1550 Carnforth Steamtown-York Holgate Sidings(854).
Saturday 27/04/2013
47402 = 2A08 1105 Alresford-Alton.
47402 = 2L09 1210 Alton-Alresford.
47402 = 2A20 1505 Alresford-Alton.
47402 = ---- 1825 Alresford-Alton.
47402 = ---- 1930 Alton-Alresford.
47402 = ---- 2025 Alresford-Alton.
47402 = ---- 2130 Alton-Alresford.
47501 = 1Z17 0702 Glasgow C-Harrogate to York. Charter.
47501 = 1Z18 1825 Harrogate-Glasgow C to York. Charter.
47773 = 1Z49 0720 Tyseley Warwick Road-Plymouth via Snow Hill to Bristol TM. Charter.
47773 = 1Z50 1635 Plymouth-Tyseley Warwick Road from Bristol TM. Charter.
47790 = 1Z17 0702 Glasgow C-Harrogate from York. Charter.
47790 = 1Z18 1825 Harrogate-Glasgow C from York. Charter.
47804 = 1H81 0845 Kyle of Lochalsh-Carrbridge. Charter.
47854 = 1Z26 0650 Bishop Auckland-Carlisle. Charter.
47854 = 1Z27 1441 Carlisle-Bishop Auckland from Carnforth Loop. Charter.
Other workings
47501 + 47790 t'n't = 5Z16 0135 Crewe CS-Glasgow C/ 5Z17 1334 Harrogate-Neville Hill/ 5Z18 1721 Neville Hill-Harrogate.
47760 = 0Z47 0532 Inverness-Slateford Depot/ xxxx 1209 light engine Slatford Depot-Craigentinny/ 0Z66 1735 Craigentinny-Edinburgh/ 5Z67 1758 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 0Z42 1923 Craigeninny-Edinburgh/ 5Z43 2010 Edinburgh-Craigentinny.
47802 t'n't 20308 + 20312 = 5Z28 0355 Crewe-Huddersfield(20s)/ 1Z29 0700 Huddersfield-Swansea(20s)/ 5Z29 1336 Swansea-Landore(802)/ 5Z30 1351 Landore-Swansea(802)/ 1Z30 1535 Swansea-Huddersfield(20s)/ 5Z88 2206 Huddersfield-Crewe(20s to Bradley Wood Jn reverse then 802 to Crewe).
47804 = 5H81 1556 Carrbridge-Boat of Garten to Aviemore.
47854 + 57313 t'n't = 5Z26 Holgate Sidings-Bishop Auckland(854)/ 1Z27 1441 Carlisle-Bishop Auckland via Sellafield and Skipton from Carnforth(57)/ 5Z27 2300 Bishop Auckland-North Road.
Sunday 28/04/2013
47402 = ---- 0945 Alresford-Alton + 66738 from Ropley.
47402 = ---- 1050 Alton-Alresford.
47402 = ---- 1345 Alresford-Alton.
47402 = ---- 1450 Alton-Alresford.
47501 = 1Z20 1130 Glasgow C-Dundee via Edinburgh. Charter.
47501 = 1Z21 1452 Dundee-Edinburgh from Glasgow C. Charter.
47790 = 1Z21 1452 Dundee-Edinburgh to Glasgow C. Charter.
47804 = 1H82 1255 Kingussie-Dundee via Perth. Charter.
Other workings
47501 + 47790 t'n't = 5Z19 0036 Glasgow C-Polmadie/ 5Z20 1045 Polmadie-Glasgow C/ 5Z21 1906 Glasgow C-Crewe CS(790)/ 0Z21 2340 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47804 = 5H82 1110 Boat of Gartern-Kingussie from Aviemore.
47854 + 57313 t'n't = 5Z28 1046 North Road-Carnforth Steamtown(854).
Monday 29/04/2013
47804 = 1H84 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh. Charter.
47804 = 1H79 1342 Edinburgh-Keith. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 0Z48 Carnforth Steamtown-Keighley/ 0Z49 1443 Keighley-Grosmont hauling 25278 26038 37264.
47749 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47804 = 5H84 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5H79 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
47805 = 0Z48 1335 Norwich CP-Willesden.
Tuesday 30/04/2013
47804 = 1H80 1000 Keith-Kyle of Lochalsh. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 0Z50 0752 Grosmont-Bo'ness hauling 20020 + 26038/ 0Z51 1839 Bo'ness-Carnforth Steamtown.
47402 (in tow) = 0Z20 0852 Alton-Bury.
47805 + 66302 = 0Z47 0925 Willesden-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47854 + 57601 t'n't = 5Z42 1123 Carnforth Steamtown-Crewe Down Refuge Sidings(854).
Northern Belle locos 47790 and 47832 have moved into the XHNB pool by yesterday 29/04 this pool also has 47501 & 47813 in it. On Monday all except 832 were at Gresty Bridge 832 being at Eastleigh.
Credits: 31466, 43123, 47114, AK, AN, Dave Baker, BigBird, Blackwater, Dingwall Blade, Supersonic Boogie, Bob C, Dave C, Neil C, Shaun C, Chicken, Richard Clinnick, Crumb, Cwmbran Creature, DBT, Driff47844, Martin Duff, Dave Earwaker, Chris Finch, John Foston, Sidcup Ginge, Geoff H, KL47576, Alan Lea, James Line, Kevin Melia, Andy Mellors, Liz Moralee, Andrew Parkinson, Phil47310, RC, Rob46010, Aaron Roberts, Dave Ross, Nick Scott, Brian Sherrington, Tim Hall-Smith, Runcorn, Jamie Squibbs, Christopher Taylor, Keith Webber, Oily Youth.
MAY 2013
Page last updated:25/03/14
Workings in yellow are confirmed, workings in white are unconfirmed.
Wednesday 01/05/2013
47804 = 1H81 0845 Kyle of Lochalsh-Carrbridge. Charter.
47854 = 1Z76 1441 Carlisle-Kidderminster via Cumbrian Coast. Charter.
Other workings
47760 = 0Z47 1900 Craigentinny-Bo'ness.
47804 = 5H81 1556 Carrbridge-Boat of Garten to Aviemore.
47853 = 0Z45 0630 York Parcels Sidigs-Guide Bridge Sidings/ 6Z45 0955 Guide Bridge Sidings-Doncaster West Yard/ 0Z46 1333 Doncaster West Yard-York Parcels Sidings.
47854 + 57601 t'n't = 5Z75 0330 Crewe Down Refuge Sidings-Kidderminster/ 1Z75 0647 Kidderminster-Carlisle(Ron)/ 5Z76 2159 Kidderminster-Carnforth Steamtown(854 to Worcester Shrub Hill, then 57601).
Thursday 02/05/2013
47804 = 1H82 1315 Kingussie=Dundee via Perth. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 0H84 1100 Craigentinny-Fort William Yard.
47749 = 6Z07 1131 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6Z08 1720 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47786 = 5Z47 1331 Carnforth Steamtown-Bo'ness.
47804 = 5H82 1110 Boat of Garten-Kingussie from Aviemore.
47810 = 0Z47 1303 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Norwich CP.
Friday 03/05/2013
47804 = 1H84 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh. Charter.
47804 = 1H85 1333 Edinburgh-Spean Bridge. Charter.
47818 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47245 = 5Z34 0850 Carnforth Steamtown-Bristol Kingsland Road sidings via Craven Arms.
47580 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z56 0720 Carnforth Steamtown-Norwich sidings via Skipton(580 to Ely, then 826).
47804 = 5H84 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5H85 1305 Craigeninny-Edinburgh.
47854 + 57316 t'n't = 5Z69 1005 Carnforth Steamtown-Ely Reception Sidings via Skipton(854).
47747 left Crewe on a low-loader yesterday heading for Booths scrapyard in Rotherham.
Saturday 04/05/2013
47237 = 1H86 0823 Spean Bridge-Fort William from Fort William-Mallaig. Charter.
47237 = 1H86 1709 Fort William-Bridge of Orchy. Charter.
47292 = 1A01 0915 Ruddington-Loughborough to Ruddington South Jn.
47292 = 1D02 1001 Loughborough-Ruddington to Ruddington South Jn.
47292 = 1A05 1100 Ruddington-Loughborough to Ruddington South Jn.
47292 = 1D06 1151 Loughborough-Ruddington to Ruddington South Jn.
47292 = 1D09 1300 Ruddington-Loughborough to Ruddington South Jn.
47292 = 1D14 1451 Loughborough-Ruddington to Ruddington South Jn.
47292 = 1A17 1700 Ruddginton-Loughborough to Ruddington South Jn.
47292 = 1D18 1751 Loughborough-Ruddington to Ruddington South Jn.
47501 = 1Z68 0734 Kings Cross-York. Charter.
47501 = 1Z69 1303 York-Edinburgh. Charter.
47579 = ---- 1030 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47579 = ---- 1340 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47579 = ---- 1445 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47580 = 1Z57 0425 Norwich-Edinburgh to Ipswich. Charter.
47580 = 1Z58 1615 Edinburgh-Norwich to Ipswich. Charter.
47596 = ---- 0930 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1232 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1340 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47760 = 1Z57 1640 Fort William-Glenrothes. Charter.
47786 = 1Z55 0540 Glenrothes-Fort William. Charter.
47786 = 1Z56 1229 Fort William-Fort William via Mallaig. Charter.
47804 = 1H86 0823 Spean Bridge-Fort William via Mallaig to Fort William. Charter.
47804 = 1H86 0823 Spean Bridge-Fort William from Mallaig. Charter.
47818 = 2P12 0836 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J70 1005 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47826 = 1Z57 0425 Norwich-Edinburgh from Ipswich. Charter.
47826 = 1Z58 1615 Edinburgh-Norwich from Ipswich. Charter.
47828 = 2P13 0917 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2J73 1100 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47854 = 1Z71 1715 Llandudno-Cambridge. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 0H86 0840 Fort William Yard-Fort William.
47237 + 47804 t'n't = 5H86 1410 Fort William-Fort William via Fort William Yard(237 out, 804 back).
47245 = 5Z35 0557 Bristol Kingsland Road-Bristol TM/ 5Z39 2245 Bristol TM-Bristol Kingsland Road.
47501 + 47802 t'n't = 0Z67 0028 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe HS/ 5Z67 0153 Crewe HS-Kings Cross(802)/ 5Z68 1124 York-Holgate Sidings(802)/ 5Z69 1250 Holgate Sidings-York(501)/ 5Z70 1711 Edinburgh-Crewe HS.
47580 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z57 1339 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5Z58 1534 Craigentinny-Edinburgh/
47760 + 47786 t'n't = 5Z55 0410 Bo'ness-Glenrothes/ 5Z56 2254 Glenrothes-Bo'ness.
47760 = 5Zxx xxxx Fort William-Fort William Yard/ 5Zxx xxxx Fort William Yard-Fort William (with three carriages whilst 786 took the rest to Mallaig and back on 1Z56).
47854 + 57316 t'n't = 5Z70 0452 Ely Reception-Cambridge/ 1Z70 0600 Cambridge-Llandudno(57)/ 5Z71 2335 Cambridge-Ely Reception.
Sunday 05/05/2013
47237 = 1H87 0746 Bridge of Orchy-Wemyss Bay. Charter.
47579 = ---- 1000 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47579 = ---- 1600 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47579 = ---- 1700 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47596 = ---- 1130 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47596 = ---- 1232 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1340 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
Other workings
47580 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z59 1245 Norwich-Carnforth Steamtown(580).
47760 + 47786 t'n't = 5Z71 2239 Bo'ness-Newcastle.
47853 = 0M16 1000 York PSD-Toton Centre.
47853 + 66424 t'n't = 4M16 13xx Toton Centre-Daventry to Chesterfield only(853).
47853 = 0M17 1530 Burton-York Parcels Sidings.
47854 + 57316 t'n't = 5Z72 1222 Ely-Carnforth Steamtown(57).
Monday 06/05/2013
47237 = 1H89 1343 Edinburgh-Boat of Garten to Aviemore. Charter.
47596 = ---- 1130 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1225 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47760 = 1Z71 0530 Newcastle-Fort William. Charter.
47786 = 1Z72 1640 Fort William-Newcastle. Charter.
47804 = 1H88 0637 Wemyss Bay-Edinburgh. Charter.
Other workings
47237 + 47804 t'n't = 5H88 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny.
47237 = 5H89 1305 Craigeninny-Edinburgh.
47245 = 5Z40 1210 Bristol Kingsland Road-Southall Depot.
47580 + 37516 t'n't = 5Z47 1200 Carnforth Steamtown-Ardwick TMD(37).
47760 + 47786 t'n't = 5Z71 1505 Fort William-Fort William Yard/ 5Z72 1623 Fort William Yard-Fort William.
Tuesday 07/05/2013
47237 = 1H90 1223 Carrbridge-Dundee via Inverness & Aberdeen. Charter.
47818 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47237 = 5H90 1104 Boat of Garten-Carrbridge from Aviemore.
47727 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47760 + 47786 t'n't = 5Z73 0108 Newcastle-Carnforth Steamtown.
47810 with 90003 in tow = 5Z47 1130 Norwich CP-Wolverton CS/ 0Z47 1605 Wolverton CS-Crewe IEMD.
Wednesday 08/05/2013
47237 = 1H91 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh. Charter.
47237 = 1Z73 2140 Plockton-Kyle of Lochalsh. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5H91 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5Z73 1305 Craigentinny-Plockton.
47580 + 37516 t'n't = 5Z47 1300 Ardwick TMD-Carnforth Steamtown.
47727 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47739 = 0Z47 1355 Washwood Heath-Toton Yard.
47810 = 0Z47 1030 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Stowmarket.
47818 = 0V91 1945 Norwich CP-Ilford EMD/ 5P98 2305 Ilford EMD-Norwich CP.
Thursday 09/05/2013
47237 = 1Z74 0508 Kyle of Lochalsh-Elgin. Charter.
47237 = 1Z75 1940 Keith-Dundee. Charter.
47790 = 1Z52 0720 Bath-Fishguard from Bristol TM. Charter.
47790 = 1Z53 1750 Fishguard-Bath from Bristol TM. Charter.
47805 = 1Z52 0720 Bath-Fishguard to Bristol TM. Charter.
47805 = 1Z53 1750 Fishguard-Bath to Bristol TM. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5Z75 1210 Elgin-Keith.
47580 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z88 1015 Carnforth Steamtown-Doncaster CHH via Skipton(826).
47727 + 47739 multi = 0Z47 0810 Washwood Heath-Rugby OLE/ 5Z47 1030 Rugby OLE-Stafford 'UA12'/ 7Z47 1215 Stafford UA12-Gresty Lane/ 5Z47 1530 Gresty Lane-Rugby OLE/ 0Z47 1830 Rugby OLE-Washwood Heath.
47749 + 56094 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks(56).
47790 + 47805 t'n't = 0Z51 0115 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z51 0250 Crewe CS-Bath/ 5Z52 1220 Fishguard-Fishguard via Clarbeston Road/ 5Z53 2208 Bath-Cardiff Canton.
47804 = 0H84 1100 Craigentinny-Fort William Yard.
Friday 10/05/2013
47237 = 1Z76 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh. Charter.
47237 = 1H85 1333 Edinburgh-Spean Bridge.
47580 = 1Z90 0538 Peterborough-Carlisle via Settle. Charter.
47790 = 1Z55 0712 Swansea-Chester. Charter.
47790 = 1Z56 1804 Chester-Swansea. Charter.
47826 = 1Z91 1443 Carlisle-Peterborough via Sellafield. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5Z76 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5H85 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
47580 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z89 0330 Doncaster CHS-Peterborough/ 5Z90 1320 Carlisle-Carlisle Shunt Neck/ 5Z91 1420 Carlisle Shunt Neck-Carlisle/ 5Z92 2308 Peterborough-Doncaster CHS(580).
47727 = 6E07 1505 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath to Grantham & failed & terminated.
47760 + 57314 t'n't = 5Z33 0930 Carnforth Steamtown-Derby(57).
47786 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z22 1540 Carnforth Steamtown-Crewe Down Refuge Sidings.
47790 + 47805 t'n't = 5Z54 0517 Cardiff Canton-Swansea/ 5Z55 1145 Chester-Crewe CS/ 5Z56 1640 Crewe CS-Chester/ 5Z57 2306 Swansea-Crewe CS.
Saturday 11/05/2013
47237 = 1H86 0823 Spean Bridge-Fort William via Mallaig to Fort William. Charter.
47804 = 1H86 0823 Spean Bridge-Fort William from Mallaig. Charter.
47804 = 1H86 0823 Spean Bridge-Fort William from Fort William-Mallaig. Charter.
47804 = 1H86 1709 Fort William-Bridge of Orchy. Charter.
47760 = 1Z36 1615 Scarborough-Kettering from Derby. Charter.
47773 = 1Z73 0610 Tyseley-Paddington to Gloucester. Charter.
47773 = 1Z74 1429 Paddington-Tyseley from Gloucester. Charter.
47786 = 1Z23 0558 Crewe-Penzance. Charter.
47786 = 1Z25 1420 Penzance-Crewe. Charter.
Other workings
47237 + 47804 t'n't = 5H86 1410 Fort William-Fort William via Fort William Yard(804 out, 237 back).
47245 = 0Z73 1045 Southall Depot-Paddington/ 5Z75 1148 Paddington-Southall Depot/ 5Z76 1346 Southall Depot-Paddington/ 0Z78 1437 Paddington-Southall Depot.
47580 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z93 1056 Doncaster CHS-Carnforth Steamtown.
47760 + 57314 t'n't = 5Z34 0401 Derby-Kettering/ 1Z34 0558 Kettering-Scarborough to Derby(57)/ 5Z37 2240 Kettering-Derby.
47786 + 47854 in tow throughout = 5Z23 0425 Crewe Down Refuge Sidings-Crewe/ 5Z24 1317 Penzance-Penzance Slopers Sidings/ 5Z25 1338 Penzance Slopers Sidings-Penzance/ 5Z26 2308 Crewe-Crewe Down Refuge Sidings.
47790 + 47805 = 0Z57 0340 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47804 = 0H86 0840 Fort William Yard-Fort William.
Sunday 12/05/2013
47804 = 1H87 0746 Bridge of Orchy-Wemyss Bay. Charter.
Other workings
47760 + 57314 t'n't = 5Z38 1415 Derby-Carnforth Steamtown(760).
47786 + 47854 = 5Z27 1416 Crewe Down Refuge Sidings-Carnforth Steamtown(786).
Monday 13/05/2013
47237 = 1H88 0637 Wemyss Bay-Edinburgh. Charter.
Other workings
47237 + 47804 t'n't = 5H88 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny.
47739 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47749 = 0Z47 0320 Washwood Heath-Toton MDS/ 0Z47 0515 Toton MDS-Washwood Heath.
47818 = 0Z47 1005 Norwich CP-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47828 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings.
47853 + 66301 = 0Z67 0901 York-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard/ 6Z67 1120 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-Hatfield & Stainforth.
Tuesday 14/05/2013
Other workings
47739 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Swindon Cocklebury Sidings.
47760 + steam 45699 t'n't = 5Z50 1000 Carnforth Steamtown-Carnforth Steamtown via Hellifield-Blackburn-Preston (steam).
47805 = 0Z47 1352 Gresty Bridge-Carlisle Kingmoor.
47853 + 66301 = 6Z67 0500 Hatfield & Stainforth-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard.
47853 = 6Z68 1120 Doncaster Up Decoy-Hatfield & Stainforth.
Wednesday 15/05/2013
47237 = 1Z73 2140 Plockton-Kyle of Lochalsh. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5Z73 1305 Craigentinny-Plockton.
47739 = 6E07 1147 Swindon Cocklebury Sidings-Boston Docks.
47810 = 0Z47 1320 Stowmarket DGL-Southend Victoria DSS.
47813 + 57010 = 5Z30 0734 Crewe CLS-Eastleigh depot(57).
47853 = 6Z68 0500 (at 0350) Hatfield & Stainforth-Doncaster Up Decoy/ 0Z68 0440 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-York Parcels Sidings.
Thursday 16/05/2013
47237 = 1Z74 0508 Kyle of Lochalsh-Elgin. Charter.
47237 = 1Z75 1940 Keith-Dundee. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5Z75 1048 Elgin-Keith.
47501 + 47813 + 20305 + 57311 = 0Z30 1123 Eastleigh-Crewe Gresty Bridge(813).
Friday 17/05/2013
47237 = 1Z76 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh. Charter.
47237 = 1H79 1342 Edinburgh-Keith. Charter.
47790 = 1Z47 1659 Leicester-Leicester to Peterborough via Oakham. Charter.
47790 = 1Z47 1659 Leicester-Leicester from Doncaster via Mexborough-Beighton-Chesterfield-Toton. Charter.
47790 = 1Z48 2155 Leicester-Grantham. Charter.
47802 = 1Z47 1659 Leicester-Leicester from Peterborough-Doncaster via Retford. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5Z76 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5H79 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
47790 + 47802 t'n't = 0Z46 1220 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z46 1410 Crewe CS-Leicester/ 5Z48 2359 Grantham-Newark North Gate.
47810 = 0Z47 1020 Stowmarket Loop-Southend Victoria DSS.
47826 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z52 1208 Carnforth Steamtown-Holyhead(854).
47828 = 0P86 2020 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
47790 + 47802 on 1Z47 were booked to go Retford-Mexborough via Doncasters avoiding curve but went into Doncaster station for an unknown reason meaning an extra reversal to the train.
Saturday 18/05/2013
47117 = 2C09 1050 Loughborough-Loughborough to Rothley Brook.
47117 = 2C21 1255 Loughborough-Loughborough from Rothley Brook.
47117 = 2A32 1505 Loughborough-Leicester.
47117 = 2B32 1545 Leicester-Loughborough.
47237 = 1H80 1000 Keith-Kyle of Lochalsh. Charter.
47367 = 2C09 0945 Holt-Sheringham.
47367 = ---- 1030 Holt-Sheringham.
47367 = ---- 1115 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = ---- 1200 Holt-Sheringham.
47367 = ---- 1245 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = ---- 1330 Holt-Sheringham.
47367 = ---- 1415 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = ---- 1500 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = ---- 1545 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = ---- 1608 Holt-Sheringham.
47367 = ---- 1700 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = ---- 1718 Holt-Sheringham.
47596 = ---- 1420 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47790 = 1Z50 0632 Nottingham-Bangor. Charter.
47802 = 1Z51 1827 Bangor-Nottingham. Charter.
47826 = 1Z52 0605 Holyhead-Cardiff via Llandrindod Wells. Charter.
47826 = 1Z53 1704 Cardiff-Holyhead via Hereford. Charter.
Other workings
47739 + 20059 = 0Z20 1300 Washwood Heath-Kidderminster SVR.
47739 = 0Z47 1642 Kidderminster SVR-Washwood Heath.
47790 + 47802 t'n't = 5Z49 0505 Newark North Gate-Nottingham/ 5Z50 1153 Bangor-Holyhead/ 5Z51 1750 Holyhead-Bangor/ 5Z52 2301 Nottingham-Derby.
47826 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z52 1457 Cardiff-Cardiff Canton(854)/ 5Z53 1647 Cardiff Canton-Cardiff(826).
47828 = 0V91 1615 Norwich CP-Ilford EMD/ 5P98 2030 Ilford EMD-Norwich CP.
Sunday 19/05/2013
47117 = ---- 1020 Loughborough-Leicester.
47117 = ---- 1100 Leicester-Loughborough.
47117 = ---- 1155 Loughborough-Loughborough to Rothley Brook.
47117 = ---- 1255 Loughborough-Loughborough to Rothley Brook.
47237 = 1H81 0845 Kyle of Lochalsh-Carrbridge. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5H81 1556 C arrbridge-Boat of Garton to Aviemore.
47501 + 47790 = 1Z99 2030 Gresty Bridge-Abergavenny Sidings - to rescue 37604 on - 5Z45 1227 Bristol TM-Crewe DMD from Abergavenny Sidings.
47790 + 47802 t'n't = 5Z53 1452 Derby-Crewe CS.
47826 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z53 1315 Holyhead-Carnforth Steamtown(854 to Crewe, then 826).
47853 + 66301 t'n't = 0Z67 1656 York Parcels Sidings-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard/ 6Z67 1815 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-Darlington North Jn.
Monday 20/05/2013
47237 = 1H82 1315 Kingussie-Dundee via Perth. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5H82 1110 Boat of Garten-Kingussie from Aviemore.
47739 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47749 = 0Z56 1355 Washwood Heath-Alexandra Docks/ 0Z56 1655 Alexandra Docks-Cardiff Canton.
47810 = 6Z56 1200 Southend Victoria DSS-Whitemoor Yard/ 0Z57 1700 Whitemoor Yard-Stowmarket Loop.
47828 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings.
47853 = 6Z67 0705 Shildon-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard/ 6Z68 2000 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-Shildon.
Tuesday 21/05/2013
47237 = 1H84 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh. Charter.
47376 = ---- 1110 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1205 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47376 = ---- 1330 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1425 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47376 = ---- 1550 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1645 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47501 = 1Z85 1807 Kensington Olympia-Chester. Charter.
47790 = 1Z84 0710 Chester-Kensington Olympia. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5H84 1005 Edinburgh-Bo'ness.
47501 + 47790 t'n't = 0Z83 0445 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z83 0622 Crewe CS-Chester/ 5Z84 1137 Kensington Olympia-Stewarts Lane/ 5Z85 1707 Stewarts Lane-Kensington Olympia/ 5Z86 23167 Chester-Crewe CS.
47727 + 47739 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Bosotn Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47818 = 0Z37 1320 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Bristol/ 0Z38 1938 Bristol TM-Gresty Bridge hauling 37194.
47853 + 66301 t'n't = 6Z68 0705 Shildon-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard(66 leading)/ 0Z68 1123 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-York Parcels Sidings(853)/ 0Z69 1737 York Parcels Sidings-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard(66)/ 6Z69 2000 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-Shildon(853).
Wednesday 22/05/2013
47376 = ---- 1110 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1205 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47376 = ---- 1330 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1425 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47376 = ---- 1550 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1645 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47501 = 1Z88 1821 Kensington Olympia-Manchester V. Charter.
47790 = 1Z87 0711 Manchester V-Kensington Olympia. Charter.
47854 = 1Z43 0548 Kilmarnock-Blackpool to Carlisle. Charter.
47854 = 1Z45 1749 Blackpool-Kilmarnock via Settle. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 0Z00 1002 Bo'ness-Craigentinny.
47245 = 5Z86 0508 Southall Depot-Euston/ 5Z89 2254 Euston-Southall Depot.
47501 + 47790 t'n't = 5Z87 0519 Crewe CS-Manchester V/ 5Z88 1137 Kensington Olympia-Stewarts Lane/ 5Z89 1721 Stewarts Lane-Kensington Olympia/ 5Z90 2330 Manchester V-Crewe CS.
47786 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z43 0001 Carnforth Steamtown-Kilmarnock(786)/ 0Z45 Carlisle-Blackpool Carriage Sidings(854 to Preston, then 786)/ 5Z45 1707 Blackpool Carriage Sidings-Blackpool(786).
47853 = 6Z69 0720 Darlington North Jn-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard/ 5Z70 2000 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-Shildon.
Thursday 23/05/2013
Other workings
47501 + 47790 = 0Z90 0133 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47739 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47749 = 0Z56 1515 Cardiff Canton-Fairwater Yard/ 6Z56 1855 Fairwater Yard-Cardiff Canton.
47786 + 47854 = 5Z46 0022 Kilmarnock-Carnforth Steamtown(t'n't, 786 leading)/ 5Z43 1029 Southall Depot-Bo'ness from Carnforth(854 leading with 786 in tow).
47853 + 66301 t'n't = 6Z70 0705 Shildon-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard(66)/ 6Z71 2000 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-Darlington North Jn(853).
Friday 24/05/2013
47501 = 1Z40 1645 Chester-Carnforth from Liverpool. Charter.
47501 = 1Z41 2158 Carnforth-Chester from Liverpool. Charter.
47818 = 1Z40 1645 Chester-Carnforth to Liverpool. Charter.
47818 = 1Z41 2158 Carnforth-Chester to Liverpool. Charter.
Other workings
47501 + 47818 t'n't = 0Z40 1329 Gresty Bridge-Crewe LNWR/ 5Z40 1531 Crewe LNWR-Chester(501).
47580 + 47760 t'n't = 5Z61 1055 Carnforth Steamtown-Lincoln Terrace(760).
47727 = 0Z56 0040 Washwood Heath-Crewe Basford Hall/ 6Z56 0339 Crewe Basford Hall-West Ealing/ 6Z94 1104 West Ealing-Basford Hall.
47739 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47828 = 0O86 2023 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
47853 + 66301 t'n't = 6Z71 0705 Shildon-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard(66).
Saturday 25/05/2013
47237 = 1H79 1343 Edinburgh-Keith. Charter.
47501 = 1Z77 0646 Crewe-Ravenglass to Carnforth Loop via Manchester V-Blackburn. Charter.
47501 = 1Z79 1645 Ravenglass-Crewe to Carnforth Loop. Charter.
47580 = 1Z62 0518 Lincoln-Carlisle via Nottingham-Nuneaton-Tamworth-Stafford-Warrington BQ-Blackburn-S&C. Charter.
47580 = 1Z63 1357 Carlisle-Nuneaton from Carnforth Loop-Nottingham via Skipton-Beighton-Alfreton. Charter.
47596 = ---- 1130 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1430 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47760 = 1Z63 1357 Carlisle-Nuneaton to Carnforth Loop via Whitehaven. Charter.
47760 = 1Z63 1357 Carlisle-Nuneaton from Nottingham via Leicester. Charter.
47786 = 1Z42 1605 Kyle of Lochalsh-North Berwick. Charter.
47818 = 1Z77 0646 Crewe-Ravenglass from Carnforth Loop. Charter.
47818 = 1Z79 1645 Ravenglass-Crewe from Carnforth Loop via Blackburn-Manchester V. Charter.
47828 = 1V33 1040 Yarmouth-Liverpool Street to Norwich.
47854 = 1Z41 0530 North Berwick-Kyle of Lochalsh. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5H79 1212 Bo'ness-Edinburgh.
47501 + 47818 t'n't = 5Z41 0048 Chester-Crewe LNWR/ 0Z41 0205 Crewe LNWR-Gresty Bridge/ 0Z77 0449 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z77 0630 Crewe CS-Crewe/ 5Z78 1233 Ravenglass-Barrow CS(501)/ 5Z79 1459 Barrow CS-Ravenglass(818)/ 5Z80 2231 Crewe-Crewe CS.
47580 + 47760 t'n't = 5Z62 0500 Lincoln Terrace CHS-Lincoln.
47786 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z41 0400 Bo'ness-North Berwick.
47828 = 5V33 0919 Norwich CP-Yarmouth.
47828 did not work 1V18/1V43/1V28/5V28 because of a fuel leak.
Sunday 26/05/2013
47237 = 1H80 1120 Keith-Kyle of Lochalsh. Charter.
47596 = ---- 1130 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1430 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
Other workings
47245 + 57315 t'n't = 5Z55 1915 Southall Depot-Worcester Yard(245).
47580 + 47760 t'n't = 5Z64 1223 Derby-Carnforth Steamtown(760 to Leeds, then 580).
47786 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z42 1042 North Berwick-Bo'ness.
Monday 27/05/2013
47237 = 1H81 0845 Kyle of Lochalsh-Carrbridge.
47245 = 1Z55 0548 Worcester Foregate Street-Carlisle to Chester. Charter.
47245 = 1Z56 1611 Carlisle-Worcester Foregate Street from Carnforth UDGL. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5H81 1556 Carrbridge-Boat of Garten to Aviemore.
47245 + 57315 t'n't = 5Z55 0440 Worcester Yard-Worcester Foregate St/ 1Z55 0548 Worcester Foregate St-Carlisle from Chester-Hellifield Goods Loop(57)/ 0Z56 1159 Hellfield Goods Loop-Carnforth(245)/ 5Z57 2222 Worcester Foregate St-Southall Depot(57???).
47727 + 66847 = 0Z47 1345 Crewe IEMD-Eastleigh.
47853 (with a 66?) = 0Z66 1315 Doncaster Wood Yard-York PSD.
47786 and 47854 had been allocated to 0Z42 0944 Bo'ness-Carnforth Steamtown but this is believed to have not run.
Tuesday 28/05/2013
47237 = 1H82 1315 Kingussie-Dundee. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5H82 1110 Boat of Garten-Kingussie.
47727 = 0Z47 0854 Eastleigh-Southampton Western Docks/ 0Z73 1045 Southampton Western Docks-Bournemouth depot(with 73133 on 0Z73)/ 0Z49 1300 Bournemouth depot-Eastleigh.
47739 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47818 = 0Z47 1030 Gresty Bridge-Norwich CP.
47826 + 37516 t'n't = 5Z47 0900 Carnforth Steamtown-Ardwick(826).
Wednesday 29/05/2013
47237 = 1H84 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh. Charter.
47237 = 1H89 1343 Edinburgh-Boat of Garten to Aviemore. Charter.
47580 = 1Z37 0842 Southport-Holyhead. Charter.
47580 = 1Z38 1630 Holyhead-Southport from Blaenau Ffestiniog-Llandudno Jn. Charter.
47760 = 1Z38 1630 Holyhead-Southport to Blaenau Ffestiniog. Charter.
47760 = 1Z38 1630 Holyhead-Southport from Llandudno Jn. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5H84 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5H89 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
47580 + 47760 t'n't = 5Z37 0435 Carnforth Steamtown to Southport(580 to Springs Branch, then 760)/ 5Z38 2335 Southport-Carnforth Steamtown(580 to Springs Branch, then 760).
47853 + 66301 = 0Z47 0846 Doncaster West Yard-York PSD(66 hauling).
47117 is scheduled to work the 1300 from Loughborough (Great Central Railway) and return on Sun 2nd June 13.
Thursday 30/05/2013
47237 = 1H90 1223 Carrbridge-Dundee via Inverness & Aberdeen. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5H90 1104 Boat of Garten-Carrbridge.
47826 = 0Z47 1210 Ardwick Depot-Carnforth Steamtown.
47853 + 66301 = 0Z29 1832 York-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard/ 6Z29 2040 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-Temple Hirst Jn.
Friday 31/05/2013
47237 = 1H91 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh. Charter.
47237 = 1H85 1333 Edinburgh-Spean Bridge. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5H91 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5H85 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
47580 + 47760 t'n't = 5Z37 0825 Carnforth Steamtown-Norwich via Skipton(580 to Ely, then 760).
47739 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47749 = 0Z47 0855 Cardiff Canton-Sandar BS/ 6Z47 1510 Sandar BS-Burton West Yard.
47804 = 0H84 1100 Craigentinny-Fort William Yard.
47818 = 0Z18 1057 Stowmarket DGL-Tring/ 6Z18 1610 Tring CE-Doncaster.
47853 + 66301 = 6Z29 0515 Temple Hirst Jn-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard/ 0Z29 0745 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-York Parcels Sidings.
Credits: 31466, 47114, 47712, Bruce Astill, Dave Baker, Brian Battersby, BigBird, Dingwall Blade, Supersonic Boogie, Dave C, Bob C, Shaun C, Alex Cooke, Crumb, Ken Cuthbert, JD, Driff47844, Martin Duff, Dave Earwaker, John Foston, Geoff H, KL47576, Aled KW, James Line, Kevin Melia, Andy Parkinson, Phil47310, Rob Reedman, Rob46010, Aaron Roberts, Dave Ross, RP, Nick Scott, Brian Sherrington, SK, John Skipsey, Rob Snape, Runcorn, Christopher Taylor, Compass Tours, Mike Trigg, Chris Wall, Martin Weeks, Stuart Wood.
JUNE 2013
Page last updated:27/01/14

01/06/13: 47760 at Marholm work 1Z39 0520 North Walsham-Worcester Foregate Street via Leicester (worked by 760 to Norwich 580 to Ipswich 760 to Shrub Hill then 580).
Photo Copyright: Darren Wetherall
Workings in yellow are confirmed, workings in white are unconfirmed.
Saturday 01/06/2013
47237 = 1H86 0823 Spean Bridge-Fort William via Mallaig to Fort William. Charter.
47237 = 1H86 0823 Spean Bridge-Fort William from Mallaig. Charter.
47237 = 1H86 1709 Fort William-Bridge of Orchy. Charter.
47306 = ---- 1030 Bodmin General-Bodmin Parkway.
47306 = ---- 1100 Bodmin Parkway-Bodmin General.
47306 = ---- 1145 Bodmin General-Boscarne Jn.
47306 = ---- 1215 Boscarne Jn-Bodmin General.
47306 = ---- 1300 Bodmin General-Bodmin Parkway.
47306 = ---- 1330 Bodmin Parkway-Bodmin General.
47306 = ---- 1415 Bodmin General-Boscarne Jn.
47306 = ---- 1445 Boscarne Jn-Bodmin General.
47306 = ---- 1530 Bodmin General-Bodmin Parkway.
47306 = ---- 1600 Bodmin Parkway-Bodmin General.
47501 = 1Z48 1723 York-Rugby. Charter.
47580 = 1Z39 0520 North Walsham-Worcester FS from Norwich-Ipswich. Charter.
47580 = 1Z39 0520 North Walsham-Worcester FS from Worcester SH. Charter.
47580 = 1Z40 1728 Worcester FS-North Walsham to Worcester SH. Charter.
47580 = 1Z40 1728 Worcester FS-North Walsham from Ipswich-Norwich. Charter.
47760 = 1Z39 0520 North Walsham-Worcester FS to Norwich. Charter.
47760 = 1Z39 0520 North Walsham-Worcester FS from Ipswich-Worcester SH. Charter.
47760 = 1Z40 1728 Worcester FS-North Walsham from Worcester SH-Ipswich. Charter.
47760 = 1Z40 1728 Worcester FS-North Walsham from Norwich. Charter.
47786 = 1Z47 0529 Ayr-Fort William. Charter.
47804 = 1H86 0823 Spean Bridge-Fort William from Fort William-Mallaig. Charter.
47810 = 1Z45 0721 Rugby-York. Charter.
47854 = 1Z53 1641 Fort William-Ayr. Charter.
Other workings
47237 + 47804 t'n't = 5H86 1430 Fort William-Fort William Yard-Fort William.
47245 = 5Z36 1305 Southall depot-Bristol sidings.
47501 + 47810 t'n't = 0Z45 0345 Gresty Bridge-Crewe LNWR/ 5Z45 0520 Crewe LNWR-Rugby/ 5Z46 1225 York-Neville Hill/ 5Z47 1536 Neville Hill-York/ 5Z48 2207 Rugby-Crewe LNWR.
47580 + 47760 t'n't = 5Z38 0430 Norwich CSD-North Walsham/ 5Z39 1305 Worcester Foregate Street-Worcester L.M.D/ 5Z40 1650 Worcester L.M.D-Worcester Foregate Street(580 to Shrub Hill then 760).
47727 hauling 458016 + 458023 = 7Z45 1940 East Wimbledon EMUD-Eastleigh/ 7Z58 2248 Eastleigh-East Wimbledon EMUD.
47786 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z49 0230 Bo'ness-Ayr/ 5Z53 2253 Ayr-Bo'ness.
47818 = 6Z18 0012 Doncaster-York Works/ 0Z18 1440 York Works-Stowmarket DGL.
47828 = 5V33 0919 Norwich CP-Yarmouth/ 5V28 1625 Yarmouth-Norwich CP.
47828 = 1Z33 1040 Yarmouth-Liverpool Street to Norwich.
47828 = 1V18 1000 Liverpool Street-Yarmouth from Norwich.
47828 = 1V43 1310 Yarmouth-Liverpool Street to Norwich.
47828 = 1V28 1230 Liverpool Street-Yarmouth from Norwich.
Sunday 02/06/2013
47117 = 2A23 1300 Loughborough-Leicester.
47117 = 2B23 1345 Leicester-Loughborough.
47237 = 1H87 0700 Spean Bridge-Wemyss Bay. Charter.
47245 = 1Z37 0848 Bristol TM-Par. Charter.
47245 = 1Z39 1745 Par-Bristol TM. Charter.
Other workings
47245 = 5Z37 0757 Bristol sidings-Britol TM/ 5Z40 2259 Bristol TM-Bristol sidings.
47580 + 47760 t'n't = 5Z41 0050 North Walsham-Norwich sidings/ 5Z42 1119 Norwich sidings-Carnforth Steamtown.
47727 = 4Z27 1706 East Wimbledon EMUD-Wolverton CS/ 0Z27 2020 Wolverton CS-Rugby depot.
Monday 03/06/2013
47237 = 1H79 1342 Edinburgh-Keith. Charter.
47804 = 1H88 0637 Wemyss Bay-Edinburgh. Charter.
Other workings
47237 + 47804 t'n't = 5H88 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny(804).
47237 = 5H79 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
47245 = 5Z40 1035 Bristol Kingsland Road-Southall Depot.
47739 = 0Z47 0722 Washwood Heath-Washwood Heath via Walsall-Wolverhampton-Bescot-Walsall-Washwood Heath-Walsall-Wolverhampton-Bescot-Walsall.
47828 = 0F03 0451 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings.
Tuesday 04/06/2013
47237 = 1H80 1000 Keith-Kyle of Lochalsh. Charter..
47376 = ---- 1110 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1205 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47376 = ---- 1330 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1425 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47376 = ---- 1550 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1645 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
Other workings
47727 = 0Z47 0815 Rugby Depot-Wolverton CS/ 4Z55 1122 Wolverton CS-East Wimbledon EMUD/ 4Z27 1500 Wimbledon Park CS-Ashford Up Sidings.
47739 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47805 + 57009 = 0Z48 0830 Carlisle Kingmoor-Crewe Gresty Bridge(805).
47853 = 0Z47 1830 York Parcels Sidings-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard/ 6Z45 2000 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-Darlington North Jn.
Wednesday 05/06/2013
47237 = 1H81 0845 Kyle of Lochalsh-Carrbridge. Charter.
47376 = ---- 1110 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1205 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47376 = ---- 1330 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1425 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47376 = ---- 1550 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1645 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47760 = 1Z70 0820 Barrow-Stratford Upon Avon. Charter.
47826 = 1Z71 1750 Stratford Upon Avon-Barrow. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5H81 1556 Carrbridge-Boat of Garten to Aviemore.
47760 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z70 0508 Carnforth Steamtown-Barrow/ 5Z71 2305 Barrow-Carnforth Steamtown(760).
47853 = 6Z45 0618 Darlington North Jn-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard/ 0Z45 1126 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-York Parcels Sidings.
Thursday 06/06/2013
47237 = 1H82 1315 Kingussie-Dindee via Perth. Charter.
47376 = ---- 1110 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1205 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47376 = ---- 1330 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1425 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47376 = ---- 1550 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1645 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
Other workings
47237 = 5H82 1110 Boat of Garten-Kingussie from Aviemore.
47501 + 47810 t'n't = 0Z51 0945 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z51 1130 Crewe CS-Norwich Sidings.
47749 = 0Z48 1316 Burton West Yard-Washwood Heath.
47853 = 6Z45 0618 Darlington North Jn-Doncaster Up Decoy Yard/ 0Z45 1126 Doncaster Up Decoy Yard-York Parcels Sidings.
47245 had been allocated to 5Z71 0531 Southall Depot-Euston/ 1Z71 0736 Euston-Chester/ 5Z72 1316 Chester-Chester via Chester East Jn/ 5Z73 1640 Chester-Chester via Chester East Jn/ 1Z73 1707 Chester-Euston/ 5Z74 2250 Euston-Southall Depot but these however were worked by a class 33.
Friday 07/06/2013
47237 = 1H84 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh. Charter.
47237 = 1Z79 1342 Edinburgh-Montrose. Charter.
47237 = 1Z80 2041 Stonehaven-Keith. Charter.
47501 = 1Z52 0800 Ipswich-Bath Spa via Chelmsford-Ilford-Camden Road-Hounslow-Woking-Salisbury. Charter.
47810 = 1Z54 1800 Bath Spa-Ipswich via Salisbury-Woking-Hounslow-Camden Road-Ilford-Chelmsford. Charter.
47840 = ---- 1145 Meldon-Bishop Lydeard.
47840 = ---- 1545 Bishop Lydeard-Meldon.
Other workings
47237 = 5H84 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5Z79 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh/ 5Z80 1758 Montrose-Stonehaven.
47501 + 47810 t'n't = 5Z52 0637 Norwich Sidings-Ipswich/ 5Z53 1351 Bath Spa-Bedmister/ 5Z54 1700 Bedminster-Bath Spa/ 5Z55 2327 Ipswich-Norwich Sidings.
47749 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47760 + 57313 = 5Z73 2230 Carnforth Steamtown-Ayr(57).
47811 was seen shunting around Crewe Basford Hall at 1245 today.
Saturday 08/06/2013
47237 = 1Z81 1000 Keith-Kyle of Lochalsh. Charter.
47402 = 2G51 0930 Bury-Rawtenstall.
47402 = 2J56 1015 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = 2J57 1130 Heywood-Rawtenstall.
47402 = 2J62 1245 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = 2J63 1410 Heywood-Rawtenstall.
47402 = 2J68 1515 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = 2H69 1620 Heywood-Bury.
47501 = 1Z59 0703 Norwich-Chester to Ely. Charter.
47501 = 1Z60 1612 Chester-Norwich to Ely. Charter.
47810 = 1Z59 0703 Norwich-Chester from Ely. Charter.
47810 = 1Z60 1612 Chester-Norwich from Ely. Charter.
47760 = 1Z73 0608 Ayr-York via Settle to Carluke. Charter.
47786 = 1Z44 1700 Inverness-Berwick. Charter.
47802 = 1Z11 1613 Scarborough-Bristol TM. Charter.
47805 = 1Z10 0535 Bristol TM-Scarborough. Charter.
47828 = 1V33 1040 Yarmouth-Liverpool Street to Norwich.
47828 = 1V18 1000 Liverpool Street-Yarmouth from Norwich.
47828 = 1V43 1310 Yarmouth-Liverpool Street to Norwich.
47828 = 1V28 1230 Liverpool Street-Yarmouth from Norwich.
47840 = ---- 0845 Meldon-Bishop Lydeard.
47840 = ---- 1155 Bishop Lydeard-Meldon to Williton.
47854 = 1Z43 0640 Berwick-Inverness. Charter.
Other workings
47501 + 47810 t'n't = 5Z59 1215 Chester-Crewe CS/ 5Z60 1612 Crewe CS-Chester/ 5Z11 2221 Norwich-Ely Sidings.
47580 = 5Z55 0700 Carnforth-Bristol Kingsland Road.
47760 + 57313 t'n't = 5Z73 1336 York-York Holgate Sidings/ 5Z74 1700 York Holgate Sidings-York/ 1Z74 1738 York-Ayr via ECML(57313).
47786 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z43 0440 Bo'ness-Berwick upon Tweed(786).
47802 + 47805 t'n't = 5Z10 0145 Crewe HS-Bristol TM.
47828 = 5V33 0919 Norwich CP-Yarmouth/ 5V28 1625 Yarmouth-Norwich CP.
47805 has been named 'John Scott'.
Sunday 09/06/2013
47237 = 1Z82 1330 Kyle of Lochalsh-Carrbridge. Charter.
47402 = 2G51 0930 Bury-Rawtenstall.
47402 = 2J56 1015 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = 2J57 1130 Heywood-Rawtenstall.
47402 = 2J62 1245 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = 2J63 1410 Heywood-Rawtenstall.
47402 = 2J68 1515 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = 2H69 1620 Heywood-Bury.
47501 = 1Z66 1100 Nottingham-Sheffield. Charter.
47828 = 1Z71 1715 Norwich-Liverpool Street. Charter.
47840 = ---- xxxx Unknown workings at the West Somerset Railway.
Other workings
47237 = 5Z82 1800 Carrbridge-Boat of Garton to Aviemore.
47501 + 47810 t'n't = 5Z66 0840 Ely Sidings-Nottingham/ 5Z67 1748 Sheffield-Crewe CS(810)/ 0Z67 2124 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge
47580 = 5Z37 0755 Bristol Kingsland Road-Bristol TM/ 5Z40 2259 Bristol TM-Bristol Kingsland Road.
47749 = 0Z47 1025 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6Z08 1545 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47760 + 57313 = 5Z75 0007 Ayr-Falkland Sising/ 5Z76 1234 Falkland Sidings-Carnforth Steamtown.
47786 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z44 1124 Berwick Goods Loop-Bo'ness.
47802 + 47805 t'n't = 5Z12 1351 Bristol TM-Crewe HS/ 0Z12 1803 Crewe HS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47828 = 0Z72 2200 Liverpool Street-Norwich.
Monday 10/06/2013
47237 = 1Z83 1315 Kingussie-Dundee via Perth. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5Z83 1110 Boat of Garten-Kingussie from Aviemore.
47580 = 5Z40 1035 Bristol Kingsland Road-Southall Depot.
47828 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings.
Tuesday 11/06/2013
47237 = 1Z84 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh. Charter.
47376 = ---- 1110 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1205 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47376 = ---- 1330 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1425 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47376 = ---- 1550 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1645 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
Other workings
47237 = 5Z84 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny.
47501 + 47813 t'n't = 5Z30 0715 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Eastleigh.
47749 = 0Z47 0430 Washwood Heath-Crewe/ 0Z47 0725 Crewe-Washwood Heath with 56087 + 56302 in tow/ 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47786 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z46 0635 Bo'ness-Wembley to Carnforth Loop(854?) a 57 took over there.
47828 = 0P86 2023 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
Wednesday 12/06/2013
Other workings
47237 + 47804 t'n't = 0Z47 1105 Craigentinny-Carnforth Steamtown.
47501 + 47813 + 47832 t'n't = 5Z30 1123 Eastleigh-Carlisle Kingmoor to Crewe(813+501 on front).
47501 = 5Z30 1123 Eastleigh-Carlisle Kingmoor from Crewe.
47749 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47818 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings/ 0P86 2023 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
Thursday 13/06/2013
47245 = 1Z87 1555 Swanage-Victoria to Millbrook. Charter.
Other workings
47245 + steam t'n't = 5Z86 0620 Southall Depot-Victoria(245)/ 1Z86 0844 Victoria-Swanage(steam)/ 5Z86 1400 Swanage-Norden Gates/ 5Z87 1508 Norden Gates-Swanage(33111)/ 5Z87 2228 Victoria-Southall Depot(245).
47501 + 66426 = 0Z66 0901 Carlisle Kingmoor-Crewe CLS.
47749 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47818 + 47828 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings.
47828 = 0P86 2023 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
Friday 14/06/2013
47367 = 2M12 1010 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = 2C15 1212 Holt-Sheringham.
47367 = 2M22 1315 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = 2H28 1433 Weybourne-Holt
47367 = 2C31 1515 Holt-Sheringham.
47367 = 2M49 1710 Sheringham-Holt + 45133.
47840 = ---- 1140 Bishops Lydeard-Minehead.
47840 = ---- 1320 Minehead-Bishops Lydeard.
47840 = ---- 1510 Bishops Lydeard-Minehead.
47840 = ---- 1735 Minehead-Bishops Lydeard.
Other workings
47237 + 57006 = 0Z47 0914 Carnforth Steamtown-Craigentinny.
47786 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z77 2230 Carnforth-North Berwick.
47818 = 0P90 1445 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
Saturday 15/06/2013
47237 = 1H79 1343 Edinburgh-Keith. Charter.
47367 = 2C01 0852 Holt-Sheringham + 56301.
47367 = 2M08 1005 Sheringham-Holt + 56301.
47367 = 2C09 1055 Holt-Sheringham + 56301.
47367 = 2M18 1209 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = 2C19 1313 Holt-Sheringham + D5631.
47367 = 2M34 1542 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = 2C37 1703 Holt-Sheringham.
47501 = 1Z28 0732 Darlington-Dundee. Charter.
47773 = 1Z38 0716 Tyseley-Carlisle to Carnforth Loop. Charter.
47773 = 1Z39 1615 Carlisle-Tyseley from Crewe. Charter.
47786 = 1Z77 0524 North Berwick-Morecambe to Shields Jn. Charter.
47786 = 1Z78 1548 Morecambe-North Berwick to Shields Jn. Charter.
47818 = 1V33 1040 Yarmouth-Liverpool Street to Norwich.
47818 = 1V18 1000 Liverpool Street-Yarmouth from Norwich.
47818 = 1V43 1310 Yarmouth-Liverpool Street to Norwich.
47818 = 1V28 1230 Liverpool Street-Yarmouth from Norwich.
47832 = 1Z29 1738 Dundee-Darlington. Charter.
47854 = 1Z77 0524 North Berwick-Morecambe from Shields Jn. Charter.
47854 = 1Z78 1548 Morecambe-North Berwick from Shields Jn. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5Z79 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
47367 + 56301 t'n't = 0H00 Weybourne shed yard-Weybourne.
47367 = 0C37 1748 Sheringham-Weybourne shed yard.
47501 + 47832 t'n't = 0Z28 0213 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z28 0359 Crewe CS-Darlington/ 5Z28 1220 Dundee-Dundee Sidings/ 5Z29 1708 Dundee Sidings-Dundee/ 5Z30 2153 Darlington-Neville Hill.
47580 + steam t'n't? = 5Z36 1305 Southall Depot-Bristol Kingsland Road.
47773 = 0Z38 1102 Carnforth Loop-Crewe.
47786 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z77 1408 Morecambe-Carnforth/ 5Z78 1502 Carnforth-Morecambe.
47818 = 5V33 0919 Norwich CP-Yarmouth/ 5V28 1625 Yarmouth-Norwich CP.
47245 had been allocated 5Z36 but 47580 worked it instead.
Sunday 16/06/2013
47237 = 1H80 1120 Keith-Kyle of Lochalsh. Charter.
47367 = 2H00 0820 Weybourne-Holt
47367 = 2C01 0852 Holt-Sheringham.
47367 = 2M08 1005 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = 2C09 1055 Holt-Sheringham.
47367 = 1M20 1238 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = 2W26 1420 Sheringham-Weybourne.
47367 = 2M32 1512 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = 2C37 1650 Holt-Sheringham.
47501 = 1Z38 1202 York-Bingley to York via Leeds-Hellifield-Carnforth-Preston-Copy Pit-Wakefield Kirkgate-York. Charter.
47832 = 1Z38 1202 York-Bingley from York (2nd departure). Charter.
Other workings
47367 = 0H00 xxxx Weybourne shed yard-Weybourne/ 0C37 1835 Sheringham-Weybourne shed yard.
47367 + 45133 t'n't = 2C21 1340 Holt-Sheringham(45)/ 2S25 1436 Weybourne-Sheringham(45).
47501 + 47832 t'n't = 5Z38 1044 Neville Hill-York/ 5Z39 1844 Bingley-Crewe CS/ 0Z39 2237 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47580 = 5Z37 0755 Bristol Kingsland Road-Bristol TM/ 5Z40 2259 Bristol TM-Bristol Kingsland Road.
47786 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z79 1040 North Berwick-Carnforth Steamtown(786).
Monday 17/06/2013
47237 = 1H81 0845 Kyle of Lochalsh-Carrbridge. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5H81 1556 Carrbridge-Boat of Garten to Aviemore.
47580 = 5Z40 1035 Bristol Kingsland Road-Southall Depot.
Tuesday 18/06/2013
47237 = 5H82 1110 Boat of Gartern-Kingussie from Aviemore.
47237 = 1H82 1315 Kingussie-Dundee via Perth. Charter.
47818 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P21 1317 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2C23 1517 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P33 1817 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P41 2117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P20 1241 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P24 1441 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P40 2040 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2J94 2205 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47818 = 5J94 2305 Lowestoft-Norwich CP.
Wednesday 19/06/2013
47237 = 1H84 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh. Charter.
47237 = 1H89 1343 Edinburgh-Boat of Garten to Aviemore. Charter.
47818 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P21 1317 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P33 1817 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P39 2017 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P20 1241 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P38 1933 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47237 = 5H84 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5H89 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
47739 = 0Z47 1303 Washwood Heath-Rugby OLE/ 0Z47 1611 Rugby OLE-Stafford Arrival Sidings/ 0Z47 2100 Stafford Arrival Sidings-Carlisle.
Thursday 20/06/2013
47237 = 1H90 1223 Carrbridge-Dundee via Inverness & Aberdeen. Charter.
47501 = 1Z51 1615 Euston-Bangor. Charter.
47802 = 1Z47 0645 Manchester V-Ascot. Charter.
47802 = 1Z48 1806 Ascot-Manchester V. Charter.
47818 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47237 = 5H90 1104 Boat of Garten-Carrbridge from Aviemore.
47501 + 47805 t'n't = 0Z51 0854 Gresty Bridge-Crewe LNWR/ 5Z51 1019 Crewe LNWR-Euston(805)/ 5Z52 2110 Bangor-Holyhead(501).
47739 = 6M65 2115 P/N Grangemouth Ineos-Sinfin Sidings from Carlisle/ 6S96 1252 Sinfin Sidings-Grangemouth Ineos.
47802 + 47832 t'n't = 0Z47 0325 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z47 0510 Crewe CS-Manchester V/ 5Z47 1232 Ascot-Stewarts Lane(802)/ 5Z48 1623 Stewarts Lane-Ascot(832).
47853 + 37607 = 0Z37 xxxx York Parcels Sidings-Carlisle Kingmoor(37).
Friday 21/06/2013
47237 = 1H91 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh. Charter.
47237 = 1H85 1333 Edinburgh-Spean Bridge. Charter.
47501 = 1Z53 0410 Bangor-Barrow to Carlisle via Carlisle + 47805 in multi. Charter.
47805 = 1Z53 0410 Bangor-Barrow to Carlisle via Carlisle + 47501 in multi. Charter.
47818 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47237 = 5H91 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5H85 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
47501 + 47805 multi = 5Z53 0300 Holyhead-Bangor/ 0Z47 0759 Carlisle-Carlisle Kingmoor.
47739 = 6R46 0641 Grangemouth Oil Terminal-Prestwick Oil Terminal/ 6N47 1656 Prestwick Oil Terminal-Grangemouth Oil Terminal/ 0Z47 2026 Grangemouth Oil Terminal-Bo'ness.
47760 + 47786 t'n't = 5Z29 1215 Carnforth Steamtown-Crewe Down Refuge Siding.
47802 + 47832 t'n't = 5Z48 0003 Manchester V-Crewe LNWR/ 0Z48 0150 Crewe LNWR-Gresty Bridge.
47828 = 5V91 1945 Norwich CP-Ilford EMUD/ OP98 2310 Ilford EMUD-Norwich CP.
47854 + 57313 = 5Z86 0845 Carnforth Steamtown-Derby.
Saturday 22/06/2013
47237 = 1H86 0823 Spean Bridge-Fort William via Mallaig to Fort William. Charter.
47237 = 1H86 0823 Spean Bridge-Fort William from Mallaig. Charter.
47237 = 1H86 1709 Fort William-Bridge of Orchy. Charter.
47367 = ---- 0945 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = ---- 1030 Holt-Sheringham.
47367 = ---- 1115 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = ---- 1200 Holt-Sheringham.
47367 = ---- 1245 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = ---- 1330 Holt-Sheringham.
47367 = ---- 1415 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = ---- 1500 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = ---- 1545 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = ---- 1608 Holt-Sheringham.
47760 = 1Z30 0500 Shrewsbury-Penzance + 47786 in tandem. Charter.
47760 = 1Z31 1534 Penzance-Shrewsbury + 47786 in tandem. Charter.
47786 = 1Z30 0500 Shrewsbury-Penzance + 47760 in tandem. Charter.
47786 = 1Z31 1534 Penzance-Shrewsbury + 47760 in tandem. Charter.
47802 = 1Z89 0627 Liverpool-Helensburgh Upper via WCML. Charter.
47802 = 1Z90 1728 Helensburgh Upper-Warrington Central from Liverpool. Charter.
47805 = 1Z57 1302 Fort William-Euston from Carlisle. Charter.
47828 = 1V33 1230 Yarmouth-Liverpool Street to Norwich.
47832 = 1Z90 1728 Helensburgh Upper-Warrington Central to Liverpool. Charter.
47854 = 1Z87 0608 Nottingham-Canterbury West to Hanwell Bridge Loop. Charter.
Other workings
47237 + 37516 t'n't = 5H86 1351 Fort William-Fort Willaim via Fort William Yard.
47245 = 5Z60 0425 Southall Depot-Kings Cross/ 5Z63 2002 Kings Cross-Southall Depot.
47501 + 47805 t'n't = 0Zxx xx Carlisle Kingmoor-Carlisle.
47739 = 0Z47 1200 Bo'ness SRPS-Carlisle Yard.
47739 + 56087 = 0Z47 1815 Carlisle Yard-Carlisle(739).
47760 + 47786 = 5Z30 0325 Crewe Down Refuge Sidings-Shrewsbury/ 5Z30 1438 Penzance-Penzance via Penzance Sloper Sidings/
47802 + 47832 t'n't = 0Z88 0342 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z88 0515 Crewe CS-Liverpool/ 5Z89 1155 Helensburgh Upper-Motherwell TMD/ 5Z90 1551 Motherwell TMD-Helesburgh Upper.
47818 = 0V91 1615 Norwich CP-Ilford EMUD/ 5P98 1858 Ilford EMUD-Norwich CP.
47828 = 5V33 0919 Norwich CP-Yarmouth (failed)/ 0V33 1210 Norwich-Norwich CP.
47854 + 57313 t'n't = 5Z86 0420 Derby-Nottingham/ 0Z87 0942 Hanwell Bridge Loop-Southall Depot/ 0Z88 1920 Southall Depot-Hanwell Bridge Loop/ 1Z88 1553 Canterbury West-Nottingham from Hanwell Bridge Loop(57)/ 5Z89 2350 Nottingham-Derby(57).
Sunday 23/06/2013
47237 1H87 0700 Spean Bridge-Wemyss Bay. Charter(37).
Other workings
47501 + 47805 t'n't = 5Z55 1404 Euston-Crewe DMD(501).
47739 + 56087 = 6Z47 1200 Carlisle New Yard-Basford Hall(739)/ 0Z47 1700 Basford Hall-Washwood Heath.
47760 + 47786 = 5Z32 1140 Shrewsbury Coton Hill Sidings-Carnforth Steamtown(both on front 760 leading).
47854 + 57313 = 5Z89 1415 Derby-Carnforth Steamtown.
Monday 24/06/2013
47237 = 1H79 1342 Edinburgh-Keith. Charter.
Other workings
47237 + 37516 t'n't = 1H88 0637 Wemyss Bay-Edinburgh. Charter(37)/ 5H88 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny.
47237 = 5H79 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
47813 = 5Z31 0620 Crewe CSFL-Derby RTC (hauling one Northern Belle carriage).
47818 = 0P90 1700 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP/ 5V91 1945 Norwich CP-Ilford EMD.
47727 had been allocated to 4Z66 1020 Ashford Up Sidings-Rugby depot/ 0Z66 1700 Rugby depot-Washwood Heath but these did not run.
Tuesday 25/06/2013
47237 = 1H80 1120 Keith-Kyle of Lochalsh. Charter.
47376 = ---- 1000 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1055 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
Other workings
47739 = 0Z47 1200 Washwood Heath-Ashford Sidings.
47760 + steam 45231 = 5Z50 xxxx Carnforth Steamtown-Carnforth Steamtown via Hellifield and Preston(steam).
47773 + steam = 1Z29 1815 Tyseley-Leicester(steam)/ 1Z30 1949 Leicester-Tyseley(steam)).
47813 = 5Z02 1248 Derby RTC-York Parcels Spur.
47818 = 0P90 0100 Ilford EMD-Norwich CP.
47376 was replaced by a 37 for the rest of the diagram.
Wednesday 26/06/2013
47237 = 1H81 0845 Kyle of Lochalsh-Carrbridge. Charter.
47501 = 1Z42 0642 York-Aviemore via ECML & Dunfermline + 47805 in multi. Charter.
47501 = 1Z43 1601 Aviemore-York + 47805 from Kincraig Loop in multi. Charter.
47805 = 1Z42 0642 York-Aviemore via ECML & Dunfermline + 47501 in multi. Charter.
47805 = 1Z43 1601 Aviemore-York from Kincraig Loop + 47805 in multi. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5H81 1556 Carrbridge-Boat of Garten to Aviemore.
47501 + 47805 = 0Z41 0035 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe HS/ 5Z41 0200 Crewe HS-York(805 to Manchester P then 501)/ 5Z42 1433 Aviemore-Aviemore Down Refuge Sidings/ 5Z43 1545 Aviemore Down Refuge Sidings-Aviemore/ 5Z55 2328 York-Crewe HS(805 to Manchester P then 501).
47727 + 47739 = 4Z66 1020 Ashford Sidings-Rugby Depot.
47813 + Saloon = 5Z02 0753 York Parcels Spur-York/ 2Z02 0807 York-York via Wakefield Kirkgate-Huddersfield-Barnsley-Beighton-Moorthorpe-Wakefield Kirkgate-Mirfield-Huddersfield-Stalybridge-Huddersfield-Castleford/ 5Z02 1919 York-York Parcels Spur.
Thursday 27/06/2013
47237 = 1H82 1315 Kingussie-Dundee via Perth. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5H82 1110 Boat of Gartern-Kingussie from Aviemore.
47501 + 47805 = 0Z44 0305 Crewe HS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47727 + 47739 = 0Z47 1118 Rugby Depot-Washwood Heath.
47786 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z83 1155 Carnforth Steamtown-Crewe Down Refuge Siding.
47813 + Saloon = 5Z02 1000 York Parcels Spur-Derby RTC.
Friday 28/06/2013
47237 = 1H84 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh. Charter.
47237 = 1H85 1333 Edinburgh-Spean Bridge. Charter.
47786 = 1Z84 0542 Hereford-Carmarthen. Charter.
47840 = ---- 1140 Bishops Lydeard-Minehead.
47840 = ---- 1320 Minehead-Bishops Lydeard.
47840 = ---- 1510 Bishops Lydeard-Minehead.
47840 = ---- 1735 Minehead-Bishops Lydeard.
47854 = 1Z85 1618 Carmarthen-Wolverhampton. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5H84 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5H85 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
47739 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47760 + 57601 t'n't = 5Z49 1123 Carnforth Steamtown-Derby.
47786 + 47854 't'n't = 5Z84 0308 Crewe Down Refuge Siding-Hereford/ 5Z85 2231 Wolverhampton-Carnforth Steamtown.
Saturday 29/06/2013
47237 = 1H86 0823 Spean Bridge-Fort William via Mallaig to Fort William. Charter.
47237 = 1H86 0823 Spean Bridge-Fort William from Mallaig. Charter.
47237 = 1H86 1709 Fort William-Bridge of Orchy. Charter.
47306 = ---- 1030 Bodmin General-Bodmin Parkway.
47306 = ---- 1100 Bodmin Parkway-Bodmin General.
47306 = ---- 1145 Bodmin General-Boscarne Jn.
47306 = ---- 1215 Boscarne Jn-Bodmin General.
47306 = ---- 1300 Bodmin General-Bodmin Parkway.
47306 = ---- 1330 Bodmin Parkway-Bodmin General.
47306 = ---- 1415 Bodmin General-Boscarne Jn.
47306 = ---- 1445 Boscarne Jn-Bodmin General.
47306 = ---- 1530 Bodmin General-Bodmin Parkway.
47306 = ---- 1600 Bodmin Parkway-Bodmin General.
47579 = ---- 1130 Dereham-Wymondham.
47579 = ---- 1300 Wymondham-Dereham.
47579 = ---- 1645 Dereham-Wymondham.
47579 = ---- 1745 Wymondham-Dereham.
47596 = ---- 0930 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1030 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47596 = ---- 1430 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47760 = 1Z49 0445 Derby-Penzance from Bristol TM + 57601 in tandem. Charter.
47760 = 1Z51 1530 Penzance-Derby + 57601 in tandem to Bristol TM. Charter.
47773 = 1Z33 1709 Scarborough-Tyseley from Derby. Charter.
Other workings
47760 + 57601 = 5Z50 1424 Penzance-Penzance Up Loop/ 5Z51 1516 Penzance Up Loop-Penzance.
47773 = 0Z34 1926 Tyseley-Derby.
47805 + 47832 t'n't = 0Z34 1645 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z34 1837 Crewe CS-Euston.
1V33/1V18/1V43/1V28 Yarmouths were DMU's.
Sunday 30/06/2013
47237 = 1H87 0746 Bridge of Orchy-Wemyss Bay. Charter.
47596 = ---- 0930 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1030 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47596 = ---- 1430 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1540 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47805 = 1Z35 0831 Euston-Milton Keynes to Northampton. Charter.
47805 = 1Z36 1819 Milton Keynes-Euston via Birmingham New Street. Charter.
47832 = 1Z35 0831 Euston-Milton Keynes from Northampton. Charter.
Other workings
47760 + 57601 t'n't = 5Z52 1400 Derby-Carnforth Steamtown.
47805 + 47832 t'n't = 5Z35 1046 Milton Keynes-Willesden Brent(832)/ 5Z36 1703 Willesden Brent-Milton Keynes(805)/ 5Z37 2232 Euston-Crewe CS(832).
Credits: 31466, 47712, AK, AN, Andre, Jamie B, Mark Barber, Brian Battersby, Simon Bendall, BigBird, Dingwall Blade, Gaz Brannan, Billy Bunter, Bob C, Dave C, Shaun C, Andrew Chambers, Richard Clinnick, Alex Cooke, Crumb, Ken Cuthbert, Driff47844, Martin Duff, Dave Earwaker, Bishton Flyover, Sidcup Ginge, Geoff H, Stephen Hill, Hodgeye, Stewart Hyde, Neil Jones, Steve Kibble, KL47576, Alan Lea, Roddy MacPhee, MD, Kevin Melia, Mobile, Nigel47417, Andy Parkinson, Rob Reedman, Rob46010, Dave Ross, Runcorn, Nick Scott, Brian Sherrington, Slugmaster, Matt Spencer, Jamie Squibbs, James Stearn, Christopher Taylor, Simon Travers, Mike Trigg, Andy Wills, Stuart Wood.
JULY 2013
Page last updated:27/01/14

26/07/13: 47580 1Z80 0708 Crewe-Scarborough at York piloting steam 46233.
Photo Copyright: Steve P
Workings in yellow are confirmed, workings in white are unconfirmed.
Monday 01/07/2013
Other workings
47237 + 37516 t'n't = 1H88 0637 Wemyss Bay-Edinburgh. Charter.(37)/ 5H88 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny(37).
47579 + 47596 + 31190 + 50026 + 73210 = 0Z56 1330 Wymondham-Heywood (East Lancs)(31).
47739 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47805 + 47832 = 0Z37 0240 Crewe LNWR-Gresty Bridge.
47818 = 0V91 1945 Norwich CP-Ilford EMD/ 5P98 2305 Ilford RMD-Norwich CP.
Tuesday 02/07/2013
Other workings
47739 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47818 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings.
Wednesday 03/07/2013
Other workings
47739 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47813 = 0Z47 1010 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Norwich.
Thursday 04/07/2013
Other workings
47727 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 1720 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47739 = 0Z75 0905 Washwood Heath-Fairwater Yard/ 6Z56 1359 Fairwater Yard-Cardiff Canton Sidings.
47841 + 66303 = 1123 Eastleigh-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
Friday 05/07/2013
47237 = 1H89 1343 Edinburgh-Boat of Garten to Aviemore. Charter.
47402 = 2F62 0937 Ramsbottom-Heywood.
47402 = 1Z01 1850 Bury-Ramsbottom + 47579.
47402 = 1Z03 1950 Heywood-Ramsbottom to Bury + 47579.
47579 = 2J69 1025 Heywood-Rawtenstall from Bury.
47579 = 2J70 1146 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47579 = 2J77 1305 Heywood-Rawtenstall to Bury.
47579 = 2E85 1604 Bury-Ramsbottom.
47579 = 2E86 1654 Ramsbottom-Bury.
47579 = 1Z01 1850 Bury-Ramsbottom + 47402.
47579 = 1Z03 1950 Heywood-Ramsbottom + 47402 to Bury.
47579 = 1Z05 2100 Heywood-Bury.
47596 = 2E61 0900 Bury-Ramsbottom.
47596 = 2J69 1025 Heywood-Rawtenstall to Bury.
47596 = 2J77 1305 Heywood-Rawtenstall from Bury.
47596 = 2J78 1426 Rawtenstall-Bury.
47596 = 2J87 1545 Heywood-Rawtenstall to Bury.
47596 = 1Z02 1910 Ramsbottom-Heywood.
47596 = 1Z04 2025 Ramsbottom-Heywood.
Other workings
47237 = 5H89 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
47727 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47739 = 6Z56 1512 Cardiff Canton-Fairwater Yard/ 0Z56 1918 Fairwater Yard-Canton Sidings.
47786 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z67 0800 Carnforth Steamtown-Doncaster(854).
47812 = 0Z47 0340 Crewe Basford Hall-Bescot TMD.
47818 = 0P86 2023 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
Saturday 06/07/2013
47237 = 1Z62 1104 Boat of Garten-Carrbridge from Aviemore. Charter.
47237 = 1Z63 1626 Nairn-Dundee via Aberdeen. Charter.
47245 = 1Z84 1700 York-Victoria. Charter.
47292 = ---- 1100 Ruddington-Loughborough.
47292 = ---- 1149 Ruddington-Loughborough.
47292 = ---- 1300 Ruddington-Loughborough.
47292 = ---- 1349 Ruddington-Loughborough.
47292 = ---- 1500 Ruddington-Loughborough.
47292 = ---- 1549 Ruddington-Loughborough.
47579 = 2E61 0900 Bury-Ramsbottom.
47579 = 2J69 1025 Heywood-Rawtenstall to Bury.
47579 = 2J75 1205 Heywood-Rawtenstall from Bury + 47596 to Ramsbottom.
47579 = 2J78 1426 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47579 = 2J87 1545 Heywood-Rawtenstall to Bury.
47579 = 2J93 1725 Heywood-Rawtenstall from Bury.
47596 = 2F62 0937 Ramsbottom-Heywood.
47596 = 2J75 1205 Heywood-Rawtenstall from Bury-Ramsbottom + 47579.
47596 = 2E74 1324 Ramsbottom-Bury.
47596 = 2J87 1545 Heywood-Rawtenstall from Bury.
47596 = 2J90 1756 Rawtenstall-Heywood + D7076.
47786 = 1Z68 0620 Peterborough-Carlisle via Settle. Charter.
47790 = 1Z42 0750 Birmingham International-Blaneau Ffestiniog to Wrenbury & failed 47832 rescued. Charter.
47805 = 1Z43 1855 Blaneau Ffestiniog-Birmingham International from Crewe. Charter.
47832 = 1Z42 0750 Birmingham International-Blaneau Ffestiniog from Wrenbury-Crewe 47790 failed. Charter.
47832 = 1Z42 0750 Birmingham International-Blaneau Ffestiniog from Llandudno Jn. Charter.
47832 = 1Z43 1855 Blaneau Ffestiniog-Birmingham International from Llandudno Jn-Crewe. Charter.
47841 = 1Z42 0750 Birmingham International-Blaneau Ffestiniog from Crewe-Llandudno Jn. Charter.
47841 = 1Z43 1855 Blaneau Ffestiniog-Birmingham International to Llandudno Jn. Charter.
47854 = 1Z69 1445 Carlisle-Peterborough via Penrith. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5Z62 1223 Carbridge-Nairn.
47245 + steam t'n't = 5Z80 0456 Southall Depot-Victoria(245)/ 1Z82 0630 Victoria-York(steam)/ 5Z83 1423 York-Holgate Sidings(245).
47245 + 47580 t'n't = 5Z85 2258 Victoria-Southall Depot(580).
47580 = 0Z85 2145 Southall Depot-Victoria.
47786 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z68 0410 Doncaster Sidings-Peterborough/ 5Z69 2233 Peterborough-Hitchin Yard.
47790 + 47832 t'n't = 0Z42 0400 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z42 0538 Crewe CS-Birmingham International.
47812 = 0Z47 1337 Bescot TMD-Bristol Barton Hill.
47832 + 47841 t'n't = 5Z42 1313 Blaneau Ffestiniog-Blaneau Ffestiniog via Groundframe No.3/ 5Z43 1815 Blaneau Ffestiniog-Blaneau Ffestiniog via Groundframe No.3.
47841 = 0Z42 1200 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe.
The Yarmouth portions were covered by a coach and a DMU.
Sunday 07/07/2013
47237 = 1Z64 0739 Dundee-Chester. Charter.
47402 = 2J75 1205 Heywood-Rawtenstall from Bury-Ramsbottom.
47402 = 2E74 1324 Ramsbottom-Bury.
47402 = 2J87 1545 Heywood-Rawtenstall from Bury + 47579.
47579 = 2J75 1205 Heywood-Rawtenstall from Ramsbottom.
47579 = 2J78 1426 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47579 = 2J87 1545 Heywood-Rawtenstall + 47402 from Bury.
47596 = 2J64 1006 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47596 = 2J71 1115 Heywood-Rawtenstall to Bury.
47812 = 1Z27 0915 Bristol TM-Kingswear. Charter.
47812 = 1Z28 1650 Kingswear-Bristol TM. Charter.
Other workings
47237 + 57006 t'n't = 5Z65 1447 Chester-Chester/ 1Z65 1709 Chester-North Llanrwst(57).
47739 = 0Z56 1740 Canton TMD-Washwood Heath.
47786 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z70 1204 Hitchin Yard-Carnforth Steamtown(854 to Welwyn Loop 786 to Grantham & failed then 854 after running round).
47805 + 47841 t'n't = 5Z44 1530 Birmingham International-Crewe CS/ 0Z44 1602 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47812 = 5Z27 0811 Bristol Barton Hill-Bristol TM/ 5Z28 2020 Bristol TM-Bristol Barton Hill.
Monday 08/07/2013
47237 = 1Z67 1950 Llandudno-Gloucester. Charter.
Other workings
47237 + 57006 t'n't = 1Z66 0810 North Llanrwst-Bangor(57)/ 5Z66 0946 Bangor-Llandudno via Holyhead(57 to Holyhead 237 to Llandudno Jn then 57).
47579 + 47596 + 31190 + 50026 + 73210 = 0Z48 1126 Heywood-Wymondham(31).
47580 = 5Z43 1029 Southall Depot-Carnforth Steamtown.
47727 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47739 = 0Z42 0640 Washwood Heath-Ilford EMD/ 5Z42 1232 Ilford EMD-Long Marston/ 0Z43 2120 Long Marston-Washwood Heath.
Tuesday 09/07/2013
47237 = 1Z70 2351 Oxford-Fletton(NVR). Charter.
Other workings
47237 + 57006 t'n't = 1Z68 0508 Gloucester-Bath(57)/ 5Z68 0956 Bath-Westbury/ 5Z69 1305 Westbury-Bath/ 1Z69 1529 Bath-Oxford(57)/ 5Z69 1803 Oxford-Oxford Down Carriage Sidings/ 5Z70 2343 Oxford Down Carriage Sidings-Oxford.
Wednesday 10/07/2013
47237 = 1Z72 1811 Cambridge-Scarborough via ECML. Charter.
47805 = 1Z31 1851 Nottingham-Kings Cross + 47841 in tandem. Charter.
47813 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47813 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47813 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47813 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47813 = 2P33 1817 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47832 = 1Z30 0648 Kings Cross-Nottingham + 47841 in multi. Charter.
47841 = 1Z30 0648 Kings Cross-Nottingham + 47832 in multi. Charter.
47841 = 1Z31 1851 Nottingham-Kings Cross + 47805 in tandem. Charter.
Other workings
47237 + 57006 t'n't = 1Z71 0940 Fletton-Cambridge via Grantham-Sleaford-Spalding-Peterborough-March(57)/ 5Z71 1337 Cambridge-Cambridge CSD/ 5Z72 1744 Cambridge CSD-Cambridge.
47727 = 0Z47 0255 Washwood Heath-Basford Hall/ 6Z47 0730 Crewe Basford Hall-West Ealing/ 0Z47 1435 West Ealing-Fairwater Yard.
47739 = 6E07 1452 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47805 + 47832 + 47841 = 5Z29 0120 Crewe CS-Kings Cross(805)/ 5Z30 1005 Nottingham-Barrow Hill(832+841)/ 5Z31 1700 Barrow Hill-Nottingham(805+841)/ 5Z32 2226 Kings Cross-Crewe CS(832).
Thursday 11/07/2013
47237 = 1Z74 1300 York-Anlmouth to York via Harrogate. Charter.
47237 = 1Z75 2345 Alnmouth-Newcastle. Charter.
47813 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47813 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47237 + 57006 t'n't = 1Z73 0910 Scarborough-York(57)/ 5Z73 1014 York-Holgate Sidings(57)/ 5Z74 1235 Holgate Sidings-York via Milford(57)/ 5Z74 1828 Alnmouth-Berwick Goods Loop/ 5Z75 1941 Berwick Goods Loop-Alnmouth.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks. 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47760 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z47 0810 Carnforth Steamtown-Ardwick TMD(854)/ 5Z48 1750 Ardwick TMD-Carnforth Steamtown.
Friday 12/07/2013
47501 = 1Z15 1821 Kensington Olympia-Manchester V.
47805 = 1Z14 0711 Manchester V-Kensington Olympia. Charter.
47813 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47813 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47813 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47813 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47813 = 2P33 1817 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47237 + 57006 t'n't = 1Z76 0522 Newcastle-Edinburgh(57)/ 5Z76 1004 Edinburgh-Craigentinny(47).
47501 + 47805 t'n't = 0Z13 0344 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z13 0519 Crewe CS-Manchester V/ 5Z14 1238 Kensington Olympia-Stewarts Lane/ 5Z15 1700 Stewarts Lane-Kensington Olympia.
47727 = 6Z56 0634 Fairwater Yard-West Ealing/ 6Z57 1232 West Ealing-Fairwater Yard.
47812 = 0Z29 1540 Bristol Barton Hill-Tyseley/ 5Z29 2044 Tyseley-Bristol Barton Hill.
47727 was allocated 0Z56 1918 Fairwater Yard-Cardiff Canton but this was cancelled.
Saturday 13/07/2013
47245 = 1Z55 0818 Kings Cross-Skegness from Sleaford. Charter.
47401 = 2P12 1041 Hammersmith-Riddings.
47401 = 2P13 1211 Hammersmith-Riddings.
47401 = 2P14 1341 Hammersmith-Riddings.
47401 = 2P52 1511 Hammersmith-Riddings.
47401 = 2P16 1641 Hammersmith-Riddings.
47501 = 1Z50 0710 Nottingham-Oxenholme to Derby. Charter.
47580 = 1Z46 1615 Scarborough-Liverpool from Manchester V. Charter.
47760 = 1Z45 0845 Manchester V-Scarborough from Milford Loop. Charter.
47760 = 1Z46 1615 Scarborough-Liverpool to Milford Loop. Charter.
47805 = 1Z50 0710 Nottingham-Oxenholme from Derby. Charter.
47805 = 1Z51 1744 Oxenholme-Nottingham to Derby & terminated. Charter.
47818 = 1V33 1040 Yarmouth-Liverpool Street to Norwich.
47818 = 1V18 1000 Liverpool Street-Yarmouth from Norwich.
47818 = 1V43 1310 Yarmouth-Liverpool Street to Norwich.
47818 = 1V28 1230 Liverpool Street-Yarmouth from Norwich.
Other workings
47245 + steam t'n't = 5Z55 0530 Southall Depot-Kings Cross/ 1Z56 1625 Skegness-Kings Cross(steam)/ 5Z57 2238 Kings Cross-Southall Depot.
47401 + steam t'n't = 0M21 0855 Swanwick shed-Butterley(401 solo)/ 2P11 0930 Butterley-Riddings (401 solo to Butterley then 46233 added to rear TnT to Riddings)/ 2H11 1000 Riddings-Hammersmith(steam)/ 2H12 1130 Riddings-Hammersmith(steam)/ 2H13 1252 Riddings-Hammersmith(steam)/ 2H14 1430 Riddings-Hammersmith(steam)/ 2H15 1600 Riddings-Hammersmith(steam)/ 2H16 1730 Riddings-Swanwick Jn(steam).
47501 + 47805 t'n't = 5Z16 0004 Manchester V-Crewe CS/ 5Z49 0355 Crewe CS-Nottingham/ 5Z50 1202 Oxenholme-Carlisle(805)/ 5Z51 1620 Carlisle-Oxenholme(501 to Tebay & failed then 805 after run round).
47580 = 0Z47 1822 Carnforth Steamtown-Manchester V.
47580 + 47760 t'n't = 5Z46 2238 Liverpool-Chester.
47727 = 0Z47 0919 Fairwater Yard-Cardiff Canton.
47760 + steam t'n't = 5Z45 0111 Carnforth Steamtown-Manchester V.
47818 = 5V33 0919 Norwich CP-Yarmouth/ 5V28 1625 Yarmouth-Norwich CP.
47853 = 0Z58 1000 Carlisle Kingmoor-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
Sunday 14/07/2013
47402 = ---- 0930 Bury-Rawtenstall.
47402 = 2J56 1015 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = 2J57 1130 Heywood-Rawtenstall.
47402 = 2J62 1245 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = 2J63 1410 Heywood-Rawtenstall.
47402 = 2J68 1515 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = 2H69 1620 Heywood-Bury.
47773 = 1T51 1241 Stratford Upon Avon-Birmingham Snow Hill + steam in tandem. Charter.
47773 = 1T53 1618 Stratford Upon Avon-Birmingham Snow Hill + steam in tandem. Charter.
47812 = 1Z27 0915 Bristol TM-Kingswear + steam in tandem. Charter.
47812 = 1Z28 1650 Kingswear-Bristol TM + steam in tandem. Charter.
Other workings
47501 + 47805 t'n't = 5Z53 1414 Derby-Crewe CS(805)/ 0Z53 1636 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47580 + 47760 t'n't = 5Z48 1320 Chester-Carnforth Steamtown.
47773 + steam t'n't = 5T50 0935 Tyseley-Birmingham Snow Hill(773)/ 1T50 1028 Birmingham Snow Hill-Stratford Upon Avon(steam)/ 1T52 1358 Birmingham Snow Hill-Stratford Upon Avon(steam)/ 5Z53 1747 Birmingham Snow Hill-Tyseley(steam).
47812 + steam = 5Z27 0811 Bristol Barton Hill-Bristol TM/ 5Z28 Bristol TM-Bristol Barton Hill.
Monday 15/07/2013
Other workings
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47760 + 2xSteam = 5Z61 1050 Carnforth Steamtown-York NRM(760).
Tuesday 16/07/2013
47760 = 1Z35 1014 York-Scarborough via Wakefield + steam in tandem. Charter.
47760 = 1Z38 1655 Scarborough-York + steam in tandem. Charter.47813 = 2P15 1017 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47813 = 2J75 1150 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47813 = 2P33 1817 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P14 0936 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J72 1134 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47727 = 0Z51 1325 Cardiff Canton-Baglan Bay/ 6Z51 1523 Baglan Bay-Chirk.
47760 + steam = 5Z33 0553 York-Holgate Sidings/ 5Z34 1004 Holgate Sidings-York/ 5Z37 2109 York-York NRM.
47854 + 57316 = 0Z47 1144 Carnforth Steamtown-Craigentinny(57).
Wednesday 17/07/2013
47376 = ---- 1110 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1205 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47376 = ---- 1330 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1425 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47376 = ---- 1550 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1645 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47580 = 1Z52 0708 Lancester-Carlisle + steam in tandem. Charter.
47580 = 1Z53 1534 Carlisle-Lancester + steam in tandem. Charter.
47813 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47813 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47813 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47813 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47813 = 2P33 1817 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47580 + steam = 5Z51 0525 Carnforth Steamtown-Lancaster/ 5Z52 1338 Carlisle-Carlisle via Petteril Bridge Jn/ 5Z53 2047 Lancaster-Carnforth.
47727 = 6Z50 0713 Chirk-Baglan Bay/ 0Z50 1308 Baglan Bay-Cardiff Canton.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47760 topped by steam = 5Z33 0553 York-Holgate Sidings/ 5Z34 1004 Holgate Sidings-York/ 1Z35 1014 York-Scarborough via Wakefield/ 1Z38 1655 Scarborough-York/ 5Z37 2109 York-York NRM.
47805 + 47832 + 57012 = 0Z47 0906 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Holyhead/ 0Z47 1412 Holyhead-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47853 = 0Z48 1520 Gresty Bridge-Norwich CP.
Thursday 18/07/2013
47813 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47813 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47813 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47813 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47813 = 2P33 1817 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47853 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47853 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47853 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47853 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47853 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47501 + 47805 + 37425 = 0Z79 0402 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z79 0546 Crewe CS-Aberdeen Ferryhill Sidings(37 hauled to Kingmoor then 805 forward with 501 on rear).
47580 = 0Z47 0600 Carnforth Steamtown-Butterley/ 5Z68 1030 Butterley-Dereham (hauling steam 46233).
47727 = 0Z51 1325 Cardiff Canton-Baglan Bay/ 6Z51 1523 Baglan Bay-Chirk failed between Bridgend and Cardiff assisted by 66004 (from 0H37) to Pencoed Up Goods Loop.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47760 topped by + steam = 5Z33 0553 York-Holgate Sidings/ 5Z34 1004 Holgate Sidings-York/ 1Z35 1014 York-Scarborough via Wakefield/ 1Z38 1655 Scarborough-York/ 5Z37 2109 York-York NRM.
Friday 19/07/2013
47501 = 1Z80 0725 Aberdeen-Prestonpans. Charter.
47813 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47813 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47813 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47813 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47813 = 2P33 1817 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47853 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47853 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47853 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47853 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47853 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47854 = 1H79 1342 Edinburgh-Keith. Charter.
Other workings
47501 + 47805 t'n't = 5Z80 0646 Aberdeen Ferryhill Sidings-Aberdeen/ 5Z80 1107 Prestonpans-Tweedmouth FD/ 0Z49 1400 Tweedmouth FD-Carlisle Kingmoor.
47727 + 56302 = 6Z51 1235 Pencoed Up Goods Loop-Pengham Sidings(56).
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47760 + steam = 5Z44 0600 York NRM-Grosmont/ 0Z47 0945 Grosmont-Holgate Sidings/ 5Z47 1259 Holgate Sidings-Neville Hill/ 5Z49 1520 Neville Hill-York Works Yard.
47818 + 47828 = 0Z47 0907 Norwich CP-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47854 = 5H79 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
Saturday 20/07/2013
Sunday 21/07/2013
47773 = 1T51 1241 Stratford Upon Avon-Birmingham Snow Hill + steam in tandem. Charter.
47773 = 1T53 1618 Stratford Upon Avon-Birmingham Snow Hill + steam in tandem. Charter.
47812 = 1Z27 0915 Bristol TM-Kingswear + steam in tandem. Charter.
47812 = 1Z28 1650 Kingswear-Bristol TM + steam in tandem. Charter.
47854 = 1H81 0845 Kyle of Lochalsh-Carrbridge. Charter.
Other workings
47501 + 47805 multi = 5Z75 xxxx Aberdeen-Crewe from Carlisle Kingmoor took over from 37s.
47739 + 47749 = 0Z47 1100 Ashford Up Sidings-Dollands Moor/ 6Z47 1230 Dollands Moor-Didcot (multi? both on front)/ something to Eastleigh.
47760 = 0Z60 1000 York NRM-Carnforth Steamtown.
47773 + steam t'n't = 5T50 0935 Tyseley-Birmingham Snow Hill(773)/ 1T50 1028 Birmingham Snow Hill-Stratford Upon Avon(steam)/ 1T52 1358 Birmingham Snow Hill-Stratford Upon Avon(steam)/ 5Z53 1744 Birmingham Snow Hill-Tyseley(steam).
47802 = 0Z47 1330 Gresty Bridge-Norwich CP.
47812 + steam = 5Z27 0811 Bristol Barton Hill-Bristol TM/ 5Z28 Bristol TM-Bristol Barton Hill.
47854 = 5H81 1556 Carrbridge-Boat of Garten.
Monday 22/07/2013
47802 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich.
47853 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47853 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth.
47854 = 1H82 1315 Kingussie-Dundee via Perth. Charter.
Other workings
47580 + steam = 5Z70 1036 Wymondham-Crewe HC(580).
47580 = 0Z47 2055 Crewe HC-Carnforth Steamtown.
47739 + 47749 tandem = 6Z56 0535 at 0755 Eastleigh Yard-Westbury Yard/ 7Z56 1020 Westbury Yard-Long Marston to Bristol Parkway 47739 failed.
47739 + 47749 + 56302 = 7Z56 1950 Bristol Parkway-Worcester Yard(56).
47760 + steam = 5Z61 1050 Carnforth Steamtown-York NRM(760).
47813 = 0Z47 1105 Norwich RFD-Gresty Bridge.
47854 = 5H82 1110 Boat of Garten-Kingussie.
Tuesday 23/07/2013
47854 = 1H84 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh. Charter.
47854 = 1H79 1342 Edinburgh-Keith. Charter.
Other workings
47760 + steam = 5Z33 0553 York WH Yard-Holgate Sidings/ 5Z34 1014 Holgate Sidings-York/ 1Z35 1014 York-Scarborough(steam)/ 1Z38 1655 Scarborough-York(steam).
47854 = 5H84 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5H79 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
Wednesday 24/07/2013
47580 = 1Z52 0708 Lancester-Carlisle + steam in tandem. Charter.
47580 = 1Z53 1534 Carlisle-Lancester + steam in tandem. Charter.
47802 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P33 1817 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47853 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47853 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47853 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47760 + steam = 5Z33 0553 York WH Yard-Holgate Sidings/ 5Z34 1014 Holgate Sidings-York/ 1Z35 1014 York-Scarborough via Wakefield(steam)/ 1Z38 1655 Scarborough-York(steam).
47727 is currently at Cardiff Canton and after the incident on Monday. 47739 and 47749 are still at Worcester.
Thursday 25/07/2013
47596 = ---- 1030 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1115 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47596 = ---- 1220 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1300 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47596 = ---- 1420 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1500 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47596 = ---- 1600 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1645 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47760 = 1Z35 1014 York-Scarborough to Holgate Sidings via Wakefield. Charter.
47802 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P33 1817 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47853 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47853 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47853 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47853 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47853 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47245 with 2 x steam = 5Z42 1013 Southall WCR-Carnforth Steamtown to Crewe 57601 took 34067 forwards to Carnforth.
47580 = 5Z42 1509 Carnforth Steamtown-Crewe Down Refuge Siding.
47760 = 5Z33 0553 York WH Yard-Holgate Sidings/ 5Z34 1014 Holgate Sidings-York/
47760 + steam = 1Z35 1014 York-Scarborough via Wakefield from Holgate Sidings(steam)/ 1Z38 1655 Scarborough-York(steam).
47826 + 37706 = 0Z37 1100 Carnforth Steamtown-York NRM to Hellifield/ 0Z47 1235 Hellifield GLS-Carnforth Steamtown.
Friday 26/07/2013
47376 = 2C55 1010 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = 2L58 1130 Cheltenham Racecourse-Laverton.
47376 = 2C73 1524 Laverton-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = 2T78 1730 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47501 = 1Z57 1753 Edinburgh-Sheffield. Charter.
47580 = 1Z80 0708 Crewe-Scarborough + steam in tandem. Charter.
47580 = 1Z82 1656 Scarborough-Crewe + steam in tandem. Charter.
47802 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P33 1817 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47813 = 1Z56 0624 Sheffield-Edinburgh. Charter.
47853 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47853 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47853 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47853 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47853 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47501 + 47813 t'n't = 0Z55 0045 Gresty Bridge-Crewe LNWR/ 5Z55 0215 Crewe LNWR-Sheffield/ 5Z56 1310 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5Z57 1728 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
47760 = 5Z38 0553 York-Neville Hill/ 5Z39 1420 Neville Hill-York WH Yard.
Saturday 27/07/2013
47376 = 2C53 0920 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = 2L56 1050 Cheltenham Racecourse-Laverton.
47376 = 2C69 1404 Laverton-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = 2L72 1610 Cheltenham Racecourse-Laverton.
47580 = 1Z28 0552 Crewe-Carlisle to Liverpool. Charter.
47580 = 1Z30 1611 Carlisle-Crewe from Liverpool. Charter.
47802 = 2P07 0750 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2C51 0955 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47805 = 1Z86 0719 Hereford-Blackpool. Charter.
47805 = 1Z88 1749 Blackpool-Hereford. Charter.
47853 = 2P06 0706 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47853 = 2C50 0906 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47853 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47854 = 1H79 1342 Edinburgh-Keith. Charter.
Other workings
47749 = 0Z49 0900 Washwood Heath-Hereford/ 0Z50 1232 Hereford-Washwood Heath.
47760 = 0Z47 0640 York NRM-Carnforth Steamtown.
47760 + steam = 0Z48 1100 Carnforth Steamtown-York NRM(760).
47853 = 5xxx xxxx Yarmouth-Norwich CP.
47805 20312 + 37603 t'n't = 0Z86 0255 Gresty Bridge-Crewe DMD/ 5Z86 0410 Crewe DMD-Hereford(20+37)/ 1Z87 1145 Blackpool-Blackpool via Burnley & Huddersfield(20+37 with some assistance from 47)/
47805 + 47828 t'n't = 5Z88 2132 Hereford-Crewe DMD(828).
47828 = 0Z88 1900 Gresty Bridge-Crewe (then see above).
Sunday 28/07/2013
47376 = 2C65 1244 Laverton-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = 2T70 1530 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47376 = 2C76 1640 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47580 = 1Z95 1007 Liverpool-Holyhead Llandudno-Llandudno Jn. Charter.
47580 = 1Z96 1745 Holyhead-Liverpool Llandudno Jn-Llandudno. Charter.
47854 = 1H80 1000 Keith-Kyle of Lochalsh. Charter.
Other workings
47580 + steam t'n't = 5Z94 0827 Crewe Down Refuge-Liverpool/ 5Z97 2254 Liverpool-Crewe(580).
47805 + 47828 = 0Z88 0004 Crewe DMD-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47826 + 57601 t'n't = 5Z43 xxxx Carnforth-Derby(57).
Monday 29/07/2013
47826 = 1Z44 0512 Belper-Cardiff. Charter.
47826 = 1Z45 1740 Cardiff-Belper. Charter.
47854 = 1H81 0845 Kyle of Lochalsh-Carrbridge. Charter.
Other workings
47245 + steam = 5Z44 1048 Castleton-Southall Depot.
47580 = 5Z92 0210 Crewe-Carnforth Steamtown.
47749 = 0Z47 1946 Washwood Heath-Wigan Wallgate.
47818 + 47828 + 57011 = 0Z47 1530 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Norwich CP.
47826 + 57601 = 5Z44 0425 Derby-Belper/ 5Z44 1510 Cardiff-Cardiff Canton/ 5Z45 1729 Cardiff Canton-Cardiff.
47854 = 5H81 1556 Carrbridge-Boat of Garten to Aviemore.
Tuesday 30/07/2013
47818 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P33 1817 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47854 = 1H82 1241 Kingussie-Dundee via Perth. Charter.
Other workings
47749 = 0Z48 0026 Wigan Wallgate-Wigan Wallgate via Southport/ 0Z49 0150 Wigan Wallgate-Wigan Wallgate via Southport/ 0Z50 0324 Wigan Wallgate-Wigan Wallgate via Southport/ 0Z51 0456 Wigan Wallgate-Wigan DCS via Southport/ 0Z47 2336 Wigan DCS-Wigan Wallgate.
47760 + steam 45699 = 5Z33 0553 York WH Yard-Holgate Sidings/ 5Z34 1014 Holgate Sidings-York/ 1Z35 1014 York-Scarborough(steam)/ 1Z38 1655 Scarborough-York(steam).
47854 = 5H82 1110 Boat of Garten-Kingussie from Aviemore.
Wednesday 31/07/2013
47245 = 1Z69 1635 Weymouth-Waterloo to Southampton. Charter.
47501 = 1Z90 0741 Blackpool-Dundee from Preston. Charter.
47501 = 1Z91 1637 Dundee-Blackpool from Preston. Charter.
47580 = 1Z52 0708 Lancester-Carlisle + steam in tandem. Charter.
47580 = 1Z53 1534 Carlisle-Lancester + steam in tandem. Charter.
47805 = 1Z90 0741 Blackpool-Dundee to Preston. Charter.
47805 = 1Z91 1637 Dundee-Blackpool to Preston. Charter.
47818 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P33 1817 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47854 = 1H84 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh. Charter.
47854 = 1H89 1343 Edinburgh-Boat of Garten to Aviemore. Charter.
Other workings
47245 + steam t'n't = 5Z66 0620 Southall Depot-Victoria/ 1Z67 0844 Victoria-Weymouth(steam)/ 5Z71 2130 Waterloo-Southall Depot.
47501 + 47805 t'n't = 0Z89 0320 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe HS/ 5Z89 0445 Crewe HS-Blackpool/ 5Z90 1438 Dundee-Dundee HS/ 5Z91 1605 Dundee HS-Dundee/ 5Z92 2331 Blackpool-Crewe HS.
47580 + steam t'n't = 5Z51 0525 Carnforth Steamtown-Lancaster/ 5Z52 1338 Carlisle-Carlisle/ 5Z53 2047 Lancaster-Carnforth Steamtown.
47749 = 0Z48 0026 Wigan Wallgate-Wigan Wallgate/ 0Z49 0150 Wigan Wallgate-Wigan Wallgate via Southport/ 0Z50 0324 Wigan Wallgate-Wigan Wallgate via Southport/ 0Z51 0456 Wigan Wallgate-Wigan DCS via Southport/ 0Z49 1940 Wigan DCS-Washwood Heath.
47760 + steam 45699 = 5Z33 0553 York WH Yard-Holgate Sidings/ 5Z34 1014 Holgate Sidings-York/ 1Z35 1014 York-Scarborough(steam)/ 1Z38 1655 Scarborough-York(steam).
47802 + 47853 57011 = 0Z47 0903 Norwich CP-Gresty Bridge(802).
47841 = 0Z48 1650 Gresty Bridge-Willesden Brent Sidings.
47854 = 5H84 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5H89 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
Credits: 31466, 47543, 47712, AK, AN, Mark Austin, Jamie B, Steve B, Dave Baker, William Baker, BigBird, Dingwall Blade, Gaz Brannan, Bob C, Neil C, Shaun C, Richard Clinnick, Crumb, DB, DBT843, Driff47844, Dysgraphyk, Ian Hall, John, KL47576, Kevin Melia, Tom Metrobus, Mobile, Matt P, Steve P, Andy Parkinson, Alan Penny, Phat2004uk, Phil47310, Stephen Richmond, Rob46010, Dave Ross, Runcorn, Nick Scott, Brian Sherrington, Sid, Senior Sid, John Skipsey, Jamie Squibbs, Mike Stone, Strands, Christopher Taylor, Mike Trigg, Bob Uppendown, C.Wall, Mark Webster, Peter White, Widnes, Willis.
Page last updated:15/04/14

47760 at Darlington having dragged 1S09 0850 Kings Cross-Edinburgh & 91126 in tow from York.
Photo Copyright: Pogo
Workings in yellow are confirmed, workings in white are unconfirmed.
Thursday 01/08/2013
47818 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P19 1217 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P33 1817 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2C16 1136 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47854 = 1H90 1223 Carrbridge-Dundee via Inverness & Aberdeen. Charter.
Other workings
47237 + 47580 + steam = 5Z42 1507 Carnforth Steamtown-Crewe Down Refuge Siding(237 with 580 in tow & steam on rear).
47237 = 0Z47 1915 Crewe Down Refuge Sidings-Southall Depot.
47501 + 47805 = 0Z92 0200 Crewe DMD-Gresty Bridge.
47760 + steam = 5Z33 0553 York WH Yard-Holgate Sidings/ 5Z34 1014 Holgate Sidings-York/ 1Z35 1014 York-Scarborough via Wakefield/ 1Z38 1655 Scarborough-York.
47804 = 0Z47 0800 Carnforth Steamtown-Fort William Yard.
47841 = 0Z47 0954 Willesden Brent-Norwich CP.
47854 = 5H90 1104 Boat of Garten-Carrbridge from Aviemore.
Friday 02/08/2013
47805 = 1Z26 1439 Kings Cross-Prestonpans. Charter.
47818 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J77 1300 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P25 1417 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P33 1817 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J74 1205 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P22 1340 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47854 = 1H91 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh. Charter.
47854 = 1H85 1333 Edinburgh-Spean Bridge. Charter.
Other workings
47580 + steam t'n't = 1Z80 0707 Crewe-Scarborough(steam)/ 1Z82 1656 Scarborough-Crewe(steam).
47760 + 55002 = 5Z38 0553 York-Neville Hill(760).
47760 = 5Z39 1420 Neville Hill-York WH Yard.
47805 + 47853 t'n't = 5Z26 0135 Crewe HS-Kings Cross(853)/ 5Z27 1439 Prestonpans-Crewe HS(805).
47826 + 57315 t'n't = 5Z85 0720 Carnforth Steamtown-Doncaster CHS(57).
47854 = 5H91 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5H85 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
Saturday 03/08/2013
47117 = 2A11 1100 Loughborough-Leicester.
47117 = 2B11 1145 Leicester-Loughborough.
47117 = 2A23 1300 Loughborough-Leicester.
47117 = 2B23 1345 Leicester-Loughborough.
47804 = 1H86 0823 Spean Bridge-Fort William from Fort William-Mallaig. Charter.
47813 = 1Z68 0818 Kings Cross-Leuchars + 47832 in multi. Charter.
47826 = 1Z86 0533 Peterborough-Cardiff via Llandrindod. Charter.
47826 = 1Z88 1654 Cardiff-Peterborough. Charter.
47832 = 1Z68 0818 Kings Cross-Leuchars + 47813 in multi. Charter.
47841 = 1V33 1040 Yarmouth-Liverpool Street to Norwich.
47841 = 1V18 1000 Liverpool Street-Yarmouth from Norwich for half a mile & failed & cancelled.
47854 = 1H86 0823 Spean Bridge-Fort William via Mallaig to Fort William. Charter.
47854 = 1H86 0823 Spean Bridge-Fort William from Mallaig. Charter.
47854 = 1H86 1709 Fort William-Bridge of Orchy. Charter.
Other workings
47237 + steam = 5Z81 1305 Southall Depot-Bristol Kingsland Road.
47804 + 47854 t'n't = 5H86 xxxx Fort William-Fort William via Fort William Yard.
47813 + 47832 multi = 5Z67 0230 Crewe CS-Kings Cross/ 5Z69 1807 Leuchars-Dundee HS.
47826 + 57315 = 5Z86 0340 Doncaster CHS-Peterborough(57)/ 5Z87 1511 Cardiff-Cardiff Canton(826 propelling 57 failed on ECS)/ 5Z88 1638 Cardiff Canton-Cardiff(826)/ 5Z89 2225 Peterborough-Doncaster CHS.
47841 = 5V33 0919 Norwich CP-Yarmouth.
47841 was failed after working its first Yarmouth trip. The other loco present 47818 had allegedly also been failed earlier in the day.
Sunday 04/08/2013
47117 = 2A11 1100 Loughborough-Leicester.
47117 = 2B11 1145 Leicester-Loughborough.
47117 = 2A23 1300 Loughborough-Leicester.
47117 = 2B23 1345 Leicester-Loughborough.
47117 = 2A29 1415 Loughborough-Leicester.
47117 = 2B29 1500 Leicester-Loughborough.
47580 = 1Z94 0931 Crewe-Holyhead to Manchester P. Charter.
47580 = 1Z96 1800 Holyhead-Crewe to Manchester P. Charter.
47813 = 1Z40 1733 York-Dundee. Charter.
47832 = 1Z39 0800 Dundee-York. Charter.
47854 = 1H87 0746 Bridge of Orchy-Wemyss Bay. Charter.
Other workings
47760 + steam = 1Z70 0912 York-Carlisle(steam)/ 1Z71 1545 Carlisle-York(steam).
47813 + 47832 t'n't = 5Z38 0830 Dundee HS-Dundee/ 5Z39 1348 York-Neville Hill(832)/ 5Z40 1621 Neville Hill-York(813)/ 5Z41 2339 Dundee-Dundee HS.
47826 + 57315 = 5Z90 1240 Doncaster CHS-Carnforth Steamtown(826).
Monday 05/08/2013
47804 = 1H88 0637 Wemyss Bay-Edinburgh. Charter.
47813 = 1Z71 1103 Leuchars-Kings Cross from York + 47832 in multi. Charter.
47818 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P33 1817 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47832 = 1Z71 1103 Leuchars-Kings Cross + 47813 in multi from York. Charter.
47841 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47854 = 1H79 1342 Edinburgh-Keith. Charter.
Other workings
47237 + steam = 5Z83 0932 Bristol Kingsland Road-Southall Depot.
47580 + steam t'n't = 5Z98 1249 Crewe Down Refuge-Carnforth Steamtown(steam).
47727 = 0Z47 0558 Cardiff Canton Sidings-Eastleigh depot.
47727 + 70099 = 0Z66 1057 Eastleigh depot-Cardiff Canton(727).
47804 + 47854 t'n't = 5H88 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny.
47813 + 47832 = 5Z70 1009 Dundee HS-Leuchars.
47813 + 47832 + 37667 t'n't = 5Z72 2118 Kings Cross-Crewe CS(37 to Hornsey then 47s).
47854 = 5H79 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
47847 hauled carriage 35469 from the old Crewe DMD-Crewe LNWR and back.
Tuesday 06/08/2013
47818 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47854 = 1H80 1000 Keith-Kyle of Lochalsh. Charter.
Other workings
47245 = 0Z47 1355 Southall Depot-Ilford EMUD.
47828 + 20302 + 20305 + 57308 = 6K51 2025 Willesden Brent-Crewe Coal Sidings.
Wednesday 07/08/2013
47805 = 1Z65 1542 York-Edinburgh + 47853 in multi. Charter.
47818 = 2J79 1350 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P33 1817 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47826 = 1Z62 0615 Blackburn-Dundee via York. Charter.
47841 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47853 = 1Z64 0724 Kings Cross-York. Charter.
47853 = 1Z65 1542 York-Edinburgh + 47805 in multi. Charter.
47854 = 1H81 0845 Kyle of Lochalsh-Carrbridge. Charter.
Other workings
47749 = 0Z15 1300 Washwood Heath-Derby RTC/ 6Z15 1430 Derby RTC-Toton Meadow Sidings/ 0Z16 1550 Toton Meadow Sidings-Washwood Heath.
47805 + 47853 t'n't = 0Z64 0025 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe HS/ 5Z64 0125 Crewe HS-Kings Cross/ 5Z64 1123 York-Holgate Sidings/ 5Z65 1507 Holgate Sidings-York/ 5Z65 1924 Edinburgh-Crewe HS.
47818 + 47841 t'n't = 5Z79 1301 Norwich CP-Lowestoft(841).
47826 + 57315 t'n't = 5Z62 0305 Carnforth Steamtown-Blackburn(826)/ 1Z63 1526 Dundee-York(57)/ 5Z63 2352 York-Carnforth Steamtown.
47828 + 20302 + 37667 + 57308 = 6K51 2025 Willesden Brent Sidings-Crewe Coal Sidings.
47854 = 5H81 1556 Carrbridge-Boat of Garten to Aviemore.
Thursday 08/08/2013
47804 = 1H82 1315 Kingussie-Dundee via Perth. Charter.
Other workings
47245 = 0Z47 1200 Ilford EMUD-Southall Depot.
47760 + steam = 1Z35 1014 York-Scarborough via Castleford-Normanton-Wakefield Kirkgate-Westgate-Woodlesford/ 1Z38 1655 Scarborough-York via same route.
47804 = 0Z47 0630 Craigentinny-Aviemore.
47804 = 5H82 1110 Boat of Garten-Kingussie from Aviemore.
The Scarborough Spa Express was powered by both the steam loco and 47760 at various times at points by the steam only other points by 47760 only and sometimes both in tandem.
Friday 09/08/2013
47804 = 1H84 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh. Charter.
47804 = 1H85 1333 Edinburgh-Spean Bridge. Charter.
47813 = 1Z43 1742 Watford Jn-Lincoln. Charter.
47818 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU(818).
47818 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU(818).
47818 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU(818).
47841 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU(841).
47841 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU(841).
47841 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU(841).
47853 = 1Z42 0812 Lincoln Central-Watford Jn via Peterborough-Stevenage-Canmden Road-Kensington Olympia. Charter.
Other workings
47739 + 47749 = 0Z47 0859 Washwood Heath-Rugby Depot/ 6Z47 1125 Rugby Depot-Crewe Basford Hall.
47749 = 0Z48 1458 Crewe Basford Hall-Washwood Heath.
47760 = 5Z38 0553 York-Neville Hill/ 5Z39 1420 Neville Hill-York Yard.
47804 = 5H84 1005 Edinburgh-Craignentinny/ 5H85 1305 Craignentinny-Edinburgh.
47805 = 0Z43 1230 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Daventry DRS.
47805 + 47813 + 47853 t'n't = 5Z43 1620 Daventry DRS-Watford Jn/ 5Z44 2253 Lincoln Central-Newark North Gate.
47813 + 47853 t'n't = 0Z40 0040 Crewe Grest Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z41 0230 Crewe CS-Lincoln Central/ 5Z42 1339 Watford Jn-Daventry DRS.
47826 + 57315 t'n't = 5Z91 1030 Carnforth Steamtown-Holgate Sidings(826).
Saturday 10/08/2013
47804 = 1H86 0823 Spean Bridge-Fort William via Mallaig to Fort William. Charter.
47804 = 0823 Spean Bridge-Fort William from Mallaig. Charter.
47804 = 1H86 1709 Fort Willaim-Bridge of Orchy. Charter.
47805 = 1Z76 1700 Berwick-East Midlands Parkway via ECML to King Edward East Jn. Charter.
47813 = 1Z75 0719 East Midlands Parkway-Berwick via Alfreton-Sheffield-Thrybergh Jn-Doncaster-ECML. Charter.
47813 = 1Z76 1700 Berwick-East Midlands Parkway from King Edward East Jn via Doncaster-Sheffield-Alfreton. Charter.
47826 = 1Z93 1738 Dundee-Saltburn. Charter.
47840 = ---- 1140 Bishops Lydeard-Minehead.
47840 = ---- 1320 Minehead-Bishops Lydeard.
47840 = ---- 1510 Bishops Lydeard-Minehead.
47840 = ---- 1735 Minehead-Bishops Lydeard.
Other workings
47237 = 5Z81 1305 Southall Depot-Bristol Kingsland Road.
47580 + 37516 = 5Z57 1140 Carnforth Steamtown-Crewe Down Refuge Sidings.
47804 + 57006 t'n't = 5H86 1351 Fort William-Fort Willaim via Fort William Yard.
47805 + 47813 + 47853 t'n't = 5Z74 0440 Newark North Gate-East Midlands Parkway/ >5Z75 1303 Berwick-Tweedmouth FD/ 5Z76 1630 Tweedmouth FD-Berwick/ 5Z77 2240 East Midlands Parkway-Derby(805).
47826 + 57315 t'n't = 5Z92 0608 Holgate Sidings-Saltburn(826)/ 1Z92 0813 Saltburn-Dundee(57)
The Yarmouth turn was part cancelled & part DMU replacement.
Sunday 11/08/2013
47804 = 1H87 0746 Bridge of Orchy-Wemyss Bay. Charter.
Other workings
47245 = 0Z47 1730 Southall Depot-Bristol Kingsland Road.
47760 + steam = 1Z71 1545 Carlisle-York.
47805 + 47813 + 47853 + 57009 t'n't = 5Z78 1408 Derby-Crewe CS(57 hauling 853 DIT others on rear)/ 0Z78 1639 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47826 + 57315 t'n't = 5Z93 1320 Saltburn-Carnforth Steamtown.
Monday 12/08/2013
47804 = 1H79 1342 Edinburgh-Keith. Charter.
47818 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P33 1817 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47237 + 47245 = 5Z83 1035 Bristol Kingsland Road-Southall Depot(245 with 237 dead in tow).
47580 + 37516 = 5Z60 1013 Crewe Down Refuge Siding-Carnforth Steamtown(37).
47749 = 0Z47 1030 Washwood Heath-Hinksey Yard.
47804 + 57006 t'n't = 1H88 0637 Wemyss Bay-Edinburgh. Charter.(57)/ 5H88 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny.
47804 = 5H79 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
Tuesday 13/08/2013
47501 = 1Z82 2318 Edinburgh-Euston. Charter.
47813 = 1Z27 0724 Kings Cross-Prestonpans. Charter.
47818 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47818 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47245 = 0Z50 0656 Southall Depot-Crewe HC/ 5Z50 1331 Crewe HC-Ilford EMUD/ 0Z51 2016 Ilford EMUD-Southall Depot.
47501 + 47813 t'n't = 0Z27 0034 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe HS/ 5Z27 0135 Crewe HS-Kings Cross/ 5Z28 1441 Prestonpans-Craigentinny/ 5Z81 2218 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
47749 = 6L98 0505 Hinksey Yard-Bicester London Road/ 6L99 0939 Bicester London Road-Hinksey Yard/ 0Z47 1119 Hinksey Yard-Washwood Heath.
47760 + steam = 1Z35 1014 York-Scarborough via Wakefield(760 on rear)/ 1Z38 1655 Scarborough-York(in tandem with steam leading).
47804 = 1H80 1000 Keith-Kyle of Lochalsh. Charter.
Wednesday 14/08/2013
47804 = 1H81 0845 Kyle of Lochalsh-Carrbridge. Charter.
47813 = 1Z83 2358 Wembley Central-Edinburgh. Charter.
Other workings
47501 + 47813 t'n't = 5Z82 0740 Euston-Wembley Depot(813)/ 5Z83 2338 Wembley Depot-Wembley Central.
47727 = 0Z47 0859 Cardiff Canton-Avonmouth Coal Sidings/ 0Z48 1045 Avonmouth Coal Sidings-Portbury Coal Terminal/ 0Z48 1200 Portbury Coal Terminal-Cardiff Canton.
47760 + steam = 1Z35 1014 York-Scarborough via Wakefield(steam leading 760 behind)/ 1Z38 1655 Scarborough-York.
47804 = 5H81 1556 Carrbridge-Boat of Garten to Aviemore.
47810 + 47828 = 0Z35 1030 Crewe IEMD-Norwich CP.
Thursday 15/08/2013
47760 = 1Z38 1655 Scarborough-York. Charter.
47804 = 1H82 1315 Kingussie-Dundee via Perth. Charter.
Other workings
47501 + 47813 multi = 5Z83 0723 Edinburgh-Crewe DMD.
47580 + 37706 + steam = 0Z98 1050 Carnforth Steamtown-York NRM.
47580 = 0Z47 1730 York NRM-Carnforth Steamtown.
47760 + steam = 1Z35 1014 York-Scarborough via Wakefield.
47804 = 5H82 1110 Boat of Garten-Kingusse from Aviemore.
Friday 16/08/2013
47804 = 1H84 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh to Aberdour & failed 670xx rescued. Charter.
Other workings
47727 = 6Z47 0603 Fairwater Yard-West Ealing/ 6Z48 1132 West Ealing-Fairwater Yard.
47760 = 5Z38 0553 York-Neville Hill/ 5Z39 1420 Neville Hill-York.
47786 + 57316 t'n't = 5Z90 0720 Carnforth Steamtown-Norwich JS.
47805 + 20305 + 20309 + 37261 + 57009 = 0Z19 0956 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Carlisle Kingmoor.
Saturday 17/08/2013
47786 = 1Z90 0420 Norwich-Blaenau Festiniog to Ipswich. Charter.
47786 = 1Z90 0420 Norwich-Blaenau Festiniog from Llandudno Jn. Charter.
47786 = 1Z91 1610 Blaenau Festiniog-Norwich from Llandudno Jn-Ipswich. CHarter.
47810 = 1V33 1040 Yarmouth-Liverpool Street to Norwich.
47810 = 1V18 1000 Liverpool Street-Yarmouth from Norwich.
47810 = 1V43 1310 Yarmouth-Liverpool Street to Norwich.
47810 = 1V28 1230 Liverpool Street-Yarmouth from Norwich.
47813 = 1Z94 0730 Euston-Edinburgh. Charter.
Other workings
47245 = 5Z81 1305 Southall Depot-Bristol Kingsland Road.
47727 = 0Z69 1117 Fairwater Yard-Cardiff Canton.
47786 + 57316 t'n't = 5Z90 0340 Norwich JS-Norwich.
47810 = 5V33 0919 Norwich CP-Yarmouth/ 5V28 1625 Yarmouth-Norwich CP.
47813 + 47832 t'n't = 0Z94 0210 Gresty Bridge-Crewe CSFL/ 5Z94 0343 Crewe CSFL-Euston/ 5Z95 1725 Edinburgh-Craigentinny.
Sunday 18/08/2013
Other workings
47786 +57316 t'n't = 5Z92 1245 Norwich-Carnforth Steamtown.
Monday 19/08/2013
47810 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47810 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47832 = 1Z94 1324 Edinburgh-Euston. Charter.
Other workings
47245 = 5Z83 0932 Bristol Kingsland Road-Southall Depot.
47813 + 47832 t'n't = 5Z94 1247 Craigentinny-Edinburgh/ 5Z95 2251 Euston-Crewe CSFL.
47818 + 47841 = 0Z47 1005 Norwich CP-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47854 = 0Z47 1133 Aviemore-Craigentinny.
Tuesday 20/08/2013
47810 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47810 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47810 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47854 = 1H89 1343 Edinburgh-Boat of Garten to Aviemore. Charter.
Other workings
47760 + steam = 1Z35 1014 York-Scarborough via Wakefield/ 1Z38 1655 Scarborough-York via Wakefield(steam 760 dead in tow when arriving at York).
47786 + 57601 t'n't = 5Z59 1030 Carnforth Steamtown-York Holgate Sidings.
47853 + 90003 = 0Z50 1030 Crewe IEMD-Norwich CP.
47854 = 5H89 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
Wednesday 21/08/2013
47245 = 1Z69 1635 Weymouth-Waterloo to Southampton. Charter.
47786 = 1Z59 0546 Darlington-Edinburgh via Settle. Charter.
47786 = 1Z60 1753 Edinburgh-Hellifield via Darlington. Charter.
47854 = 1H90 1223 Carrbridge-Dundee via Inverness & Aberdeen. Charter.
Other workings
47245 + steam t'n't = 5Z66 0620 Southall Depot-Victoria(245)/ 1Z67 0844 Victoria-Weymouth(steam)/ 5Z67 1354 Weymouth-Weymouth JS/ 5Z69 1623 Weymouth JS-Weymouth/ 5Z71 2130 Waterloo-Southall Depot.
47760 + steam = 1Z35 1014 York-Scarborough via Wakefield(steam 760 in tow)/ 1Z38 1655 Scarborough-York via Wakefield.
47786 + 57601 t'n't = 5Z59 0435 Holgate Sidings-Darlington(786)/ 5Z59 1246 Edinburgh-Craigentinny(786)/ 5Z60 1730 Craigentinny-Edinburgh(57).
47854 = 5H90 1104 Boat of Garten-Carrbridge from Aviemore.
Thursday 22/08/2013
47804 = 1H91 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh. Charter.
47804 = 1H89 1343 Edinburgh-Boat of Garten to Aviemore. Charter.
Other workings
47237 + steam = 5Z70 0755 Southall Depot-Sherringham NNR.
47237 = 0Z70 1600 Sherringham-Southall Depot.
47760 + steam = 1Z35 1014 York-Scarborough/ 1Z38 1655 Scarborough-York.
47773 in tow + D1015 = 1Z52 1730 Tyseley-Leicester(52)/ 1Z53 1910 Leicester-Tyseley(52).
47786 + 57601 t'n't = 5Z60 0640 Hellifield Goods Loop-Carnforth Steamtown.
47804 = 5H91 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5H89 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
Friday 23/08/2013
47802 = 1Z22 0551 Crewe-Edinburgh to Liverpool. Charter.
47802 = 1Z23 1704 Edinburgh-Crewe from Liverpool. Charter.
47832 = 1Z22 0551 Crewe-Edinburgh from Liverpool. Charter.
47832 = 1Z23 1704 Edinburgh-Crewe to Liverpool. Charter.
47804 = 1H90 1223 Carrbridge-Dunde via Inverness & Aberdeen.
Other workings
47760 = 5Z38 0553 York-Neville Hill/ 5Z39 1420 Neville Hill-York WH Yard.
47802 + 47832 t'n't = 0Z22 0406 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z22 0536 Crewe CS-Crewe/ 5Z22 1246 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5Z23 1635 Craigentinny-Edinburgh/ 5Z24 2358 Crewe-Crewe CS.
47804 = 5H90 1104 Boat of Garten-Carrbridge from Aviemore.
47810 + 37605 = 0Z37 1005 Norwich CP-Crewe Gresty Bridge(37).
47826 + 57601 t'n't = 5Z16 2230 Carnforth Steamtown-Perth(57).
47841 = 0Z47 1040 Gresty Bridge-Norwich CP.
Saturday 24/08/2013
47501 = 1Z95 1724 Edinburgh-Crewe via WCML-Preston-Bolton-Manchester V-Stockport. Charter.
47643 = ---- 1700 Bo'ness-Manuel + 26038 t'n't.
47643 = ---- xxxx Other unknown workings at Bo'ness.
47826 = 1Z16 0532 Perth-Holyhead via Larbert-Mossend Yard-Carstairs-WCML-Warrington BQ-Chester. Charter.
47826 = 1Z17 1610 Holyhead-Perth from Carstairs via Mossend Yard-Larbert. Charter.
47828 = 1V18 1000 Liverpool Street-Yarmouth from Norwich.
47828 = 1V43 1310 Yarmouth-Liverpool Street to Norwich.
47828 = 1V28 1230 Liverpool Street-Yarmouth from Norwich.
47832 = 1Z94 0618 Crewe-Edinburgh via Stockport-Manchester V-Bolton-Preston-WCML. Charter.
47854 = 1H91 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh. Charter.
Other workings
47501 + 47832 t'n't = 0Z93 0430 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z93 0606 Crewe CS-Crewe/ 5Z94 1246 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5Z95 1706 Craigentinny-Edinburgh5Z96 2346 Crewe-Crewe CS.
47828 = 5V28 1625 Yarmouth-Norwich CP.
47854 = 5H91 1046 Edinburgh-Craigentinny.
5V33/1V33 Yarmouths were cancelled. 47841 had been expected to work these. Did it fail?
Sunday 25/08/2013
47760 = 1S09 0850 Kings Cross-Edinburgh from York-Darlington.
47760 = 1E10 1000 Edinburgh-Kings Cross from Darlington-York.
47854 = 1H80 1120 Keith-Kyle of Lochalsh. Charter.
Other workings
47760 = 5Z70 0802 York Warehouse Annexe-York/ 5Z72 2107 York-York Warehouse Annexe.
47826 + 57601 t'n't = 5Z17 1235 Perth-Carnforth Steamtown(826).
Monday 26/08/2013
47854 = 1H81 0845 Kyle of Lochalsh-Carrbridge. Charter.
Other workings
47727 = 0Z47 1145 Cardiff Canton-Llandeilo Jn/ 6Z84 1345 Llandeilo Jn-Rugby OLE.
47854 = 5H81 1556 Carrbridge-Boat of Garten to Aviemore.
Tuesday 27/08/2013
47854 = 1H82 1315 Kingussie-Dundee via Perth. Charter.
Other workings
47501 = 0Z47 0930 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Norwich CP.
47760 = 0Z47 1500 York-Scarborough.
47760 + steam = 1Z38 1655 Scarborough-York via Castleford-Wakefield.
47854 = 5H82 1110 Boat of Garten-Kingusse from Aviemore.
This mornings Scarborough Spa Express was steam only but 47760 later ran light to Scarborough for the return.
Wednesday 28/08/2013
47237 = 1Z69 1635 Weymouth-Waterloo to Southampton. Charter.
47826 = 1Z82 0518 Dumfries-Dover Priory. Charter.
47826 = 1Z83 1616 Dover Priory-Dumfries from Hatch End. Charter.
47854 = 1H84 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh. Charter.
47854 = 1H89 1343 Edinburgh-Boat of Garten to Aviemore. Charter.
Other workings
47237 + steam t'n't = 5Z66 0620 Southall Depot-Victoria(237)/ 1Z67 0844 Victoria-Weymouth(steam)/ 5Z67 1354 Weymouth-Weymouth Jersey Sidings(steam)/ 5Z69 1623 Weymouth Jersey Sidings-Weymouth(237)/ 5Z71 2130 Waterloo-Southall Depot(237).
47501 = 5Z19 1005 Norwich CP-Doncaster West Yard.
47749 = 0Z47 0130 Washwood Heath-Crewe Basford Hall/ 6Z47 0325 Crewe Basford Hall-West Ealing.
47760 + steam t'n't = 1Z35 1035 York-Scarborough via Wakefield/ 1Z38 1655 Scarborough-York via Wakefield.
47826 + 57316 t'n't = 5Z81 0128 Carnforth Steamtown-Dumfries(57)/ 5Z82 1512 Dover Priory-Folkestone East Train Road(826)/ 5Z83 1552 Folkestone East Train Road-Dover Priory(57).
47854 = 5H84 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5H89 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
Thursday 29/08/2013
47854 = 1H90 1223 Carrbridge-Dundee via Inverness & Aberdeen. Charter.
Other workings
47760 + steam t'n't = 1Z35 1035 York-Scarborough via Wakefield/ 1Z38 1655 Scarborough-York via Wakefield.
47810 + 47813 t'n't = 5Z47 0600 Crewe HS-Carlisle Kingmoor.
47854 = 5H90 1104 Boat of Garten-Carrbridge from Aviemore.
47843 currently at Crewe's former DMD has been repainted this month in the standard Riviera blue livery and is still named Vulcan.
Friday 30/08/2013
47818 = 1Z37 0840 Liverpool-Watford Jn. Charter.
47828 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P22 1341 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P26 1536 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P25 1417 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P27 1617 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P33 1817 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47854 = 1H91 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh. Charter.
47854 = 1H85 1333 Edinburgh-Spean Bridge. Charter.
Other workings
47727 + 66849 (which one leading?) = 0Z66 1230 Washwood Heath-Wigan Wallgate Carriage Sidings.
47760 + 37706 + steam = 5Z51 0907 York NRM-Carnfort Steamtown.
47818 + 57003 t'n't = 0Z36 0447 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z36 0647 Crewe CS-Liverpool/ 5Z37 1313 Watford Jn-Stewarts Lane/ 5Z38 1554 Stewarts Lane-Watford Jn/ 1Z38 1711 Watford Jn-Liverpool(57)/ 5Z39 2224 Liverpool-Crewe CS.
47854 = 5H91 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5H85 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
Saturday 31/08/2013
47117 = 2A10 1100 Loughborough-Leicester.
47117 = 2B10 1145 Leicester-Loughborough.
47117 = 2A23 1300 Loughborough-Leicester.
47117 = 2B23 1345 Leicester-Loughborough.
47501 = 1Z42 1730 Yarmouth-Crewe to Norwich. Charter.
47635 = ---- 1000 Shackerstone-Shenton.
47635 = ---- 1035 Shenton-Shackerstone.
47635 = ---- 1230 Shackerstone-Shenton.
47635 = ---- 1305 Shenton-Shackerstone.
47635 = ---- 1345 Shackerstone-Shenton.
47635 = ---- 1420 Shenton-Shackerstone.
47635 = ---- 1615 Shackerstone-Shenton.
47635 = ---- 1650 Shenton-Shackerstone + 47640 in tandem.
47640 = ---- 1115 Shackerstone-Shenton.
47640 = ---- 1150 Shenton-Shackerstone.
47640 = ---- 1500 Shackerstone-Shenton.
47640 = ---- 1535 Shenton-Shackerstone.
47640 = ---- 1650 Shenton-Shackerstone + 47635 in tandem.
47786 = 1Z48 1707 Kingswear-Crewe. Charter.
47802 = 1Z40 0516 Crewe-Norwich from Ely. Charter.
47805 = 1Z47 0750 Whitehaven-Blackpool from Carlisle-Preston. Charter.
47805 = 1Z49 1730 Blackpool-Whitehaven to Preston. Charter.
47805 = 1Z49 1730 Blackpool-Whitehaven from Carlisle. Charter.
47810 = 1Z47 0750 Whitehaven-Blackpool to Carlisle. Charter.
47810 = 1Z47 0750 Whitehaven-Blackpool from Preston. Charter.
47810 = 1Z49 1730 Blackpool-Whitehaven from Preston-Carlisle. Charter.
47826 = 1Z38 1605 Inverness-Ayr. Charter.
47828 = 2P06 0706 Norwich-Yarmouth.
47828 = 2C50 0906 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P22 1336 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P26 1536 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47840 = ---- 1345 Minehead-Bishops Lydeard.
47840 = ---- 1545 Bishops Lydeard-Minehead.
47841 = 2P07 0745 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2C51 0955 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P53 1150 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2C55 1455 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P27 1617 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47237 = 5Zxx xxxx ECS Southall-Bristol Kingsland Road.
47501 + 37423 + 37605 t'n't = 1Z41 1220 Norwich-Yarmouth(37s).
47786 + 57313 t'n't = 1Z47 0647 Crewe-Kingswear(57).
47805 + 47810 t'n't = 5Z47 0606 Carlisle Kingmoor-Whitehaven(805)/ 5Z48 1205 Blackpool-Blackpool CS/ 5Z49 1706 Blackpool CS-Blackpool/ 5Z50 2145 Whitehaven-Carlisle Kingmoor(810).
47826 + 57601 t'n't = 1Z37 0606 Ayr-Inverness via Aberdeen(57)/ 5Z38 2250 Ayr-Falkland SS(57).
Credits: 31466, 47114, 47712, 47829, Alea47426, Jamie B, William Baker, BigBird, Dingwall Blade, Supersonic Boogie, Billy Bunter, Bob C, Dave C, Neil C, Shaun C, Richard Clinnick, Alex Cooke, Crumb, Nicholas Dalton, Driff47844, Dave Earwaker, Alistair Fyffe, Andrew Frodsham, Stephen Hill, Steve Kibble, KL47576, Alan Lea, Nicholas Ling, Roddy MacPhee, Ian Mandley, Mark47484, Duff Martin, MD, Kevin Melia, Andy Mellors, Mobile, Mr N, Matt P, Steve P, Pogo, Glenn Rivett, Rob46010, Dave Ross, Runcorn, Sid, Bob Spooner, Nick Scott, John Skipsey, Spin, M.Stone, Christopher Taylor, Mike Trigg, Martin Vos, Willis, Stuart Wood.
Page last updated:17/04/14

47237 arriving in to York working 1Z94 0612 Scarborough-Carlisle.
Photo Copyright: Brian Sherrington
Workings in yellow are confirmed, workings in white are unconfirmed.
Sunday 01/09/2013
47117 = 2A10 1100 Loughborough-Leicester.
47117 = 2B10 1145 Leicester-Loughborough.
47117 = 2A23 1300 Loughborough-Leicester.
47117 = 2B23 1345 Leicester-Loughborough.
47237 = 1Z37 0848 Bristol TM-Par from Newton Abbot. Charter.
47237 = 1Z38 1640 Par-Bristol TM to Newton Abbot & ran out of fuel. Charter.
47840 = ---- 0945 Minehead-Bishops Lydeard.
47840 = ---- 1345 Bishops Lydeard-Minehead.
47840 = ---- 1745 Minehead-Bishops Lydeard + D9526 to Williton.
Other workings
47749 = 6Z28 0820 Westbury-Hackney Yard.
47786 + 57315 t'n't = 5Z50 1411 Chester-Carnforth Steamtown(reversal at Crewe).
47826 + 57601 t'n't = 5Z39 1335 Falkland SS-Carnforth Steamtown.
Monday 02/09/2013
47501 = 1Z73 1805 Paignton-Liverpool South Parkway. Charter.
47804 = 1Z20 1603 Gleneagles-Aviemore. Charter.
47818 = 1Z72 0745 Liverpool South Parkway-Paignton. Charter.
47828 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P22 1341 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P25 1417 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P33 1817 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47245 = 0Z71 0749 Southall depot-Sheringham MNR.
47245 + steam = 5Z71 1600 Sheringham MNR-Southall depot.
47501 + 47818 t'n't = 0Z71 0415 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe HS/ 5Z71 0540 Crewe HS-Liverpool South Parkway(501).
47727 = 0Z66 2045 Wigan Wallgate CS-Basford Hall.
47749 = 6Z30 1653 Westbury Yard-Eastleigh Yard/ 0Z31 2012 Eastleigh Yard-Westbury Yard.
47804 = 5Z20 1603 Craigentinny-Gleneagles.
Tuesday 03/09/2013
47376 = ---- 1110 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1205 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47376 = ---- 1330 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1425 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47376 = ---- 1550 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1645 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47804 = 1Z21 0710 Aviemore-Inverness. Charter.
47804 = 1Z22 0952 Inverness-Keith FD. Charter.
47804 = 1Z23 1940 Keith FD-Dundee. Charter.
47828 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P22 1341 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P25 1417 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P33 1817 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47237 = 0Z47 1133 Hackney Yard-St Philips Marsh depot.
47245 = 0Z47 1029 Southall depot-Willesden TNC.
47501 + 47818 t'n't = 6Z74 0040 Liverpool South Parkway-Crewe HS(818)/ 0Z74 0220 Crewe HS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47727 66031 + t'n't = 6T99 0931 Bicester LRD-Hinksey Yard(727).
47727 = 6M52 1621 Hinksey Virtual Quarry-Crewe Virtual Quarry/ expected to head back to Hinksey before midnight.
47749 = 0Z28 0820 Westbury-Newton Abbot Hackney Yard/ 6Z29 1242 Newton Abbot Hackney Yard-Westbury Yard.
47760 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z42 1123 Carnforth Steamtown-Wembley Yard(826)/ 5Z43 2032 Wembley Yard-Southall depot.
47765 at Ruddington is currently undergoing repaint and will emerge in Scotrail livery.
Wednesday 04/09/2013
47245 = 1Z69 1635 Weymouth-Waterloo to Southampton. Charter.
47804 = 1Z24 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh. Charter.
47804 = 1H89 1343 Edinburgh-Boat of Garten to Aviemore. Charter.
47828 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47828 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47245 + steam t'n't = 5Z66 0620 Southall depot-Victoria(245)/ 1Z67 0844 Victoria-Weymouth(steam)/ 5Z71 2130 Waterloo-Southall depot(245).
47727 + 66849 t'n't = 6T98 0505 Hinksey Yard-Bicester LRD(66)/ 6T99 0931 Bicester LRD-Hinksey Yard.
47790 + 47853 + 57003 + 57007 = 5Z71 1223 Crewe CLS-Willesden Brent(57007).
47804 = 5Z24 1004 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5H89 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
47805 = 0Z28 0720 Carlisle Kingmoor-Carlisle Kingmoor via Middlesbrough-Eaglescliffe-Durham-Hexham.
47810 + 37259 + 66428 = 0Z51 1227 Carlisle Kingmoor-Gresty Bridge.
Thursday 05/09/2013
47376 = ---- 1110 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1205 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47376 = ---- 1330 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1425 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47376 = ---- 1550 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1645 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47804 = 1H90 1223 Carrbridge-Dundee via Inverness & Aberdeen. Charter.
47828 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47580 = 5Z42 1609 Carnforth Steamtown-Crewe Down Refuge Sidings.
47727 + 66849 = 6T98 0505 Hinksey Yard-Bicester LRD.
47786 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z75 2117 Southall Depot-Sheffield.
47790 + 47853 + 57007 = 5Z71 0951 Willesdent Brent-Eastleigh(57).
47804 = 5Z90 1104 Boat of Garten-Carrbridge from Aviemore.
47805 = 0Z28 0720 Carlisle Kingmoor-Carlisle Kingmoor via Hexham-Durham-Middlesbrough-Eaglescliffe-Durham-Hexham.
47854 = 0H84 1100 Craigentinny-Fort William Yard.
Friday 06/09/2013
47580 = 1Z80 0707 Crewe-Scarborough + steam in tandem. Charter.
47580 = 1Z82 1656 Scarborough-Crewe + steam in tandem. Charter.
47786 = 1Z75 0516 Sheffield-Perth to Crewe + 47826 t'n't Which led? Charter.
47804 = 1H84 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh. Charter.
47804 = 1H85 1333 Edinburgh-Spean Bridge. Charter.
47826 = 1Z75 0516 Sheffield-Perth to Crewe + 47786 t'n't Which led? Charter.
Other workings
47580 + steam = 5Z80 0614 Crewe HC-Crewe/ 5Z83 2238 Crewe-Crewe Down Refuge Sidings.
47739 = 0Z57 1920 Crewe IEMD-Washwood Heath (in tow?).
47749 + 66850 = 0Z66 1334 Eastleigh-Westbury.
47804 = 5H84 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5H85 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
47805 + 37601 = 0Z37 1830 Carlisle Kingmoor-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
Saturday 07/09/2013
47402 = 2G51 0930 Bury-Rawtenstall.
47402 = 2G51 0930 Bury-Rawtenstall.
47402 = 2J56 1015 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = 2J57 1130 Heywood-Rawtenstall.
47402 = 2J62 1245 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = 2J63 1410 Heywood-Rawtenstall.
47402 = 2J68 1515 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = 2H69 1620 Heywood-Bury.
47786 = 1Z75 0924 Perth-Sheffield from Crewe. Charter.
47804 = 1H86 0823 Spean Bridge-Fort William via Mallaig to Fort William. Charter.
47804 = 1H86 0823 Spean Bridge-Fort William from Mallaig. Charter.
47804 = 1H86 1709 Fort William-Bridge of Orchy. Charter(804).
47828 = 1V33 1040 Yarmouth-Liverpool Street to Norwich.
47828 = 1V18 1000 Liverpool Street-Yarmouth from Norwich.
47828 = 1V43 1310 Yarmouth-Liverpool Street to Norwich.
47828 = 1V28 1230 Liverpool Street-Yarmouth from Norwich.
47854 = 1H86 0823 Spean Bridge-Fort William from Fort William-Mallaig. Charter.
Other workings
47245 + steam = 5Z36 1305 Southall Depot-Bristol Kingsland Road(245).
47727 + 66849 = 6M52 1621 Hinksey Yard-Crewe Basford Hall(66).
47786 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z77 2251 Sheffield-Doncaster CHS(786).
47804 + 47854 t'n't = 5H86 1351 Fort William-Fort William via Fort William Yard.
47828 = 5V33 0919 Norwich CP-Yarmouth/ 5V28 1625 Yarmouth-Norwich CP.
47739 moved from Crewe Electric depot to Washwood Heath yesterday evening for further maintenance. Was it hauled by something else?
Sunday 08/09/2013
47402 = 2G51 0930 Bury-Rawtenstall.
47402 = 2J56 1015 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = 2J57 1130 Heywood-Rawtenstall.
47402 = 2J62 1245 Rawtenstall-Heywood to Bury.
47854 = 1H87 0746 Bridge of Orchy-Wemyss Bay. Charter.
Other workings
47245 = 5Z37 0755 Bristol Kingsland Road-Bristol TM/ 5Z40 2259 Bristol TM-Bristol Kingsland Road.
47580 = 5Z26 1301 Crewe Down Refuge Sidings-Carnforth Steamstown.
47786 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z78 1340 Doncaster CHS-Southall Depot(826).
Monday 09/09/2013
47501 = 1Z51 1658 Canterbury West-Holyhead. Charter.
47810 = 1Z50 0605 Holyhead-Canterbury West. Charter.
47804 = 1H79 1342 Edinburgh-Keith. Charter.
47854 = 1H88 0637 Wemyss Bay-Edinburgh. Charter.
Other workings
47245 = 5Z40 0932 Bristol Kingsland Road-Southall Depot.
47501 + 47810 t'n't = 0Z49 0235 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe HS/ 5Z49 0300 Crewe HS-Holyhead(501)/ 5Z50 1416 Canterbury West-Canterbury West sidings/ 5Z51 1644 Canterbury West sidings-Canterbury West.
47749 = 0Z31 2012 Eastleigh Yard-Westbury Yard.
47802 + 47832 = 0Z38 1204 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Rhyl-Crewe Gresty Bridge (test run for one/both of these locos).
47804 + 47854 t'n't = 5H88 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny.
47804 = 5H79 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
Tuesday 10/09/2013
47804 = 1H80 1000 Keith-Kyle of Lochalsh. Charter.
Other workings
47501 + 47810 t'n't = 5Z52 0126 Holyhead-Crewe HS/ 0Z52 0410 Crewe HS-Gresty Bridge.
47727 + 66849 = 6T98 0425 Hinksey Yard-Bicester LRD/ 6T99 0931 Bicester LRD-Hinksey Yard.
47749 = 0Z28 0820 Westbury Yard-Hackney Yard/ 6Z29 1242 Hackney Yard-Westbury Yard/ 6Z30 1718 Westbury Yard-Eastleigh Yard to Upton Bank failed hauled back to Westbury Yard by 66142/ 6Z30 2016 Westbury Yard-Eastleigh Yard/ 0Z47 2238 Eastleigh Yard-Westbury Yard.
47802 = 0Z47 1127 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Norwich CP.
47854 = 0Z87 0641 Craigentinny-Fort William Yard/ 5Z87 1502 Fort William Yard-Carnforth Steamtown.
47749 was failed when departing Westbury Yard on 6Z30 1718 Westbury Yard-Eastleigh Yard so the train was cancelled. It did however work a few hours later on.
Wednesday 11/09/2013
47501 = 1Z50 1540 Carlisle-Hooton via Sellafield-Carnforth-Bolton-Manchester V-Stockport-Plumbley. Charter.
47804 = 1H81 0845 Kyle of Lochalsh-Carbridge.
47805 = 1Z49 0752 Hooton-Carlisle via Plumbley-Stockport-Manchester V-Blackburn-S&C. Charter.
Other workings
47501 + 47805 t'n't = 0Z49 0410 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe HS/ 5Z49 0515 Crewe HS-Hooton/ 5Z49 1347 Carlisle-Carlisle Kingmoor(805)/ 5Z50 1515 Carlisle Kingmoor-Carlisle/ 5Z50 2305 Hooton-Crewe HS.
47727 + 66849 = 6T98 0425 Hinksey Yard-Bicester LRD/ 6T99 0931 Bicester LRD-Hinksey Yard.
47749 = 6Z28 0820 Westbury Yard-Hackney Yard.
47786 + 47826 = 5Z43 1029 Southall depot-Carnforth Steamtown.
47804 = 5H81 1556 Carrbridge-Boat of Garten to Aviemore.
Thursday 12/09/2013
47804 = 1H82 1315 Kingussie-Dundee via Perth. Charter.
Other workings
47580 = 5Z79 1509 Carnforth Steamtown-Crewe HC.
47727 + 66849 = 6T98 0425 Hinksey Yard-Bicester LRD/ 6T99 0931 Bicester LRD-Hinksey Yard.
47749 = 6Z30 xxxx Westbury Yard-Eastleigh Yard.
47804 = 5H82 1110 Boat of Garten-Kingussie from Aviemore.
47828 = 0Z99 0430 Norwich RFD-Liverpool Street/ 5P99 0720 Liverpool Street-Norwich hauling 90003 and stock.
47854 + 57313 t'n't = 5Z22 1003 Carnforth Steamtown-Bo'ness Jn Exchange Siding/ 0Z22 1744 Bo'ness Exchange Siding-Craigentinny (both locos???).
Friday 13/09/2013
47580 = 1Z80 0707 Crewe-Scarborough + steam in tandem. Charter.
47580 = 1Z82 1656 Scarborough-Crewe + steam in tandem. Charter.
47804 = 1H84 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh. Charter.
47854 = 1H79 1342 Edinburgh-Keith. Charter.
Other workings
47580 + steam = 5Z80 0614 Crewe HS-Crewe/ 5Z83 2238 Crewe-Crewe Down Refuge Sidings.
47727 + 66849 = 6T98 0425 Hinksey Yard-Bicester LRD/ 6T99 0931 Bicester LRD-Hinksey Yard/ 6M52 1621 Hinksey Yard-Crewe Basford Hall.
47760 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z21 2240 Carnforth Steamtown-North Berwick(826).
47804 = 5H84 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny.
47854 = 5H79 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
Saturday 14/09/2013
47306 = ---- 1030 Bodmin General-Bodmin Parkway.
47306 = ---- 1100 Bodmin Parkway-Bodmin General.
47306 = ---- 1145 Bodmin General-Boscarne Jn.
47306 = ---- 1215 Boscarne Jn-Bodmin General.
47306 = ---- 1300 Bodmin General-Bodmin Parkway + 37142.
47306 = ---- 1330 Bodmin Parkway-Bodmin General + 37142 t'n't Which led?
47306 = ---- 1415 Bodmin General-Boscarne Jn + 37142 t'n't Which led?
47306 = ---- 1445 Boscarne Jn-Bodmin General + 37142 t'n't Which led?
47306 = ---- 1530 Bodmin General-Bodmin Parkway + 37142 Which led?
47306 = ---- 1600 Bodmin Parkway-Bodmin General + 37142 t'n't Which led?
47367 = ---- 0945 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = ---- 1030 Holt-Sheringham.
47367 = ---- 1115 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = ---- 1200 Holt-Sheringham.
47367 = ---- 1245 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = ---- 1330 Holt-Sheringham.
47367 = ---- 1415 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = ---- 1500 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = ---- 1545 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = ---- 1608 Holt-Sheringham.
47367 = ---- 1700 Sheringham-Holt.
47367 = ---- 1718 Holt-Sheringham.
47635 = ---- 0920 North Weald-Ongar + 31438.
47635 = ---- 1040 Ongar-North Weald.
47635 = ---- 1150 North Weald-Ongar + 37029.
47635 = ---- 1310 North Weald-Coopersale.
47635 = ---- 1335 Coopersale-Ongar to North Weald + 33202.
47635 = ---- 1510 North Weald-Ongar.
47635 = ---- 1540 Ongar-Coopersale.
47635 = ---- 1945 North Weald-Ongar.
47635 = ---- 2015 Ongar-North Weald.
47760 = 1Z21 0540 North Berwick-Fort William to Edinburgh. Charter.
47802 = 1V18 1000 Liverpool Street-Yarmouth from Norwich.
47802 = 1V43 1310 Yarmouth-Liverpool Street to Norwich.
47802 = 1V28 1230 Liverpool Street-Yarmouth from Norwich.
47818 = 1Z32 1729 Helensburgh Upper-Crewe. Charter.
47826 = 1Z21 0540 North Berwick-Fort William from Edinburgh. Charter.
47826 = 1Z22 1538 Fort William-North Berwick. Charter.
47832 = 1Z31 0537 Crewe-Helensburgh Upper. Charter.
47854 = 1H80 1000 Keith-Kyle of Lochalsh. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5Z37 1333 Southall Depot-Bristol Kingsland Road.
47635 + 37029 t'n't = 1605 Coopersale-Ongar to North Weald(37).
47760 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z22 2326 North Berwick-Inverkeithing Yard(760).
47786 + steam 60009 t'n't = 1Z23 1614 Carlisle-Crewe(steam with 47786 on rear from Carnforth only?)/ 5Z24 2235 Crewe-Crewe Down Refuge Siding (possibly hauled by 47580???).
47802 = 5V28 1625 Yarmouth-Norwich.
47818 + 47832 t'n't = 0Z30 0345 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z30 0515 Crewe CS-Crewe/ 5Z31 1252 Helensburgh Upper-Polmadie/ 5Z32 1534 Polmadie-Helensburgh Upper.
5V33 & 1V33 Norwich portions were worked by a DMU.
Sunday 15/09/2013
47237 = 1Z39 0821 Bristol TM-Pembroke Dock from Carmarthen-Tenby & terminated. Charter.
47402 = 2J68 1515 Rawtenstall-Heywood from Irwell Vale D9531 failed.
47402 = 2H69 1620 Heywood-Bury.
47635 = ---- 0920 North Weald-Ongar + 31438.
47635 = ---- 1040 Ongar-North Weald.
47635 = ---- 1150 North Weald-Ongar + 37029.
47635 = ---- 1310 North Weald-Coopersale.
47635 = ---- 1335 Coopersale-Ongar to North Weald + 33202.
47635 = ---- 1510 North Weald-Ongar.
47635 = ---- 1540 Ongar-Coopersale.
47854 = 1H81 0845 Kyle of Lochalsh-Carrbridge. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5Z39 0740 Bristol Kingsland Road-Bristol TM/ 0Z39 0831 Bristol TM-Carmarthen.
47237 + steam t'n't = 1Z40 1553 Tenby-Bristol TM(steam)/ 5Z40 2129 Bristol TM-Bristol Kingsland Road.
47580 + 47786 t'n't = 5Z26 1301 Crewe Down Refuge Sidings-Carnforth Steamtown.
47635 + 37029 t'n't = 1605 Coopersale-Ongar to North Weald(37).
47760 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z23 1108 Inverkeithing Yard-Carnforth Steamtown(826).
47804 = 0Z47 2325 Craigentinny-Bo'ness.
47812 + steam = 5Z27 0712 Bristol Barton Hill-Bristol TM/ 1Z27 0755 Bristol TM-Kingswear(steam)/ 1Z28 1650 Kinswear-Bristol TM(steam)/ 5Z28 2130 Bristol TM-Bristol Barton Hill.
47854 = 5H81 1556 Carrbridge-Boat of Garten.
47635 had been intended to work 1845 North Weald-Ongar & 1915 Ongar-North Weald but did not work these.
Monday 16/09/2013
47805 = 1Z62 1254 Edinburgh-Leuchars. Charter.
47854 = 1H82 1315 Kingussie-Dundee via Perth. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5Z42 1034 Bristol Kingsland Road-Southall Depot.
47501 + 47805 t'n't = 0Z62 0445 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z62 0621 Crewe CS-Edinburgh(805)/ 5Z63 1519 Leuchars-Crewe CS(501)/ 0Z63 2340 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47727 = 6V90 2334 Crewe Basford Hall-Hinksey Yard.
47804 = 5Z27 1010 Bo'ness-Cranforth Steamtown.
47812 + 66xxx t'n't = 5Z47 1053 Bristol Barton Hill-Eastleigh depot(66).
47854 = 5H82 1110 Boat of Garten-Kingussie from Aviemore.
Tuesday 17/09/2013
47854 = 1H84 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh. Charter.
47854 = 1H79 1342 Edinburgh-Keith. Charter.
Other workings
47727 = 6T98 0505 Hinksey Yard-Bicester LRD/ 6T99 0931 Bicester LRD-Hinksey Yard.
47760 + 37706 = 0Z52 1204 Carnforth Steamstown-York NRM.
47760 = 0Z47 1705 York-Carnforth Steamtown.
47786 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z64 2310 Carnforth Steamtown-Milton Keynes(786).
47828 = 0Z47 1005 Norwich CP-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47854 = 5H84 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5H79 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
Wednesday 18/09/2013
47376 = ---- 1110 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1205 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47376 = ---- 1330 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1425 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47376 = ---- 1550 Toddington-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = ---- 1645 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47826 = 1Z65 0527 Milton Keynes-Carlisle. Charter.
47786 = 1Z66 1442 Carlisle-Milton Keynes. Charter.
47854 = 1H80 1000 Keith-Kyle of Lochalsh. Charter.
Other workings
47237 + 47245 = 0Z43 1029 Southall Depot-Carnforth Steamtown.
47727 = 6T98 0505 Hinksey Yard-Bicester LRD/ 6T99 0931 Bicester LRD-Hinksey Yard/ 6M52 1621 Hinksey Yard-Crewe Basford Hall.
47749 = 0Z30 1718 Westbury Yard-Eastleigh.
47786 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z65 1321 Carlisle-Carlisle Shunt Neck/ 5Z66 1425 Carlisle Shunt Neck-Carlisle/ 5Z67 2309 Milton Keynes-Carnforth Steamtown.
47810 = 0Z47 0818 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Derby RTC.
Thursday 19/09/2013
47854 = 1H81 0845 Kyle of Lochalsh-Carrbridge. Charter.
Other workings
47727 = 0Z47 1407 Crewe CSFL-Doncaster West Yard.
47854 = 5H81 1556 Carrbridge-Boat of Garten to Aviemore.
Friday 20/09/2013
47501 = 1Z34 0719 Coventry-Oxenholme. Charter.
47596 = ---- 1810 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47828 = 1Z36 1701 Oxenholme-Coventry. Charter.
47854 = 1H82 1315 Kingussie-Dundee via Perth. Charter.
Other workings
47237 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z94 1030 Carnforth Steamtown-Scarborough via Skipton(826).
47245 + 47786 t'n't = 5Z69 0720 Carnforth Steamtown-Norwich CS via Skipton(786).
47501 + 47828 t'n't = 0Z34 0402 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z34 0520 Crewe CS-Coventry/ 5Z35 1101 Oxenholme-Carlisle Kingmoor(501)/ 5Z36 1514 Carlisle Kingmoor-Oxenholme(828)/ 5Z37 2111 Coventry-Crewe CS/ 0Z37 2325 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47854 = 5H82 1110 Boat of Garten-Kingussie from Aviemore.
Saturday 21/09/2013
47237 = 1Z94 0612 Scarborough-Carlisle via Brighouse-Blackburn-Sellafield. Charter.
47237 = 1Z95 xxxx Carlisle-Scarborough from Farrington Jn via Copy Pit & Brighouse. Charter.
47245 = 1Z71 1736 Weymouth-Norwich via Poole-Woking-Hounslow-Camden Road-Stratford-Colchester. Charter.
47501 = 1Z39 0704 Derby-Bath to Nottingham. Charter.
47501 = 1Z40 1800 Bath-Derby to Nottingham via Swindon-Oxford-Tyseley-Nuneaton. Charter.
47579 = ---- 1030 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1250 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1355 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47760 = 1Z29 0612 Dundee-Blackpool from Preston. Charter.
47786 = 1Z70 0534 Norwich-Weymouth via Colchester-Stratford-Camden Road-Hounslow-Woking-Poole. Charter.
47802 = 1V33 1040 Yarmouth-Liverpool Street to Norwich.
47802 = 1V18 1000 Liverpool Street-Yarmouth from Norwich.
47802 = 1V43 1310 Yarmouth-Liverpool Street from Norwich.
47802 = 1V28 1230 Liverpool Street-Yarmouth to Norwich.
47804 = 1Z29 0612 Dundee-Blackpool from Lockerbie Loop-Preston. Charter.
47804 = 1Z31 1608 Blackpool-Dundee via S&C-Beattock-Edinburgh-Ladybank. Charter.
47826 = 1Z95 xxxx Carlisle-Scarborough to Farrington Jn via S&C & Blackburn. Charter.
47828 = 1Z39 0704 Derby-Bath from Nottingham via Nuneaton-Tyseley-Oxford-Swindon. Charter.
47828 = 1Z40 1800 Bath-Derby from Nottingham. Charter.
47854 = 1H84 0807 Dundee-Edinburgh. Charter.
47854 = 1H79 1343 Edinburgh-Keith to Markinch & failed 57315 rescued.
Other workings
47245 + 47786 t'n't = 5Z70 1255 Weymouth-Weymouth Sidings/ 5Z71 1722 Weymouth Sidings-Weymouth.
47501 + 47828 = 0Z38 0305 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z38 0435 Crewe CS-Derby/ 5Z39 1257 Bath-Bedminster/ 5Z40 1635 Bedminster-Bath/ 5Z41 2312 Derby-Derby via St Mary's Jn.
47760 = 5Z55 0645 Carnforth Steamtown-Preston/ 0Z56 1018 Preston-Carnforth Steamtown.
47760 + 47804 t'n't = 5Z32 2352 Dundee-Dundee West TC.
47773 + D1015 = 1Z52 0632 Tyseley-Carlisle(Western with 773 in tow)/ 1Z53 1553 Carlisle-Tyseley(Western with 773 in tow).
47802 = 5Z33 0919 Norwich CP-Yarmouth/ 5V28 1625 Yarmouth-Norwich CP.
47804 + 57313 t'n't = 5Z29 0410 Bo'ness-Dundee/ 1Z29 0612 Dundee-Blackpool to Carnforth UDGL via Ladybank-Edinburgh-Beattock-Preston(57 to Lockerbie Loop 804 ran round and topped forward then see above from Carnforth with 47760.
47854 = 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5H79 1305 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
47746 was seen on display in a fresh coat of maroon paint outside Carnforth Steamtown shed today.
Sunday 22/09/2013
47596 = ---- 1100 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47760 = 1Z24 1615 Edinburgh-Nottingham via Settle. Charter.
Other workings
47237 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z95 1210 Scarborough-Carnforth Steamtown via Skipton(826).
47245 + 47786 in tandem = 5Z72 1420 Norwich CSD-Carnforth Steamtown to Neville Hill via Micklefield & terminated.
47501 + 47828 t'n't? in Multi? = 5Z42 1424 Derby-Crewe LNWR.
47760 = 0Z47 1000 Dundee-Craigentinny.
47760 + 57314 t'n't = 5Z24 1600 Craigentinny-Edinburgh(760)/ 5Z26 2330 Nottingham-Derby.
47804 = 5Z33 1250 Dundee West TC-Bo'ness Jn Exchange Siding/ 0Z47 1810 Bo'ness Jn Exchange Siding to Craigentinny.
57315 is working 1H80 1120 Keith-Kyle of Lochalsh today. 47854 has been left at Keith having suffered problems yesterday at Markinch on 1H79.
Monday 23/09/2013
47802 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47237 + 47826 = 0Z47 1110 Carnforth Steamtown-Neville Hill Up Sidings.
47237 + 47245 + 47786 + 47826 = 5Z72 1447 Neville Hill Up Sidings-Carnforth Steamtown via Skipton.
47749 = 0Z56 0912 Westbury Yard-Cardiff Canton/ 5Z56 1200 Cardiff Canton-Crewe HS/ 0Z66 1817 Crewe Basford Hall-Washwood Heath.
47760 + 57314 t'n't = 5Z27 1056 Derby-Carnforth Steamtown(760).
Tuesday 24/09/2013
47802 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47237 + steam t'n't = 1Z96 1612 Carlisle-Preston from Carnforth UDGL(steam)/ 5Z97 1927 Preston-Carnforth Steamtown(237).
Wednesday 25/09/2013
Other workings
47727 = 0Z47 0940 Washwood Heath-Crewe/ 0Z48 1324 Crewe-Washwood Heath hauling 56302.
47832 + 37608 = 0Z38 0952 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Barrow Hill.
47832 = 0Z47 1430 Barrow Hill-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47746 has now moved to the AWCA operational loco pool from the AWCX pool.
Thursday 26/09/2013
Other workings
47749 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47760 + 47786 t'n't = 5Z31 2240 Carnforth Steamtown-Redditch.
47804 = 0Z47 2041 Craigentinny-Bo'ness.
47818 = 0Z47 0725 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe HS/ 5Z47 0829 Crewe HS-Eastleigh RSMD.
47826 + 57314 t'n't = 5Z42 1123 Carnforth Steamtown-Stafford(57).
47854 = 0Z47 0850 Keith-Fort William Yard via Inverness.
Friday 27/09/2013
47760 = 1Z33 1711 Dundee-Redditch to Birmingham New Street. Charter.
47786 = 1Z32 0458 Redditch-Dundee. Charter.
47786 = 1Z33 1711 Dundee-Redditch from Birmingham New Street. Charter.
47818 = 1Z47 0537 Salisbury-Penrith to Crewe. Charter.
47826 = 1Z43 0609 Euston-Fort William. Charter.
47828 = 1Z59 0658 York-Helensburgh Upper. Charter.
Other workings
47245 = 5Z48 0351 Carnforth Steamtown-Bo'ness.
47727 = 0T47 1610 Washwood Heath-Stafford/ 0Z47 2102 Stafford-Crewe/ 0Z47 2103 (at 2153)Crewe-Wigan Wallgate/ 2245 Wigan Wallgate-Wigan Wallgate via Southport.
47760 + 47786 t'n't = 5Z32 1445 Dundee-Dundee West TC/ 5Z33 1653 Dundee West TC-Dundee.
47826 + 57314 t'n't = 5Z43 0235 Stafford-Euston/ 5Z43 2147 Fort William-Fort William Yard.
47828 + 57307 t'n't = 0Z58 0135 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z58 0305 Crewe CS-York/ 5Z59 1342 Helensburgh Upper-Polmadie/ 5Z60 1604 Polmadie-Helensburgh Upper/ 1Z60 1755 Helensburgh Upper-York via Carlisle(57).
Saturday 28/09/2013
47245 = 1Z43 0522 Linlithgow-Grange Over Sands via Hexham & Whitehaven. Charter.
47306 = ---- 0900 Bodmin General-Bodmin Parkway.
47306 = ---- 0925 Bodmin Parkway-Bodmin General.
47306 = ---- 1045 Bodmin General-Boscarne Jn.
47306 = ---- 1330 Bodmin General-Bodmin Parkway + 33110.
47306 = ---- 1355 Bodmin Parkway-Bodmin General + 33110.
47306 = ---- 1600 Bodmin General-Boscarne Jn.
47306 = ---- 1625 Boscarne Jn-Bodmin General.
47306 = ---- 1715 Bodmin Parkway-Bodmin General.
47306 = ---- 1830 Bodmin General-Bodmin Parkway.
47402 = 2J69 1025 Heywood-Rawtenstall from Bury.
47402 = 2J70 1146 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = 2J77 1305 Heywood-Rawtenstall to Bury.
47402 = 2J87 1545 Heywood-Rawtenstall from Bury.
47402 = 2J88 1706 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = 2H95 1815 Heywood-Bury.
47501 = 1Z47 0838 Chester-Scarborough. Charter.
47802 = 2C50 0906 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 1V18 1000 Liverpool Street-Yarmouth from Norwich.
47802 = 1V28 1230 Liverpool Street-Yarmouth from Norwich.
47804 = 1Z45 1626 Ravenglass-Linlithgow. Charter.
47828 = 1Z48 1729 Scarborough-Chester. Charter.
47841 = 2C51 0955 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47854 = 1H86 0823 Spean Bridge-Fort William from Fort William-Mallaig. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5Z36 1305 Southall Depot-Bristol Kingsland Road.
47245 + 47804 t'n't = 5Z43 0503 Bo'ness-Linlithgow/ 5Z44 1318 Grange Over Sands-Carnforth Loop/ 5Z45 1407 Carnforth Loop-Ravenglass.
47306 t'n't various = read 1115 Boscarne Jn-Bodmin General (33110 hauling)/ rear 1650 Bodmin General-Bodmin Parkway (37142 hauling)/ rear 1855 Bodmin Parkway-Bodmin General (33110 hauling).
47501 + 47828 t'n't = 0Z45 0556 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z46 0739 Crewe CS-Chester/ 5Z49 2235 Chester-Crewe CS/ 0Z50 2352 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47727 = 0Z49 0041 Wigan Wallgate-Wigan Wallgate via Southport/ 0Z50 0205 Wigan Wallgate-Wigan Wallgate via Southport/ 0Z51 0328 Wigan Wallgate-Wigan Wallgate via Southport/ 0Z52 0541 Wigan Wallgate-Wigan Wallgate Up CS via Southport/ 0Z47 0922 Wigan Wallgate Up CS-Washwood Heath.
47727 + 56094 = 0Z56 1320 Washwood Heath-Cardiff Canton.
47739 + 47749 = 0Z56 0645 Washwood Heath-Ironville Jn/ 0Z57 0942 Ironville Jn-Wahswood Heath hauling 37190 + 50007.
47760 + 47786 t'n't = 5Z34 0135 Redditch-Carnforth Steamtown(760).
47802 = 5V28 1625 Yarmouth-Norwich CP.
47828 + 57307 t'n't = 5Zxx 0023 York-Crewe LNWR(828).
47854 + 57315 t'n't = 5H86 1351 Fort William-Fort William via Fort William Yard/ 1H86 1709 Fort William-Bridge of Orchy. Charter(57).
The 1V43 1310 Yarmouth-Liverpool Street to Norwich was cancelled due to operational reason.
Sunday 29/09/2013
47402 = 2E61 0900 Bury-Ramsbottom.
47402 = 2F62 0937 Ramsbottom-Heywood.
47402 = 2J69 1025 Heywood-Rawtenstall to Bury.
Other workings
47245 + 47804 t'n't = 5Z46 0018 Linlithgow-Bo'ness.
47760 + 47786 t'n't = 5Z45 1515 Carnforth Steamtown-York Holgate Sidings via Skipton(760).
47826 + 57314 t'n't = 5Z44 0838 Fort William Jn Yard-Fort William/ 1Z44 0944 Fort William-Euston(57).
47854 + 57315 t'n't = 1H87 0746 Bridge of Orchy-Wemyss Bay.(57).
Monday 30/09/2013
47501 = 1Z49 1812 Crewe-Salisbury + 47818 in multi. Charter.
47760 = 1Z47 1441 Calisle-Bishop Auckland via Whitehaven. Charter.
47786 = 1Z46 0654 Bishop Auckland-Carlisle via Skipton. Charter.
47818 = 1Z49 1812 Crewe-Salisbury + 47501 in multi. Charter.
47854 = 1H88 0637 Wemyss Bay-Edinburgh. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5Z40 0932 Bristol Kingsland Road-Southall Depot.
47245 = 5Z47 0635 Bo'ness-Carnforth Steamtown.
47727 = 0Z47 0715 Cardiff Canton-Fairwater Yard/ 6Z47 1000 Fairwater Yard-Cardiff Canton.
47760 + 47786 t'n't = 5Z46 0456 York Holgate Sidings-Bishop Auckland(760)/ 5Z47 2147 Bishop Auckland-Carnforth Steamtown via Skipton(786).
47802 = 1Z99 1805 Norwich CP-Witham/ 5P44 2000 Witham-Norwich.
47826 + 57314 t'n't = 5Z44 0016 Euston-Acton Lane Reception Sidings/ 5Z43 1119 Acton Lane Recption Sidings-Carnforth Steamtown.
47854 + 57315 t'n't = 5H88 1005 Edinburgh-Craigentinny.
Credits: 31466, 47712, AK, AN, Jamie B, Steve B, William Baker, Beekeeper, BigBird, Blackwater, Dingwall Blade, Gaz Brannan, Billy Bunter, Bob C, Dave C, Neil C, Shaun C, Neil Clifton, Richard Clinnick, Crumb, Driff47844, David Earwaker, Mick Hirst, Steve Kibble, James Line, Colin Makcrow, Mark47484, Andrew McDonald, Kevin Melia, Tom Metrobus, Mobile, Paul Morris, Darren P, Darren Peters, Stephen Richmond, Glenn Rivett, Rob46010, Dave Ross, Runcorn, Nick Scott, Sid, Slugmaster906, Spinner, Bob Spooner, Jon Sutcliffe, Christopher Taylor, Gary Thomas, Simon Travers, Tim Ward, Mark Webster, Martin Weeks, Widnes, Stuart Wood, Zary.
Page last updated:19/04/14

47760 at Gourock on the rear of the 1Z32 0503 Gourock-Kyle of Lochalsh.
Photo Copyright: Shaun C
Workings in yellow are confirmed, workings in white are unconfirmed.
Tuesday 01/10/2013
Other workings
47501 + 47818 in multi = 5Z50 1417 Eastleigh-Crewe HS/ 0Z50 1932 Crewe HS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47749 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
Wednesday 02/10/2013
Other workings
47245 = 5Z42 1123 Carnforth Steamtown-Southall depot.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47854 = 0Z57 1504 Craigentinny-Rutherglen CE.
47727 was reported in Maindee Yard running around three twin jib cranes at 1218 and half an hour later seen heading through Cardiff station. No workings exist in TRUST for this move and the loco's location before and after this report were at Cardiff Canton depot.
Thursday 03/10/2013
Other workings
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47746 + 57314 + 47826 = 0Z48 1148 Carnforth Steamtown-Carnforth Steamtown via Hellifield. Test run for 47746.
47760 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z31 2200 Carnforth Steamtown-Gourock(760).
47804 = 0H84 1106 Bo'ness Jn Exchange Siding-Fort William Jn Yard.
Friday 04/10/2013
47401 = ---- 1205 Wansford-Peterborough.
47401 = ---- 1241 Peterborough-Wansford.
47401 = ---- 1520 Wansford-Peterborough.
47401 = ---- 1556 Peterborough-Wansford.
47501 = 1Z49 1833 Peterborough-Leicester to Leicester. Charter. (1st part)
47501 = 1Z49 1833 Peterborough-Leicester from Peterborough. Charter. (2nd part)
47760 = 1Z33 1605 Kyle of Lochalsh-Gourock. Charter.
47826 = 1Z32 0503 Gourock-Kyle of Lochalsh. Charter.
47832 = 1Z49 1833 Peterborough-Leicester from Leicester-Peterborough. Charter.
Other workings
47501 + 47832 t'n't = 0Z49 1327 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z49 1439 Crewe CS-Peterborough(832)/ 5Z50 2330 Leicester-Norwich JS.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47749 + 56113 = 0Z56 1000 Washwood Heath-Willesden(56 on test).
47749 + 56113 + 86213 = 0Z86 1420 Willesden TC-Washwood Heath.
47786 + 57314 = 5Z48 0915 Carnforth Steamtown-Gloucester(57).
47810 + 37608 = 0Z47 1132 Derby RTC-Crewe Gresty Bridge from Barrow Hill(37).
Saturday 05/10/2013
47245 = 1Z52 1253 Norwich-Sheringham to Cromer. Charter.
47245 = 1Z53 1605 Sheringham-Norwich to Cromer. Charter.
47401 = 1E44 0924 Wansford-Peterborough.
47401 = 2M44 1010 Peterborough-Wansford.
47401 = 2B64 1550 Yarwell Jn-Peterborough from Wansford.
47401 = 2M54 1650 Peterborough-Wansford.
47501 = 1Z26 1657 Bath-Norwich via Salisbury-Woking-Hounslow-Camden Road-Colchester. Charter.
47804 = 1H86 0823 Spean Bridge-Fort William from Fort William-Mallaig. Charter.
47832 = 1Z25 0643 Norwich-Bath via Colchester-Camden Road-Hounslow-Woking-Salisbury. Charter.
Other workings
47245 + steam t'n't = 5Z51 0530 Southall Depot-Kings Cross(245)/ 1Z51 0818 Kings Cross-Norwich(steam)/ 1Z54 1913 Norwich-Highbury & Islington(steam)/ 5Z55 2239 Highbury & Islington-Southall Depot.
47501 + 47832 t'n't = 5Z24 0621 Norwich JS-Norwich/ 5Z25 1256 Bath-Bedminster/ 5Z26 1628 Bedminster-Bath/ 5Z27 2347 Norwich-Norwich JS.
47760 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z34 0500 Gourock-Carnforth Steamtown(826).
47786 + 57314 = 5Z49 0500 Gloucester-Newport(786)/ 1Z49 0616 Newport-Inverness(57).
47804 = 0H86 0840 Fort William Jn Yard-Fort William.
47804 + 57315 t'n't = 5H86 1351 Fort William-Fort William via Fort William Yard/ 1H86 1709 Fort William-Bridge of Orchy(57).
Sunday 06/10/2013
47401 = 2B61 1135 Yarwell Jn-Peterborough from Wansford.
47401 = 2M48 1250 Wansford-Peterborough.
47401 = 2E53 1512 Yarwell Jn-Peterborough.
47401 = 2M53 1610 Peterborough-Wansford.
47786 = 1Z50 1012 Inverness-Edinburgh. Charter.
47786 = 1Z51 1615 Edinburgh-Newport. Charter.
Other workings
47501 + 47832 t'n't = 5Z54 0805 Norwich JS-Nottingham to Peterborough & terminated - late running(501 leading to Stevenage then 832 forward)/ 5Z55 1531 Peterborough-Crewe CS(501)/ 0Z55 2145 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47786 + 57314 t'n't = 5Z50 1455 Edinburgh-Edinburgh via Craigentinny.
47804 + 57315 t'n't = 1H87 0746 Bridge of Orchy-Wemyss Bay(57).
47818 + 47828 = 0Z68 1310 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Eastleigh.
47501 + 47832 were allocated 1Z54 1234 Nottingham-Sheffield via Derby-Chesterfield-Sheffield-Swinton-Doncaster avoiding curve-Gainsborough-Newark Castle-Nottingham-Derby-Chesterfield/ 5Z55 1805 Sheffield-Crewe CS but these were cancelled after 5Z54 was terminated at Peterborough running nearly 5 hours late 832 having failed north of Biggleswade.
Monday 07/10/2013
47501 = 1Z69 1709 Holyhead-Salisbury + 47810 in multi. Charter.
47760 = 1Z74 0515 Preston-Fort William to Larbert Down Goods Yard. Charter.
47760 = 1Z75 1537 Fort William-Preston. Charter.
47804 = 1H88 0637 Wemyss Bay-Edinburgh. Charter.
47810 = 1Z69 1709 Holyhead-Salisbury + 47501 in multi. Charter.
47826 = 1Z74 0515 Preston-Fort William from Larbert Down Goods Yard. Charter.
47828 = 1Z68 0417 Salisbury-Holyhead to Crewe via Bath-Bristol P-Cheltenham-Kings Norton-Walsall-Stafford. Charter.
Other workings
47401 + 33108 + 45133 + 50026 + 56301 = 0X56 xxxx Orton Mere NVR-Butterley(56).
47501 + 47810 in multi = 0Z69 1208 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Holyhead.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47760 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z74 0245 Carnforth Steamtown-Preston(826).
47786 + 57314 t'n't = 5Z51 0107 Newport-Gloucester/ 5Z52 1104 Gloucester-Carnforth Steamtown.
47802 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings.
47804 + 57315 t'n't = 5H88 1037 Edinburgh-Craigentinny.
47818 + 47828 = 5Z68 0300 Eastleigh-Salisbury/ 0Z68 1310 Holyhead-Crewe Gresty Bridge(multi).
47828 = 4M82 1558 Coatbridge FTL-Daventry DRS from Crewe Basford Hall.
Tuesday 08/10/2013
Other workings
47501 + 47810 = 5Z69 0025 Salisbury-Eastleigh/ 0Z69 1530 Eastleigh-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47739 + 56113 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks(56)/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47760 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z75 0039 Preston-Carnforth Steamtown(826).
47802 = 0P86 2023 Colchester Sidings-Norwich CP.
47828 = 0Z47 0420 Daventry DRS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
Wednesday 09/10/2013
Other workings
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47749 = 0Z84 0805 Washwood Heath-Barrow Hill SD (with 86213)/ 0Z85 1330 Barrow Hill SD-Washwood Heath.
47802 = 0F03 0503 Norwich CP-Colchester Sidings.
Thursday 10/10/2013
Other workings
47739 = 0Z88 0626 Washwood Heath-Burton Wetmore Sidings/ 6Z88 0938 Burton Wetmore Sidings-Whitemoor Yard LDC/ 0Z89 1328 Whitemoor Yard LDC-Washwood Heath.
47749 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47760 + 57314 t'n't = 5Z56 0712 Carnforth Steamtown-Ely Reception Sidings.
47818 + 47828 + 57002 + 57003 = 0Z40 1020 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Stowmarket(47s in tow).
47854 = 6Z47 0655 Rutherglen CE-Carlisle New Yard/ 0Z47 1620 Carlisle New Yard-Carnforth Steamtown.
Friday 11/10/2013
47501 = 1Z80 0728 Hull-Kings Lynn via Donaster-Peterborough-Ely(reverse) + 47810 t'n't - Which led? Charter.
47501 = 1Z82 1706 Kings Lynn-Hull + 47810 t'n't - Which led? Charter.
47810 = 1Z80 0728 Hull-Kings Lynn via Donaster-Peterborough-Ely(reverse) + 47501 t'n't - Which led? Charter.
47810 = 1Z82 1706 Kings Lynn-Hull + 47810 t'n't - Which led? Charter.
Other workings
47501 + 47810 t'n't = 0Z80 0200 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z80 0335 Crewe CS-Hull/ 5Z81 1233 Kings Lynn-Kings Lynn CS/ 5Z82 1644 Kings Lynn CS-Kings Lynn/ 5Z83 2203 Hull-Crewe CS.
47727 = 4Z47 0946 Cardiff Canton-Gloucester New Yard/ 0Z27 1245 Gloucester New Yard-Cardiff Canton.
47760 + 57314 t'n't = 5Z56 0438 Ely Reception-Cambridge/ 1Z56 0530 Cambridge-Fort William via Peterborough-ECML-Durham-Low Fell Jn-Hexham-Carlisle-Carstairs-Motherwell-Mossend Yard-Westerton(57)/ 5Z56 2147 Fort William-Fort William Yard.
47826 + 57601 t'n't = 5Z59 1025 Carnforth Steamtown-Skegness(826).
47854 + 57313 t'n't = 5Z31 0712 Carnforth-Lincoln Terrace.
Saturday 12/10/2013
47117 = 2A10 1100 Loughborough-Leicester.
47117 = 2B10 1145 Leicester-Loughborough.
47117 = 2A23 1300 Loughborough-Leicester.
47117 = 2B23 1345 Leicester-Loughborough.
47501 = 1Z85 0730 Manchester V-Watford Jn. Charter.
47810 = 1Z86 1636 Watford Jn-Manchester V. Charter.
47826 = 1Z61 1545 Hastings-Skegness to Sleaford. Charter.
47854 = 1Z32 0520 Lincoln-Carlisle to Hellifield Loop. Charter.
47854 = 1Z34 1440 Carlisle-Lincoln from Hellifield Loop. Charter.
Other workings
47501 + 47810 t'n't = 0Z83 0136 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge/ 0Z84 0340 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z84 0520 Crewe CS-Manchester V/ 5Z85 1141 Watford Jn-Stewarts Lane/ 5Z86 1515 Stewarts Lane-Watford Jn/ 5Z87 2109 Manchester V-Crewe CS/ 0Z87 2313 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47826 + 57601 t'n't = 1Z60 0630 Skegness-Hastings(57)/ 5Z60 1345 Hastings-Hastings Park/ 5Z61 1530 Hastings Park-Hastings.
47854 + 57313 t'n't = 5Z32 0507 Lincoln Terrace-Lincoln/ 5Z35 2216 Lincoln-Lincoln Terrace.
Sunday 13/10/2013
47760 = 1Z57 0927 Fort William-Cambridge. Charter.
Other workings
47760 + 57314 t'n't = 5Z57 0821 Fort William Jn Yard-Fort William/ 5Z58 2334 Cambridge-Ely Reception Siding.
47826 + 57601 t'n't = 5Z62 1440 Skegness-Carnforth Steamtown(57).
47854 + 57313 t'n't = 5Z37 1125 Lincoln TS-Carnforth Steamtown.
Monday 14/10/2013
Other workings
47727 = 0Z47 0654 Canton TMD-Taunton Fairwater Yard/ 6Z27 1003 Taunton Fairwater Yard-West Ealing.
47749 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath to Sleaford & terminated because of problems on a wagon.
47818 + 47828 = 3S60 0454 Stowmarket DGL-Stowmarket DGL RHTT train.
Tuesday 15/10/2013
47802 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P33 1817 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47727 = 6Z47 1220 West Ealing-Taunton Fairwater Yard.
47739 = xxxx xxxx Washwood Heath?-Sleaford/ 0E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47739 + 47749 + 561136Z08 1122 Sleaford-Washwood Heath(739).
47749 = in tow on 6Z08 see above with 47739.
47818 + 47828 = 3S60 0454 Stowmarket DGL-Stowmarket DGL RHTT train.
Wednesday 16/10/2013
47802 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47245 = 5Z86 0510 Southall depot-Euston/ 5Z89 2254 Euston-Southall depot.
47739 + 47749 multi = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47818 + 47828 = 6Z30 0827 Stowmarket DGL-Norwich CP/ 6Z31 1544 Norwich CP-Stowmarket DGL.
Thursday 17/10/2013
47802 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU
47841 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU
47841 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47727 = 0Z47 0625 Fairwater Yard-Westbury Yard.
47786 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z38 1125 Carnforth Steamtown-Crewe DRS(826).
Friday 18/10/2013
47804 = 1Z37 0659 Hereford-Inverness from Perth + 47826 in tandem. Charter.
47826 = 1Z37 0659 Hereford-Inverness + 47804 in tandem from Perth. Charter.
Other workings
47237 + steam t'n't = 5Z21 0945 Southall Depot-Poole Sidings.
47580 + 47760 = t'n't 5Z60 1050 Carnforth Steamtown-Barnetby.
47786 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z36 0303 Crewe Down Refuge Sidings-Hereford(786 via Chester)/ 5Z37 2002 Inverness-Inverness Yard.
47804 = 0Z37 1308 Craigentinny-Perth.
Saturday 19/10/2013
47237 = 1Z23 0613 Poole-Kingswear to Westbury. Charter.
47237 = 1Z25 1730 Kingswear-Poole from Westbury. Charter.
47580 = 1Z63 1639 Chester-Cleethorpes from Doncaster. Charter.
47773 = 1Z54 1526 Oxford-Tyseley STM from Worcester. Charter.
47786 = 1Z50 1054 Inverness-Kyle of Lochalsh to Millburn Jn. Charter.
47786 = 1Z51 1604 Kyle of Lochalsh-Inverness to Millburn Jn. Charter.
47804 = 1Z50 1054 Inverness-Kyle of Lochalsh from Millburn Jn. Charter.
47804 = 1Z51 1604 Kyle of Lochalsh-Inverness to Millburn Jn. Charter.
47805 = 1Z89 1630 Kings Lynn-Bristol TM. Charter.
47810 = 1Z88 0704 Bristol TM-Kings Lynn. Charter.
Other workings
47580 + 47760 = 0Z62 0625 Cleethorpes-Barnetby Down Sidings/ 0Z63 1945 Barnetby Down Sidings-Doncaster.
47773 = 0Z54 1414 Tyseley STM-Worcester Yard.
47786 + 47804 t'n't = 5Z50 0945 Inverness Yard-Inverness(804)/ 5Z51 2019 Inverness-Inverness Yard.
47805 + 47810 t'n't = 5Z87 0405 Cardiff Canton-Bristol TM/ 5Z90 2248 Bristol TM-Bristol TM.
Sunday 20/10/2013
47786 = 1Z57 0845 Inverness-Thurso to Millburn Jn. Charter.
47786 = 1Z57 0845 Inverness-Thurso from Wick. Charter.
47786 = 1Z58 1642 Thurso-Inverness from Georgemas Jn. Charter.
47804 = 1Z57 0845 Inverness-Thurso from Millburn Jn-Wick. Charter.
47804 = 1Z58 1642 Thurso-Inverness to Georgemas Jn. Charter.
Other workings
47580 + 47760 t'n't = 5Z67 1105 Cleethorpes-Carnforth Steamtown(760 to Doncaster then 580).
47786 + 47804 t'n't = 5Z57 0810 Inverness TC-Inverness.
Monday 21/10/2013
47786 = 1Z38 1004 Inverness-Hereford to Preston via Settle. Charter.
47826 = 1Z38 1004 Inverness-Hereford from Preston. Charter.
Other workings
47237 + steam = 5Z26 1010 Poole Sidings-Southall Depot.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47786 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z39 2358 Hereford-Carnforth Steamtown.
47804 + 57315 = 0Z38 0854 Inverness Yard-Craigentinny.
47804 = 0Z47 1645 Craigentinny-Rutherglen CE.
Tuesday 22/10/2013
Other workings
47245 = 5Z69 0525 Southall Depot-Kings Cross/ 5Z76 2218 Kings Cross-Southall Depot.
47727 = 7Z58 0430 Doncaster West Yard-Wimbledon EMUD via Barrow Hill-Toton-MML.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47804 = 6Z47 1100 Rutherglen CE-Carlisle New Yard/ 0Z47 1523 Carlisle New Yard-Carnforth Steamtown.
47818 + 57010 = 3S60 0454 Stowmarket Loop-Stowmarket Loop via Wymondham-Stowmarket-Ipswich-Colchester-Shenfield-Colchester-Clacton On Sea-Colchester-Ipswich.
Wednesday 23/10/2013
Other workings
47237 = 5Z86 0510 Southall Depot-Euston/ 5Z89 2253 Euston-Southall Depot.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47818 + 57010 = 3S60 0454 Stowmarket Loop-Stowmarket Loop via Wymondham-Stowmarket-Ipswich-Colchester-Shenfield-Colchester-Clacton On Sea-Colchester-Ipswich.
47841 = 6Z30 0827 Stowmarket DGL-Norwich CP.
Thursday 24/10/2013
Other workings
47786 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z38 1125 Carnforth Steamtown-Darlington(826).
47818 + 57010 = 6Z30 0827 Stowmarket Loop-Norwich CP.
47832 = 0Z40 0500 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Shirebrook Davis & Son/ 4Z40 1020 Shirebrook Davis & Son-Daventry DRS.
Friday 25/10/2013
47786 = 1Z40 0753 Bishop Auckland-Dundee to Darlington. Charter.
47786 = 1Z41 1637 Dundee-Bishop Auckland to Darlington. Charter.
47805 = 1Z47 0736 Manchester V-Edinburgh. Charter.
47805 = 1Z48 1800 Edinburgh-Manchester V. Charter.
47826 = 1Z40 0753 Bishop Auckland-Dundee from Darlington. Charter.
47826 = 1Z41 1637 Dundee-Bishop Auckland from Darlington. Charter.
Other workings
47580 = 5Z42 1123 Carnforth Steamtown-Southall depot.
47739 + 56113 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47760 = 0Y61 1626 Fort William Jn Yard-Fort William/ 5Z88 1640 Fort William-Bo'ness.
47786 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z39 0711 Darlington-Bishop Auckland(826)/ 5Z40 1340 Dundee-Dundee ESP/ 5Z41 1603 Dundee ESP-Dundee/ 5Z42 2223 Bishop Auckland-Carnforth Steamtown via Skipton(786).
47805 + 47810 t'n't = 0Z47 0430 Gresty Bridge-Crewe LNWR/ 5Z47 0613 Crewe LNWR-Manchester V/ 5Z47 1246 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5Z48 1737 Craigentinny-Edinburgh/ 5Z49 2317 Manchester V-Crewe LNWR
Saturday 26/10/2013
47746 = 1Z60 0655 Carnforth-Barnetby. Charter.
47760 = 1Z89 0610 Polmont-Fort William. Charter.
47805 = 1Z33 0707 Liverpool-Bath via Chester-Shrewsbury-Wolverhampton-Bescot-Kidderminster-Bristol P. Charter.
47810 = 1Z34 1755 Bath-Chester via Bristol P-Bescot-Kidderminster-Bescot-Stafford-Crewe. Charter.
Other workings
47739 = 6E07 0800 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 1150 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47746 + 57314 t'n't = 5Z59 0430 Carnforth Steamtown-Carnforth/ 1Z61 1504 Barnetby-Carnforth(57)/ 5Z62 2222 Carnforth-Carnforth Steamtown.
47760 5Z89 0435 Bo'ness-Polmont.
47760 + 2xSteam t'n't = 1Z90 1235 Fort William-Polmont(steam)/ 5Z90 2043 Polmont-Bo'ness.
47805 + 47810 t'n't = 0Z33 0401 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z33 0521 Crewe CS-Liverpool/ 5Z33 1322 Bath-Bedminster/ 5Z34 1655 Bedminster-Bath/ 5Z35 2350 Chester-Crewe CS.
47818 + 57010 = 3S50 1940 Stowmarket Loop-Stowmarket Loop via Norwich-Ely-Norwich-Colchester-Harwich International.
Sunday 27/10/2013
Other workings
47818 + 57010 t'n't = 3S50 2003 Stowmarket Loop-Stowmarket Loop via Norwich-Ely-Norwich-Sudbury-Harwich International.
Monday 28/10/2013
Other workings
47760 = 5Z91 1034 Bo'ness-Carnforth Steamtown.
47802 = 0K99 0715 Norwich CP-Stansted Mountfitchet/ 0K99 1239 Stansted Mountfitchet-Norwich CP.
47818 + 57010 t'n't = 3S11 1934 Stowmarket Loop-Stowmarket Loop via Colchester-Shenfield-Southend Victoria-Shenfield-Romford-Stratford-Shenfield-Stratford-Cressing-Colchester.
47841 = 0P99 0930 Norwich CP-Diss/ 0P99 1102 Diss-Norwich Sidings.
Tuesday 29/10/2013
47802 = 1G50 0920 Ipswich-Norwich.
47802 = 1G31 1100 Norwich-Ipswich from Trowse Bridge Jn back to Norwich 47841 failed.
47841 = 1G31 1100 Norwich-Ipswich to Trowse Bridge Jn & failed 47802 rescued.
Other workings
47802 = 0Z99 0530 Norwich CP-Ipswich.
47818 + 57010 t'n't = 3S01 0920 Stowmarket Loop-Stowmarket Loop via Cromer-Norwich-Lowestoft-Norwich-Brundall-Diss/ 3S50 1940 Stowmarket Loop-Stowmarket Loop via Norwich-Ely-Norwich-Harwich International.
Wednesday 30/10/2013
Other workings
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
Thursday 31/10/2013
47596 = ---- 1900 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 2020 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
Other workings
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
Credits: 31466, AN, Andre, William Baker, BigBird, Blackwater, Dingwall Blade, Gaz Brannan, Mark Burton, David C, Neil C, Shaun C, Brian Calladine, Crumb, Driff47844, Steve Goodrum, Gromit, Geoff H, Stephen Hill, Philip Iron, Colin Makcrow, Mark40023, Kevin Melia, NL, Rob Reedman, Glenn Rivett, Rob46010, Aaron Roberts, Runcorn, Sid, Slugmaster906, Spin, Strands, Christopher Taylor, Richard Watson, Mark Webster, Stuart Wood.
Page last updated:20/04/14

47760 and 37706 very unusually at the Museum of Science and Industry in Manchester as part of a short Branch Line Society tour.
Photo Copyright: Andy Ward
Workings in yellow are confirmed, workings in white are unconfirmed.
Friday 01/11/2013
47805 = 1Z71 1700 York-Barrow via Leeds-Skipton-Carnforth Loop from Carnforth Loop. Charter.
47805 = 1Z72 2055 Barrow-York from Carnforth Loop. Charter.
47832 = 1Z71 1700 York-Barrow via Leeds-Skipton-Carnforth Loop to Carnforth Loop. Charter.
47832 = 1Z72 2055 Barrow-York to Carnforth Loop. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 0Z88 2025 Southall Depot-Wembley Depot.
47580 = 5Z82 1029 Southall Depot-Kidderminster SVR.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47749 = 0Z47 1203 Washwood Heath-Warrington BQ/ 0Z47 2337 Warrington BG-Wigan Wallgate.
47805 + 47832 t'n't = 0Z71 1115 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z71 1249 Crewe CS-York.
Saturday 02/11/2013
47402 = 2J62 1245 Rawtenstall-Heywood from Bury.
47402 = 2J63 1410 Heywood-Rawtenstall.
47402 = 2J68 1515 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = 2H69 1620 Heywood-Bury.
47580 = 1Z84 1535 Sheffield Park-Bridgnorth from Acton Lane. Charter.
47635 = ---- 1020 North Weald-Ongar + 33202.
47635 = ---- 1105 Coopersale-Ongar from 1km short of Coopersale.
47635 = ---- 1150 Ongar-North Weald.
47635 = ---- 1310 North Weald-Ongar.
47635 = ---- 1350 North Weald-Ongar.
47635 = ---- 1420 Ongar-North Weald.
47643 = ---- xxxx Workings at Bo'ness Railway. Details?
47805 = 1Z74 2039 Barrow-Manchester V. Charter.
47832 = 1Z73 1807 Manchester V-Barrow. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 5Z89 0516 Euston-Kings Cross/ 5Z92 2105 Kings Cross-Euston/ 0Z93 2314 Euston-Southall Depot.
47580 + steam t'n't = 1Z82 0640 Bridgenorth-Sheffield Park(steam).
47635 + 33202 t'n't = 1040 Ongar-Coopersale(33) to 1km short of Coopersale/ 1330 Ongar-North Weald(33)/ 1500 Coopersale-Ongar(33).
47749 = 0Z48 0030 Wigan Wallgate-Wigan Wallgate via Southport/ 0Z49 0143 Wigan Wallgate-Wigan Wallgate via Southport/ 0Z50 0306 Wigan Wallgate-Wigan Wallgate via Southport/ 0Z51 0429 Wigan Wallgate-Wigan Wallgate via Southport/ 0Z52 0605 Wigan Wallgate-Wigan Wallgate via Southport.
47805 + 47832 t'n't = 5Z72 0105 York-Crewe CS/ 0Z72 0406 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge/ 0Z73 1428 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z73 1611 Crewe CS-Manchester V/ 5Z74 2318 Manchester V-Crewe CS.
Sunday 03/11/2013
47760 = 1Z63 1430 Liverpool Road Manchester-Carnforth from Morecambe. Charter.
Other workings
47580 = 5Zxx xxxx Bridgenorth-Kidderminster SVR.
47760 + 37706 t'n't = 5Z62 0940 Carnforth Steamtown-Carnforth/ 1Z62 1014 Carnforth-Liverpool Road Manchester(37)/ 5Z63 1725 Carnforth-Carnforth Steamtown.
Monday 04/11/2013
Other workings
47580 = 5Z84 1437 Kidderminster SVR-Southall Depot.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47749 = 0Z47 1200 Wigan UCS-Washwood Heath.
Tuesday 05/11/2013
Other workings
47727 = 4Z47 0514 Wimbledon Park Depot-Eastleigh Depot.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
Wednesday 06/11/2013
Other workings
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
Thursday 07/11/2013
Other workings
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47810 = 5Z57 0855 Gresty Bridge-Carlisle Kingmoor.
47810 + 47813 (multi?) + 66429 = 5Z58 1344 Carlisle Kingmoor-Crewe Coal Sidings.
47818 + 47828 + 57003 = 0Z48 0940 Stowmarket Loop-Derby Etches Park(57 hauling 47s both required repairs).
Friday 08/11/2013
Other workings
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47810 = 4Z20 0946 Crewe CLS-Daventry DRS/ 0Z20 1500 Daventry DRS-Gresty Bridge.
Saturday 09/11/2013
47402 = 2J63 1200 Heywood-Rawtenstall.
47773 = 1Z45 0717 Tyseley Steam Museum-Carlisle to Carnforth Loop. Charter.
47773 = 1Z46 1440 Carlisle-Tyseley Steam Museum from Hellifield Goods. Charter.
47805 = 1Z62 0805 Cardiff-Kensington Olympia. Charter.
47832 = 1Z64 1836 Kensington Olympia-Cardiff. Charter.
Other workings
47402 + 40145 = various workings at East Lancs Railway with 47 in use to heat stock.
47773 = 0Z46 1335 Carnforth Loop-Hellifield Loop.
47805 + 47832 t'n't = 0Z62 0220 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z62 0345 Crewe CS-Cardiff/ 5Z63 1307 Kensington Olympia-Wembley Depot/ 5Z64 1750 Wembley Depot-Kensington Olympia/ 5Z65 2342 Cardiff-Newport.
Sunday 10/11/2013
Other workings
47739 = 6E07 1000 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 1540 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47805 + 47832 t'n't = 5Z66 1315 Newport-Crewe LNWR/ 0Z66 1631 Crewe LNWR-Gresty Bridge.
Monday 11/11/2013
47802 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth to Brundall & terminated - door lock fault. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47580 + steam t'n't = 5Z84 0745 Southall depot-London Victoria(580)/ 1Z84 1014 Victoria-Ramsgate(steam)/ 1Z85 1410 Ramsgate-Victoria(steam)/ 5Z85 1723 Victoria-Southall depot(580).
47727 = 0Z27 1155 Eastleigh Yard-Westbury Yard.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47749 = 0Z47 0650 Washwood Heath-Derby RTC/ 6X47 0932 (at 1215) Derby RTC-Beeston Sidings/ 0Z48 1120 (at 1420) Beeston Sidings-Washwood Heath.
47813 = 5Z30 0734 Crewe CLS-Eastleigh depot.
Tuesday 12/11/2013
47802 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47739 + 47749 = 0Z47 0710 Washwood Heath-Kingsbury Sidings/ 0Z56 1000 Kingsbury Sidings-Washwood Heath (hauling 56032 + 56049 + 56090 on 0Z56.
47813 + 47853 = 0Z47 1125 Eastleigh depot-Crewe DMD(853).
Wednesday 13/11/2013
Other workings
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47749 = 0Z47 0855 Washwood Heath-Soho LMD.
Thursday 14/11/2013
47802 = 2P20 1241 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P21 1317 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47727 = 6Z32 1430 Westbury Yard-Eastleigh Yard/ 6Z33 1700 Eastleigh Yard-Westbury Yard/ 6Z30 1723 Westbury Yard-Eastleigh Yard/ 6Z31 2012 Eastleigh Yard-Westbury Yard.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
Friday 15/11/2013
Other workings
47727 = 6Z30 1723 Westbury Yard-Eastleigh Yard/ 0Z31 2012 Eastleigh Yard-Westbury Yard.
47739 = 0Z47 0230 Washwood Heath-Soho LMD/ see + 47749 below then/ 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47739 + 47749 = 6Z47 0445 Soho LMD-Washwood Heath.
Saturday 16/11/2013
Sunday 17/11/2013
Other workings
47739 = 6E07 1000 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 1530 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
Monday 18/11/2013
Other workings
47245 = 5Z91 1029 Southall Depot-Old Oak Common.
47727 = 6Z32 1123 Westbury Yard-Eastleigh Yard/ 0Z47 1340 Eastleigh Yard-Westbury Yard.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47813 = 0Z47 1200 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Preston.
47853 = 0Z48 1215 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Rugby.
Tuesday 19/11/2013
47802 = 2J72 1058 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J75 1150 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47237 = 0Z43 1029 Southall Depot-Crewe.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
Wednesday 20/11/2013
47802 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47237 = 0Q47 1002 Crewe-Llandudno/ 0Q48 1217 Llandudno-Chester/ 0Z49 1407 Chester-Llandudno Jn/ 0Z50 1542 Llandudno Jn-Southall Depot.
47245 = 5Z92 1400 Old Oak Common-Southall Depot.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47802 = 0Z99 1745 Norwich CP-Ingatestone/ 5P44 2035 Ingatestone-Norwich CP 90012 in tow on one or both of these moves.
47812 + 47815 + 66726 = 0Z36 0930 Eastleigh Yard-Crewe HS(66).
Thursday 21/11/2013
Other workings
47727 = 0Z47 1016 Westbury Yard-Eastleigh Yard.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47812 + 47843 + 66726 = 0Z47 0815 Crewe-Barrow Hill(66).
Friday 22/11/2013
47802 = 2P28 1640 Norwich-Yarmouth.
47802 = 2P34 1806 Norwich-Yarmouth.
47841 = 2P29 1717 Yarmouth-Norwich.
47841 = 2C35 1847 Yarmouth-Norwich.
Other workings
47580 + steam = 5Z90 0945 Southall Depot-Wyemouth Jersey Sidings.
47739 + 56302 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks(56)/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath(56).
47769 + 31190 + 56311 = 0Z47 0813 Crewe CSFL-Okehampton(56 to Taunton then 31).
47854 + 37518 = 5Z55 1000 Carnforth Steamtown-Holgate Sidings.
Saturday 23/11/2013
47854 = 1Z62 1848 Kings Cross-Newcastle. Charter.
Other workings
47245 = 0Z62 1300 Southall Depot-Ferme Park/ then see 47854.
47245 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z62 1755 Ferme Park-Kings Cross(245)/ 5Z63 2358 Newcastle-Heaton(854).
47580 + steam = 5Z92 0657 Weymouyh JS-Weymouth(580)/ 1Z92 0725 Weymouth-Waterloo(steam)/ 5Z93 1218 Waterloo-Southall Depot(580)/ 5Z94 1555 Southall Depot-Waterloo(580)/ 1Z94 1748 Waterloo-Weymouth(steam) train terminated at Basingstoke due to a defect with steam loco/ 5Z94 2321 Basingstoke-Acton Lane Reception Sidings(580).
47854 + steam = 5Z58 0335 Holgate Sidings-Newcastle(854)/ 1Z60 0700 Newcastle-Kings Cross(steam)/ 5Z61 Kings Cross-Ferme Park(854).
Sunday 24/11/2013
Other workings
47245 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z56 1210 Heaton CS-Carnforth Steamtown.
Monday 25/11/2013
47802 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47237 = 0Z47 1142 Southall Depot-Bristol TM.
47580 + steam = 5Z96 1000 Acton Lane Reception Sidings-Southall Depot(580).
Tuesday 26/11/2013
47802 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P33 1817 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47237 = 0Q47 0706 Bristol TM-Shrewsbury/ 0Q48 1156 Shrewsbury-Newport/ 0Q49 1430 Newport-Hereford.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47805 + 47810 + 47818 = 0Z74 0935 Gresty Bridge-Carlisle Kingmoor.
Wednesday 27/11/2013
Other workings
47237 = 0Q50 0831 Hereford-Shrewsbury/ 0Q51 1106 Shrewsbury-Swansea/ 0Q52 1450 Swansea-Cardiff/ 0Z53 1540 Cardiff-Southall Depot.
47727 = 0Z80 1013 Eastleigh Depot-Fairwater Yard.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47818 + 66301 = 3J11 1613 Carlisle Kingmoor-Blackburn-Barrow-Carnforth UDGL-Windermere-Carlisle Kingmoor.
Thursday 28/11/2013
47802 = 2P04 0613 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J66 0750 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J80 1458 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P32 1736 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P05 0656 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J69 0850 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J83 1550 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P33 1817 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47805 + 47810 = 3S77 0335 Carlisle Kingmoor-Hexham-Alnmouth(reverse)-Newcastle(loop)-Darlington South Jn(reverse)-Middlesbrough(reverse)-Low Gates Level Crossing(reverse)-Low Fell-Hexham-Carlisle Kingmoor.
47818 + 66301 = 3J11 0255 Carlisle Kingmoor-Preston(reverse)-Skipton(reverse)-Settle-Whitehaven(reverse)-Carlisle Kimgmoor.
Friday 29/11/2013
47501 = 1Z38 0645 Warrington BQ-Edinburgh from Liverpool. Charter.
47501 = 1Z39 1800 Edinburgh-Warrington BQ to Liverpool. Charter.
47832 = 1Z38 0645 Warrington BQ-Edinburgh to Liverpool. Charter.
47832 = 1Z39 1800 Edinburgh-Warrington BQ from Liverpool. Charter.
Other workings
47501 + 47832 = 0Z37 0400 Gresty Bridge-Crewe LNWR/ 5Z37 Crewe LNWR-Warrington BQ/ 5Z38 1246 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5Z39 1737 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
47727 = 6Z82 0634 Taunton Fairwater Yard-West Ealing Plasser Sidings/ 6Z83 1130 West Ealing Plasser Sidings-Fairwater Yard.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47746 + 57314 t'n't = 5Z71 0545 Carnforth Steamtown-Ely Reception via Skipton(746).
47805 + 47810 = 3S77 0335 Carlisle Kingmoor-Hexham-Alnmouth(reverse)-Newcastle(loop)-Darlington South Jn(reverse)-Middlesbrough(reverse)-Low Gates Level Crossing(reverse)-Low Fell-Hexham-Carlisle Kingmoor.
47826 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z80 0655 Carnforth Steamtown-Norwich CSD via Skipton(826 to Ely then 854).
Saturday 30/11/2013
47501 = 1Z47 0639 Crewe-Edinburgh via Bolton. Charter.
47580 = 1Z52 1730 York-Cambridge from Peterborough Eastfield Jn. Charter.
47746 = 1Z74 1647 Edinburgh-Cambridge. Charter.
47826 = 1Z82 0520 North Walsham-Newcastle from Norwich-Ipswich. Charter.
47826 = 1Z83 1735 Newcastle-North Walsham to Ipswich. Charter.
47826 = 1Z83 1735 Newcastle-North Walsham from Norwich. Charter.
47832 = 1Z50 1801 Edinburgh-Crewe. Charter.
47854 = 1Z82 0520 North Walsham-Newcastle to Norwich. Charter.
47854 = 1Z82 0520 North Walsham-Newcastle from Ipswich. Charter.
47854 = 1Z83 1735 Newcastle-North Walsham from Ipswich-Norwich. Charter.
Other workings
47501 + 47832 t'n't = 5Z40 0012 Warrington BQ-Crewe LNWR(832)/ 0Z40 0128 Crewe LNWR-Gresty Bridge/ 0Z45 0457 Gresty Bridge-Crewe LNWR/ 5Z46 0630 Crewe LNWR-Crewe(501)/ 5Z48 1303 Edinburgh-Craigentinny(501)/ 5Z49 1738 Craigentinny-Edinburgh(832)/ 5Z51 2328 Crewe-Crewe LNWR(832).
47580 + steam = 5Z50 0435 Southall Depot-Cambridge(580?)/ 1Z50 0725 Cambridge-York(steam)/ 5Z52 1343 York-York Thrall Europa-York/5Z53 2151 Cambridge-Southall Depot(580).
47746 + 57314 t'n't = 5Z72 0538 Ely Reception-Cambridge(746)/ 1Z72 0615 Cambridge-Edinburgh(57)/ 5Z73 1354 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5Z74 1629 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
47826 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z81 0430 Norwich JS-North Walsham(826)/ 5Z82 1248 Newcastle-Heaton(854)/ 5Z83 1700 Heaton-Newcastle(826).
Credits: 31466, Alea47426, Andre, Sam B, Dave Baker, BigBird, Bob C, Dave C, Neil C, Shaun C, Richard Clinnick, Crumb, Driff47844, Dave Earwaker, Phil Gelson, Geoff H, Hooverfan001, Mark47484, Ian Mclean, Mobile, Andy Parkinson, Rob Reedman, Glenn Rivett, Rob46010, Aaron Roberts, Runcorn, Nick Scott, Brian Sherrington, Slugmaster906, Bob Spooner, Simon Travers, Tim Ward, Mark Webster, Willis.
December 2013
Page last updated:20/04/14
Workings in yellow are confirmed, workings in white are unconfirmed.
Sunday 01/12/2013
47579 = 1D04 1345 Wymondham-Dereham.
47596 = 1W05 1449 Dereham-Wymondham.
Other workings
47501 + 47832 = 0Z52 0005 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47579 + 47596 t'n't = 5W03 1235 Dereham-Wymondham(596)/ 5D06 1535 Wymondham-Dereham(579).
47746 + 57314 t'n't = 5Z75 0027 Cambridge-Ely Reception Sidings/ 5Z76 1300 Ely Reception Sidings-Carnforth Steamtown.
47826 + 47854 t'n't = 5Z84 0105 North Walsham-Norwich JS(854)/ 5Z85 1204 Norwich JS-Carnforth Steamtown(826 to Stowmarket Down Goods Loop then 854).
Monday 02/12/2013
Other workings
47727 = 0Z47 1632 Fairwater Yard-Washwood Heath.
47810 + 47818 t'n't = 3S77 0527 Carlisle Kingmoor-Carlisle Kingmoor via Newcastle-Morpeth-Little Mill LC(reverse)-Newcastle-Durham-Middlesbrough Sidings(reverse)-Eaglescliffe-Durham-Hexham.
Tuesday 03/12/2013
47813 = 1Z66 1208 Cardiff-Fishguard. Charter.
47832 = 1Z67 1522 Fishguard-Cardiff. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 0Z80 1025 Southall Depot-Cardiff.
47727 + 47749 + 56078 = 0Z25 1529 Washwood Heath-Rugby Depot.
47727 = 4Z25 1717 Rugby Depot-Wimbledon EMUD.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47749 + 56078 = 0Z26 1725 Rugby Depot-Washwood Heath.
47813 + 47832 = 0Z66 0648 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z66 0839 Crewe CS-Cardiff/ 5Z67 1816 Cardiff-Cardiff Canton.
Wednesday 04/12/2013
47813 = 1Z68 1111 Cardiff-Newton Abbot from Cogload Jn 47832 failed. Charter.
47813 = 1Z69 1508 Newton Abbot-Cardiff. Charter.
47832 = 1Z68 1111 Cardiff-Newton Abbot to Cogload Jn & failed 47813 rescued. Charter.
Other workings
47237 = 0Q83 0702 Cardiff-Maesteg/ 0Q84 0839 Maesteg-Bridgend/ 0Q85 0951 Bridgend-Llandeilo Jn/ 0Q86 1154 Llandeilo Jn-Swansea/ 0Q87 1334 Swansea-Port Talbot Signal 3462/ 0Z88 1603 Port Talbot Signal 3462-Southall Depot.
47805 = 6Z40 1022 Carlisle Kingmoor-Kilmarnock Barclay Sidings/ 6Z41 1325 Kilmarnock Barclay Sidings-Carlisle Kingmoor.
47810 + 47818 t'n't = 3S77 0527 Carlisle Kingmoor-Carlisle Kingmoor via Newcastle-Morpeth-Little Mill LC(reverse)-Newcastle-Durham-Middlesbrough Sidings(reverse)-Eaglescliffe-Durham-Hexham.
47813 + 47832 = 5Z68 1055 Cardiff Canton-Cardiff/ 5Z69 1815 Cardiff-Cardiff Canton.
Thursday 05/12/2013
47813 = 1Z70 1205 Bristol TM-Newport to Swindon via Bath. Charter.
47813 = 1Z71 1528 Newport-Bristol TM to Swindon via Bristol Parkway. Charter.
47832 = 1Z70 1205 Bristol TM-Newport from Swindon via Kemble-Gloucester-Lydney. Charter.
47832 = 1Z71 1528 Newport-Bristol TM from Swindon via Bath. Charter.
Other workings
47580 = 0Z46 2157 Southall Depot-Victoria/ 5Z46 2349 Victoria-Southall Depot (with 57313).
47727 = 6X58 2106 Wimbledon EMUD-Doncaster Wabtec.
47810 + 47818 t'n't = 3J11 1613 Carlisle Kingmoor-Carlisle Kingmoor via S&C-Blackburn-Carnforth-Grange Over Sands-Carnforth-Windermere-Oxenholme-Carlisle Kingmoor.
47813 + 47832 t'n't = 5Z70 0927 Cardiff Canton-Bristol TM(832)/ 5Z71 1814 Bristol TM-Crewe CS/ 0Z71 2317 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
Friday 06/12/2013
47501 = 1Z79 1157 Coventry-Coventry via Bescot-Shrewsbury-Chester-Crewe-Stafford-Bescot. Charter.
Other workings
47501 + 47832 t'n't = 0Z79 0750 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z79 0915 Crewe CS-Coventry/ 5Z80 1807 Coventry-Crewe CS(832)/ 0Z80 2121 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47746 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z46 1544 Carnforth Steamtown-Darlington(746).
47786 + 57314 = 5Z24 0825 Carnforth Steamtown-Hitchin Yard.
47805 + 37259 t'n't = 3S77 0335 Carlisle Kingmoor-Carlisle Kingmoor via Hexham-Newcastle-Morpeth-Little Mill LC(reverse)-Newcastle-Durham-Middlesbrough-Nunthorpe(reverse)-Middlesbrough-Eaglescliffe-Low Gates(reverse)-Durham-Hexham.
47810 + 47818 (continued from yesterday) = 3J11 0255 Carlisle Kingmoor-Preston(reverse)-Skipton(reverse)-Settle-Whitehaven(reverse)-Carlisle Kimgmoor.
47854 + 57315 t'n't = 5Z44 1350 Carnforth Steamtown-Stafford.
Saturday 07/12/2013
47579 = 1D02 1000 Wymonham-Dereham.
47579 = 1D06 1410 Wymonham-Dereham.
47596 = 1W03 1045 Dereham-Wymondham.
47596 = 1W05 1315 Dereham-Wymondham.
47746 = 1Z48 1736 Lincoln-Saltburn. Charter.
47786 = 1Z26 0535 Stevenage-Edinburgh via ECML.
47786 = 1Z27 1647 Edinburgh-Stevenage via ECML.
47826 = 1Z47 0813 Saltburn-Lincoln. Charter.
47854 = 1Z46 0615 Wolverhampton-Edinburgh via Cannock & WCML. Charter.
47854 = 1Z47 1618 Edinburgh-Wolverhampton via WCML & Cannock. Charter.
Other workings
47579 + 47596 t'n't = 5W01 0845 Dereham-Wymondham(596)/ 5D04 1155 Wymondham-Dereham(579).
47580 + steam t'n't = 5Z43 0625 Southall Depot-Kings Cross/ 5Z48 2218 Kings Cross-Southall Depot.
47746 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z47 0710 Darlington-Saltburn/ 5Z48 1200 Lincoln-Lincoln via Barnetby/ 5Z49 2205 Saltburn-Darlington.
47786 + 57314 t'n't = 5Z25 0445 Hitchin Yard-Stevenage/ 5Z26 1303 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5Z27 1627 Craigentinny-Edinburgh/ 5Z28 2354 Stevenage-Hitchin Yard.
47854 + 57315 t'n't = 5Z45 0540 Stafford-Wolverhampton/ 5Z46 1339 Edinburgh-Craigentinny(854)/ 5Z47 1555 Craigentinny-Edinburgh/ 5Z48 2347 Wolverhampton-Oxley Loop.
Sunday 08/12/2013
47579 = 1D02 1100 Wymonham-Dereham.
47579 = 1D04 1410 Wymondham-Dereham.
47579 = 1D06 1630 Wymonham-Dereham.
47596 = 1W01 1000 Dereham-Wymondham.
47596 = 1W03 1315 Dereham-Wymondham.
47596 = 1W05 1535 Dereham-Wymondham.
Other workings
47746 + 47826 t'n't = 5Z50 1032 Darlington-Carnforth Steamtown.
47786 + 57314 t'n't = 5Z55 1205 Hitchin Yard-Carnforth Steamtown(786).
47854 + 57315 t'n't = 5Z49 1123 Oxley Loop-Carnforth Steamtown(854).
Monday 09/12/2013
47802 = 2C00 0506 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J00 0700 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J02 0900 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J06 1300 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J08 1500 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J10 1700 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J88 1905 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2J92 2105 Norwich-Lowestoft. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P01 0545 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J01 0800 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J03 1000 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J07 1400 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J09 1600 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J11 1800 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2J13 2000 Lowestoft-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47727 = 0Z47 1045 Doncaster Works-Etches Park/ 0Z47 1346 Etches Park-Hinksey Sidings/ 6C15 2046 Hinksey Sidings-Twyford.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
The following were expected to be 47 hauled but were cancelled; 2J04 1100 Norwich-Lowestoft and 2J05 1200 Lowestoft-Norwich after late running on previous runs believed to be caused by speed restrictions on the Lowestoft line after recent flooding.
Tuesday 10/12/2013
Other workings
47237 = 5M43 1029 Southall Depot-Carnforth Steamtown.
47727 = 6L98 0455 Hinksey Sidings-Bicester London Road/ 6L98 1156 Bicester London Road-Hinksey Yard.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47790 = 0Z47 0923 Eastleigh Depot-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47804 + 47854 + 57314 = 0Z47 1130 Carnforth Steamtown-Hellifield-Carnforth Steamtown.
Wednesday 11/12/2013
47501 = 1Z81 1158 Doncaster-Sunderland via Leeds-York-Darlington-Durham. Charter.
47501 = 1Z82 1540 Sunderland-York to Doncaster via Eaglescliffe. Charter.
47805 = 1Z82 1540 Sunderland-York from Doncaster via Leeds. Charter.
Other workings
47501 = 0Z81 0630 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z81 0808 Crewe CS-Doncaster.
47501 + 47805 t'n't = 5Z82 1951 York-Neville Hill(501).
47580 + steam t'n't = 5Z34 1030 Southall depot-Norwich CSD(580).
47580 = 5Z34 1810 Norwich CSD-Norwich CP.
47739 + 56078 = 0Z36 0900 Washwood Heath-Washwood Heath via Whitacre Jn(56 out 739 back).
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47805 = 0Z47 1200 Carlisle Kingmoor-York.
Thursday 12/12/2013
47501 = 1Z33 1142 Darlington-Newcastle to Newcastle. Charter.
47501 = 1Z33 1142 Darlington-Newcastle from Carlisle via S&C-Castleford-York-Darlington. Charter.
47580 = 1Z38 1708 York-Norwich from Peterborough Eastfield Jn. Charter.
47805 = 1Z33 1142 Darlington-Newcastle from Newcastle-Carlisle. Charter.
Other workings
47501 + 47805 t'n't = 5Z33 0835 Neville Hill-Darlington(805)/ 5Z34 1929 Newcastle-Heaton CS(805).
47580 + steam = 5Z36 0742 Norwich JS-Norwich/ 1Z36 0805 Norwich-York(steam)/ 5Z36 1406 York-Holgate Sidings/ 5Z38 1646 Holgate Sidings-York.
47739 + 56078 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks(56)/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47818 = 0Z47 0955 Carlisle Kingmoor-Crewe Coal Sidings.
Friday 13/12/2013
47501 = 1Z35 1140 Edinburgh-Edinburgh from Dundee via Inverkeithing. Charter.
47802 = 2P12 0836 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P18 1026 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P20 1236 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P24 1436 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P28 1640 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P34 1806 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P38 1933 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47805 = 1Z35 1140 Edinburgh-Edinburgh to Dundee via Polmont-Stirling. Charter.
47841 = 2P03 0624 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P13 0917 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P21 1317 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2C23 1512 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P29 1717 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2C35 1847 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P39 2017 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47501 + 47805 t'n't = 5Z35 0855 Heaton CS-Edinburgh(805)/ 5Z36 1645 Edinburgh-Craigentinny.
47580 = 5Z39 0015 Norwich-Norwich JS/ 5Z41 1019 Norwich JS-Southall Depot.
47727 + 66510 = 6T98 0505 Hinksey Yard-Bicester LRD/ 6T99 1155 Bicester LRD-Hinksey Yard.
47739 + 56078 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47746 + 47786 = 5Z29 1550 Carnforth Steamtown-Bridlington.
47790 = 0Z48 1430 Eastleigh depot-Gresty Bridge to Willesden.
47802 + 47841 t'n't = 5P03 0550 Norwich JS-Yarmouth(802).
47818 = 0Z47 0535 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Eastleigh Alstom.
47854 + 57314 = 5Z39 1200 Carnforth Steamtown-Derby.
Saturday 14/12/2013
47501 = 1Z63 1155 Glasgow C-Perth + 47805 t'n't - Which led? Charter.
47501 = 1Z64 1522 Perth-Glasgow C + 47805 t'n't - Which led? Charter.
47579 = 1D02 1000 Wymonham-Dereham.
47579 = 1D06 1410 Wymonham-Dereham.
47580 = 1Z84 1717 Chichester-Southend Central from Southall. Charter.
47596 = 1W03 1045 Dereham-Wymondham.
47596 = 1W05 1315 Dereham-Wymondham.
47746 = 1Z30 0630 Bridlington-Edinburgh. Charter.
47746 = 1Z31 1647 Edinburgh-Bridlington + 47786 t'n't - Which led? Charter.
47786 = 1Z31 1647 Edinburgh-Bridlington + 47746 t'n't - Which led? Charter.
47805 = 1Z63 1155 Glasgow C-Perth + 47501 t'n't - Which led? Charter.
47805 = 1Z64 1522 Perth-Glasgow C + 47501 t'n't - Which led? Charter.
47854 = 1Z41 1740 Edinburgh-Derby + 57314 t'n't - Which led? Charter.
Other workings
47501 + 47805 t'n't = 5Z63 0953 Craigentinny-Glasgow C/ 5Z64 1730 Glasgow C-Crewe CS/ 0Z64 2321 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47579 + 47596 t'n't = 5W01 0845 Dereham-Wymondham(596)/ 5D04 1155 Wymondham Dereham(579).
47580 = 0Z84 2000 Southall Depot-Southall.
47580 + 57313 t'n't = 5Z85 2325 Southend Central-Shoeburyness CSD.
47727 + 66510 = 6T98 0505 Hinksey Yard-Bicester London Road/ 6T99 1155 Bicester London Road-Hinksey Yard.
47746 + 47786 t'n't = 5Z30 1303 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5Z31 1627 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
47790 + 57004 + 57009 + 57011 + 57012 = 0Z59 1030 Willesden Brent-Crewe Gresty Bridge(57012).
47854 + 57314 t'n't = 1Z40 0558 Derby-Edinburgh(57)/ 5Z40 1339 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5Z41 1723 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
Sunday 15/12/2013
47579 = 1D02 1000 Wymonham-Dereham.
47579 = 1D06 1410 Wymonham-Dereham.
47596 = 1W03 1045 Dereham-Wymondham.
47596 = 1W05 1315 Dereham-Wymondham.
Other workings
47579 + 47596 t'n't = 5W01 0845 Dereham-Wymondham(596)/ 5D04 1155 Wymondham Dereham(579).
47580 + 57313 t'n't = 5Z86 1148 Shoeburyness CSD-Acton Lane Sidings.
47746 + 47786 t'n't = 5Z32 1006 Bridlington-Carnforth Steamtown.
47854 + 57314 t'n't = 5Z42 1420 Derby-Carnforth Steamtown(57).
Monday 16/12/2013
47802 = 2P20 1236 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P24 1436 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47813 = 1Z37 1055 Derby-Stockport from Nottingham via Alfreton-Beighton-Sheffield-Chinley-Guidge Bridge. Charter.
47813 = 1Z38 1444 Stockport-Sheffield to Nottingham via Stoke-Derby. Charter.
47841 = 2P21 1317 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2C23 1512 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47853 = 1Z37 1055 Derby-Stockport to Nottingham. Charter.
47853 = 1Z38 1444 Stockport-Sheffield from Nottingham via Alfreton-Dronfield. Charter.
Other workings
47580 = 5Z82 0635 Acton Lane Sidings-Victoria with steam 44871 + 45407/ 0Z82 0745 Victoria-Southall Depot.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47813 + 47853 = 5Z37 0814 Crewe CS-Derby/ 5Z38 1819 Sheffield-Crewe CS/ 0Z38 2131 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
Tuesday 17/12/2013
47501 = 1Z51 1110 Preston-Skipton to Blackpool. Charter.
47501 = 1Z52 1558 Skipton-Manchester V to Blackpool. Charter.
47790 = 1Z39 1320 Finsbury Park-Sunderland. Footex. (1314 ex Kings Cross starting Finsbury Park)
47802 = 2P20 1236 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P24 1436 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P28 1640 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P34 1806 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P38 1933 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47805 = 1Z51 1110 Preston-Skipton from Blackpool. Charter.
47805 = 1Z52 1558 Skipton-Manchester V from Blackpool. Charter.
47813 = 1Z40 2344 Sunderland-Kings Cross. Footex. (2244 retimed)
47841 = 2P21 1317 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2C23 1512 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P29 1717 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2C35 1847 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P39 2017 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47501 + 47805 t'n't = 0Z51 0740 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z51 0943 Crewe CS-Preston/ 5Z52 2010 Manchester V-Crewe CS/ 0Z52 2230 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47786 + 57314 t'n't = 5Z39 1305 Carnforth-Hull.
47790 + 47813 = 0Z38 0545 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe HS/ 5Z38 0710 Crewe HS-Finsbury Park via Northampton(790)/ 5Z39 1820 Sunderland-Heaton CS/ 5Z40 2138 Heaton CS-Sunderland.
47790 + 47813 on 5Z38 were ment to work to Kings Cross but due to running over 2 hours late this terminated at Finsbury Park with 1Z39 1314 Kings Cross-Sunderland starting at Finsbury Park with a booked time of 1320.
Wednesday 18/12/2013
47501 = 1Z30 1108 Crewe-Hellifield. Charter.
47501 = 1Z31 1455 Hellifield-Crewe. Charter.
47786 = 1Z40 1546 Edinburgh-Hull via Portobello & Settle. Charter.
47802 = 2P12 0836 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47802 = 2P20 1236 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P03 0624 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P13 0917 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
47841 = 2P21 1317 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU.
Other workings
47501 + 47805 t'n't = 0Z30 0912 Gresty Bridge-Crewe LNWR/ 5Z30 1041 Crewe LNWR-Crewe/ 5Z31 1917 Crewe-Crewe LNWR/ 0Z31 2030 Crewe LNWR-Gresty Bridge.
47786 + 57314 t'n't = 1Z39 0545 Hull-Edinburgh via Settle and Portobello(57)/ 5Z39 1302 Edinburgh-Craigentinny/ 5Z40 1532 Craigentinny-Edinburgh.
47790 + 47813 = 5Z41 0444 Kings Cross-Crewe DMD/ 0Z41 1009 Crewe DMD-Gresty Bridge.
47802 + 47841 t'n't = 5P03 0550 Norwich JS-Yarmouth 802.
47810 66421 = 0Z63 0900ish Carlisle Kingmoor-Crewe(66).
Thursday 19/12/2013
47375 = ---- xxxx Okehampton-Meldon. Polar Express.
47375 = ---- xxxx Okehampton-Meldon. Polar Express.
47769 = ---- xxxx Meldon-Okehampton. Polar Express.
47769 = ---- xxxx Meldon-Okehampton. Polar Express.
Other workings
47727 = 0Z47 1150 Hinksey Yard-Westbury Yard.
47727 + 56113 = 6C52 2118 Westbury Yard-Cowley Bridge.
47739 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
47786 + 57314 t'n't = 5Z41 1003 Hull-Carnforth Steamtown.
47802 + 47841 t'n't = 5P03 0550 Norwich JS-Yarmouth 802/ 2P03 0624 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU 841/ 2J64 0700 Norwich-Lowestoft 802/ 2J67 0752 Lowestoft-Norwich 841/ 2P18 1036 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU 802/ 2P17 1117 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU 841/ 2P20 1236 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU 802/ 2P21 1317 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU 841/ 2P24 1436 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU 802/ 2C23 1512 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU 841/ 2P28 1640 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU 802/ 2P29 1717 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU 841/ 2P34 1806 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU 802/ 2C35 1847 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU 841/ 2P38 1933 Norwich-Yarmouth. Vice DMU 802/ 2P39 2017 Yarmouth-Norwich. Vice DMU 841.
47805 + 47810 t'n't = 0Z83 0732 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z83 0915 Crewe CS-Birmingham International/ 1Z83 1223 Birmingham International-Birmingham International via Bescot-Wolverhampton-Shrewsbury-Wrexham-Chester-Crewe-Wem-Shrewsbury-Wolverhampton-Bescot(810 leading at Chirk)/ 5Z84 1824 Birmingham International-Crewe CS/ 0Z84 2100 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
Friday 20/12/2013
47375 = ---- xxxx Okehampton-Meldon. Polar Express.
47375 = ---- xxxx Okehampton-Meldon. Polar Express.
47402 = ---- 1155 Rawtenstall-Bury.
47402 = ---- 1335 Rawtenstall-Bury.
47402 = ---- 1515 Rawtenstall-Bury.
47402 = ---- 1655 Rawtenstall-Bury.
47402 = ---- 1835 Rawtenstall-Bury.
47769 = ---- xxxx Meldon-Okehampton. Polar Express.
47769 = ---- xxxx Meldon-Okehampton. Polar Express.
47805 = 1Z41 1145 Crewe-Barrow via Manchester V. Charter.
47810 = 1Z42 1552 Barrow-Crewe via Manchester V. Charter.
Other workings
47402 t'n't ????? = rear 1110 Bury-Rawtenstall/ rear 1250 Bury-Rawtenstall/ rear 1430 Bury-Rawtenstall/ rear 1610 Bury-Rawtenstall/ rear 1750 Bury-Rawtenstall.
47727 + 56113 = 6C52 0520 Exeter Riverside-Westbury Yard.
47739 = 0Z47 0820 Washwood Heath-Rugby OLE/ 4Z47 1100 Rugby OLE-Kilmarnock Barclasy Sidings.
47805 + 47810 t'n't = 0Z40 0940 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z40 1130 Crewe CS-Crewe/ 5Z41 1940 Crewe-Crewe CS/ 0Z41 2056 Crewe CS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
Saturday 21/12/2013
47375 = ---- xxxx Okehampton-Meldon. Polar Express.
47375 = ---- xxxx Okehampton-Meldon. Polar Express.
47402 = ---- 1015 Rawtenstall-Bury.
47402 = ---- 1155 Rawtenstall-Bury.
47402 = ---- 1335 Rawtenstall-Bury.
47402 = ---- 1515 Rawtenstall-Bury.
47402 = ---- 1655 Rawtenstall-Bury.
47579 = ---- 1000 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47579 = ---- 1410 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47579 = ---- 1630 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47596 = ---- 1055 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1315 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1535 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47715 = ---- 1030 Leeming Bar-Ainderby + D9516 t'n't - Which led? (715 on west end).
47715 = ---- xxxx Ainderby-Newton Le Willows + D9516 t'n't - Which led? (715 on west end).
47715 = ---- xxxx Newton Le Willows-Leeming Bar + D9516 t'n't - Which led? (715 on west end).
47715 = ---- 1230 Leeming Bar-Morton Flatts farm + D9516 t'n't - Which led? (715 on west end).
47715 = ---- xxxx Morton Flatts farm-Achebar + D9516 t'n't - Which led? (715 on west end).
47715 = ---- xxxx Achebar-Leeming Bar + D9516 t'n't - Which led? (715 on west end).
47769 = ---- xxxx Meldon-Okehampton. Polar Express.
47769 = ---- xxxx Meldon-Okehampton. Polar Express.
Other workings
47402 t'n't ????? = rear 0930 Bury-Rawtenstall/ rear 1110 Bury-Rawtenstall/ rear 1250 Bury-Rawtenstall/ rear 1430 Bury-Rawtenstall/ rear 1610 Bury-Rawtenstall.
47579 + 47596 t'n't ECS's = 0845 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey(596)/ 1155 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham(579).
47580 = 5Z81 1857 Southall Depot-Sittingbourne Loop.
47746 = 0Z54 0932 Carnforth Steamtown-York Parcels Sidings.
47746 + 57314 t'n't = 1Z54 1723 York-Victoria(57)/ 5Z55 2316 Victoria-Southall Depot(746).
47715 was working for the final time (for now at least) at the Wensleydale Railway before moving on to Harry Needle Railroad Co shortly. Workings were a bit shorter than usual because of a land slide.
Sunday 22/12/2013
47375 = ---- xxxx Okehampton-Meldon. Polar Express.
47375 = ---- xxxx Okehampton-Meldon. Polar Express.
47402 = ---- 1015 Rawtenstall-Bury from Irwell Vale.
47402 = ---- 1155 Rawtenstall-Bury.
47402 = ---- 1335 Rawtenstall-Bury.
47402 = ---- 1515 Rawtenstall-Bury.
47402 = ---- 1655 Rawtenstall-Bury.
47579 = ---- 1100 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47579 = ---- 1410 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47579 = ---- 1630 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47596 = ---- 1000 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1315 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1535 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47769 = ---- xxxx Meldon-Okehampton. Polar Express.
47769 = ---- xxxx Meldon-Okehampton. Polar Express.
Other workings
47402 t'n't ????? = rear 0930 Bury-Rawtenstall to Irwell Vale terminated/ rear 1110 Bury-Rawtenstall/ rear 1250 Bury-Rawtenstall/ rear 1430 Bury-Rawtenstall/ rear 1610 Bury-Rawtenstall.
47580 + steam = 5Z82 1116 Sittingbourne Loop-Newington/ 1Z82 1134 Newington-Tonbridge(steam)/ 5Z83 2103 Tonbridge-Southall Depot.
Monday 23/12/2013
47402 = ---- 1015 Rawtenstall-Bury.
47402 = ---- 1155 Rawtenstall-Bury.
47402 = ---- 1335 Rawtenstall-Bury.
47402 = ---- 1515 Rawtenstall-Bury.
47402 = ---- 1655 Rawtenstall-Bury.
47579 = ---- xxxx Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47596 = ---- xxxx Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
Other workings
47245 + 56094 + 56105 = 5Z47 0320 Washwood Heath Down Sidings-Old Oak Common CS/ 5Z48 0900 at 1341 Old Oak Common HSTD-Kilmarnock Barclay Sidings 245 removed at Carnforth UDGL had it been hauling the train?
47402 t'n't ????? = rear 0930 Bury-Rawtenstall/ rear 1110 Bury-Rawtenstall/ rear 1250 Bury-Rawtenstall/ rear 1430 Bury-Rawtenstall/ rear 1610 Bury-Rawtenstall.
47727 = 0Z47 0830 Westbury-Fairwater Yard/ 6Z47 1018 Fairwater Yard-Burton Wetmore Sidings/ 0Z48 1625 Burton Wetmore Sidings-Washwood Heath.
47746 = 5Z50 0614 Southall Depot-Carnforth Steamtown.
47802 = 1Z99 1730 Norwich CP-Diss/ 5P32 1825 Diss-Norwich CP hauling 90001.
Tuesday 24/12/2013
47402 = ---- 1015 Rawtenstall-Bury.
47402 = ---- 1155 Rawtenstall-Bury.
47402 = ---- 1335 Rawtenstall-Bury.
47579 = ---- 1100 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47579 = ---- 1410 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47596 = ---- 1000 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47596 = ---- 1315 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
Other workings
47402 t'n't ????? = rear 0930 Bury-Rawtenstall/ rear 1110 Bury-Rawtenstall/ rear 1250 Bury-Rawtenstall.
Wednesday 25/12/2013
Thursday 26/12/2013
Friday 27/12/2013
Other workings
47739 = 0R46 0530 Kilmarnock Long Lyes-Grangemouth Ineos.
47739 + 37175 = 0N47 2026 Grangemouth Ineos-Bo'ness(37 with failed 739 in tow).
Saturday 28/12/2013
47402 = 2G51 0930 Bury-Rawtenstall.
47402 = 2J56 1015 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = 2J57 1130 Heywood-Rawtenstall.
47402 = 2J62 1245 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = 2J63 1410 Heywood-Rawtenstall.
47402 = 2J68 1515 Rawtenstall-Heywood.
47402 = 2H69 1620 Heywood-Bury.
47579 = ---- 0900 Dereham-Wymondham + 73210 to Thuxton.
47579 = ---- 1100 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47579 = ---- 1400 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey + 37609.
47579 = ---- 1600 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey + 73210.
47596 = ---- 1105 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47596 = ---- 1305 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham + 37609.
47596 = ---- 1605 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47596 = ---- 1805 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47643 = ---- 0958 Manuel-Bo'ness + 56105.
47643 = ---- 1058 Manuel-Bo'ness.
47643 = ---- 1158 Manuel-Bo'ness.
47643 = ---- 1258 Manuel-Bo'ness + 31190.
47643 = ---- 1358 Manuel-Bo'ness.
47643 = ---- 1458 Manuel-Bo'ness.
47643 = ---- 1558 Manuel-Bo'ness.
47643 = ---- 1658 Manuel-Bo'ness.
47643 = ---- 1758 Manuel-Bo'ness.
47643 = ---- 1858 Manuel-Bo'ness.
Other workings
47579 + 37609/73210 t'n't = 1005 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham(37)/ 1205 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham(73)/ 1505 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham(37)/ 1705 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham(37)/ 1900 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham(37).
47596 + 31235/37609 t'n't = 1000 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey(31)/ 1200 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey(31+37)/ 1500 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey(31)/ 1700 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey(31).
47643 t'n't various locos = 0930 Bo'ness-Manuel(26038)/ 1030 Bo'ness-Manuel(37175)/ 1130 Bo'ness-Manuel(55022)/ 1230 Bo'ness-Manuel(56312)/ 1330 Bo'ness-Manuel(37401)/ 1430 Bo'ness-Manuel(37175 + 37401)/ 1530 Bo'ness-Manuel(56105)/ 1630 Bo'ness-Manuel(55022)/ 1730 Bo'ness-Manuel(37401)/ 1830 Bo'ness-Manuel(37175).
Sunday 29/12/2013
47376 = 2C22 1200 Laverton-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = 2C34 1425 Laverton-Cheltenham Racecourse.
47376 = 2T27 1625 Cheltenham Racecourse-Toddington.
47579 = ---- 0900 Dereham-Wymondham + 31235 to Thuxton.
47579 = ---- 1100 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey.
47579 = ---- 1205 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47579 = ---- 1505 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47579 = ---- 1705 Wymondham NR boundary-Dereham.
47596 = ---- 1105 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham.
47643 = ---- 0930 Bo'ness-Manuel.
47643 = ---- 1230 Bo'ness-Manuel.
Other workings
47376 + steam t'n't = 2L15 1050 Cheltenham Racecourse-Laverton from Toddington(steam)/ 2L27 1320 Cheltenham Racecourse-Laverton(steam).
47579 + 37609/73210 t'n't = 1005 Wymondham Abbey-Dereham(37)/ 1400 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey(73)/ 1600 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey(37).
47596 + 31235 t'n't = 1000 Dereham-Wymondham Abbey(31).
47643 + 37401 t'n't = 0958 Manuel-Bo'ness(37)/ 1258 Manuel-Bo'ness(37).
Monday 30/12/2013
47376 = 2C26 1230 Laverton-Cheltenham Racecourse + steam in tandem.
47376 = 2L31 1400 Cheltenham Racecourse-Laverton.
Other workings
47376 + steam t'n't = 2C38 1505 Laverton-Cheltenham Racecourse to Toddington(steam).
47727 = 6E07 1450 Washwood Heath-Boston Docks/ 6M08 2020 Boston Docks-Washwood Heath.
Tuesday 31/12/2013
47805 = 1Z95 1754 Crewe-Barrow via Manchester P(reverse)-Crewe(reverse)-Preston-Carnforth + 47810 t'n't - Which led? Charter.
47805 = 1Z96 2242 Barrow-Crewe via Carnforth-Preston-Bolton-Manchester P-Heald Green + 47810 t'n't - Which led? Charter.
47810 = 1Z95 1754 Crewe-Barrow via Manchester P(reverse)-Crewe(reverse)-Preston-Carnforth + 47805 t'n't - Which led? Charter.
47810 = 1Z96 2242 Barrow-Crewe via Carnforth-Preston-Bolton-Manchester P-Heald Green + 47805 t'n't - Which led? Charter.
Other workings
47805 + 47810 t'n't = 0Z95 1602 Crewe Gresty Bridge-Crewe CS/ 5Z95 1735 Crewe CS-Crewe.
47853 = 0M18 2000 Crewe HS-Crewe Gresty Bridge.
Credits: 31466, 47712, AN, Andre, Steve B, Jon Benton, BigBird, Supersonic Boogie, Neil C, Shaun C, Charterboy, Crumb, Driff47844, Martin Duff, Nick Green, Mark47484, Kevin Melia, Nigel47417, Matt P, Steve Potter, Andy R, Richard1974, Glenn Rivett, Rob46010, Runcorn, Christopher Saxby, Nick Scott, Brian Sherrington, Matt Spencer, Strands, Michael Stuart, Mike T, Christopher Taylor, Mark Thomsen, Simon Travers, Bob Uppendown.